Test C 250 crashing


New member
The last vial I purged two filters into it and it keeps crashing. I vent it, heat it up and good for a few day and there it goes again into shards. What is going on here? 2%, 18% and rest oil.
Test C is really shitty for this!!! Here is what I suggest you do and works for me! First, honestly identify what temperature your gear is getting to at the location you store it. are you storing it in a cabinet that faces an outside wall and is it cold where you live? Are you keeping it in your car overnight in below 55 degree temps for lows? And lastly because this has happened, (from experience) are you keeping it in the manhole where your water meter is because your trying to keep it a secret from your wife lol..... Ha ha, if so then this is your culprit!!!! Test C at 250 will crash in the event that the temp gets lower than 55 or so.
Now you ask me "but starks, I had some Test C 250 from (a favorite UGL) and I kept it in colder temps and it didn't crash" Then I say "MY point as to the dosage of these UGL's that I've been telling you guys all along!!! They are underdosed!!! Not BETTER!" Underdosed Test C 250 will not crash at lower temps lest you put it in the freezer or some shit!!!!
Good powder, high quality Test C powder will indeed crash at 250 in mildly cold climates.
Also, I started putting 20% BB in my Test C 250 and it made it even harder to crash and then that is when I started my trip with using EO, once I went that route I never had a bottle crash on me again. BB at 20% and EO at 10% of oil volume and 250 works like a charm. Keep it in a room temp environment 70 degree.
Sitting in the back shelf of a cabinet that is on an outside wall in the cold is probably not as warm as in your living room in a desk drawer or some such shit.
You nailed Bro! That vial sits here by my desk under a window, the rest are stored along an inside wall. I am going 3%, 20% and 10% EO from now on. Thanks man :)
You nailed Bro! That vial sits here by my desk under a window, the rest are stored along an inside wall. I am going 3%, 20% and 10% EO from now on. Thanks man :)

Yeah bro! This has happened to me a few times before I figured it out!!! Breezes from a window will definately cause REAL DOSED Test C 250 to crash!!! Go look at a thread posted about UncleZ and his Test C crashing, has some really good pics to scope out too. I saw this maybe a year ago.... This is a common occurance. That is why 90% of the Test C you see advertised at 250mg and 300mg from our UGL's I know is UNDERDOSED!!!! Because it NEVER crashes!!!!!!!!!!! You can put that shit in the fucking fridge and it never crashes!!!! Now we brewers have what we KNOW is REAL test c powder and we brew it at a very low and modest 250 and it crashes that easily? and you want me to beleive these UGL's have some secret no crashing potion??? That their shit is not underdosed? With all the info floating around..... there is a secret no crashing potion??? NOT!!! No way bro, toooooo much info and revealed practices for there to be some secret no crash potion. Fact is and let's face it, you cant trust anyones gear anymore (even the fucking CORPORATE pharmacy shit) except your own!!!!!! I don't trust BIG CORPORATIONS!!!! And our pharmaceutical companies are some of the BIGGEST corporations in the world!!!! And as recent history has shown us..... CORPORATIONS are SCAMMERS and THIEFS!!!!
Big money power play MF'ers are always going to shit on us until WE have "our day". Exactly the reason I got into this: sick of getting burned and seeing my Bro's getting screwed over. I can't save the world and not sure I'd do it if I could. But a select handful of peeps and myself are getting realshit now.
Big money power play MF'ers are always going to shit on us until WE have "our day". Exactly the reason I got into this: sick of getting burned and seeing my Bro's getting screwed over. I can't save the world and not sure I'd do it if I could. But a select handful of peeps and myself are getting realshit now.

Second that shit bro!!! Just keep brewing and keep making mistakes, everyone did and does. You will get it all down and figure it all out. Play with heating and stirring methods and size of brews and filtering techniques and trust me when I say you will figure all this shit out. It will be so evident when you do fuck up, what the problem is and where you fucked up at once you get the mindset for it. You know, like who would ever think something like a little temp difference from an outside wall of a house vs the center of your home making a difference??? You just start thinking like that though the more shit you make and the more problems you run into and it just comes natural to figure out the problem as you go!!!
All my shit is getting a tester kept in fridge overnight! I'll make a TC250 sample with EO just to make it crash in frig. I love this shit.
I have concluded that one vial was subject to crashing due to using cold oil to purge the filters. After reheating the problem vial and then again crashing I fully understand your point on heat penetration and the resistance oil and the glass itself has on temps. After running the subject vial up to 225F, removing the vial and shaking and re-baking for 3 times I placed in fridge all night and no crash. This explains why the main batch of vials didn't crash: they were baked after I filled them. I baked as "sterilization" but in turn that produced a more stable product.
I have concluded that one vial was subject to crashing due to using cold oil to purge the filters. After reheating the problem vial and then again crashing I fully understand your point on heat penetration and the resistance oil and the glass itself has on temps. After running the subject vial up to 225F, removing the vial and shaking and re-baking for 3 times I placed in fridge all night and no crash. This explains why the main batch of vials didn't crash: they were baked after I filled them. I baked as "sterilization" but in turn that produced a more stable product.

Be careful bro at those temps 225 F for those lengths of time that you're not crashing anymore because you are destroying ALL the hormone in your vial so that it's not possible it will crash!!!!!! You see, baking to high of temp and heat in general for toooo long will KILL your hormone, actually neutralizing it, or destroying it rendering it unable to crash because there is no longer a stable hormone molecule left in high enough concentrations to crash hence it wont crash. This is why perfect temps are vital to all this, too much too long can destroy your hormone leaving your batch severely underdosed and of course it will not crash!!! As minimal amount of heat and length of time you can in order to get the batch to hold but not destroy the hormone either!!!
Thank gawd I didn't cook the whole batch just my purged/personal vial. I kept my purge vial as my own in case the purge dropped those dosage.
I would stick with 20% BB with C always. EO is also a safe move here. With your crashed goods, add .5 ml bb/10ml product, shake and heat. If it hasn't gone back into solution in like 15 minutes, repeat. If this doesn't work, might be trashed. Alter your injection amounts appropriately.
Be careful bro at those temps 225 F for those lengths of time that you're not crashing anymore because you are destroying ALL the hormone in your vial so that it's not possible it will crash!!!!!! You see, baking to high of temp and heat in general for toooo long will KILL your hormone, actually neutralizing it, or destroying it rendering it unable to crash because there is no longer a stable hormone molecule left in high enough concentrations to crash hence it wont crash. This is why perfect temps are vital to all this, too much too long can destroy your hormone leaving your batch severely underdosed and of course it will not crash!!! As minimal amount of heat and length of time you can in order to get the batch to hold but not destroy the hormone either!!!

I wouldn't say that 225F will kill the hormone dude. I'd say that you are safe until you reach pretty ferocious temps.
No loss of hormone I can detect. this TC250 is as good as any I've done and better than most :)

Sometimes my wording isn't the best but if you really read my post, I didn't say that you HAD in fact destroyed any hormone I said "Be careful that at those heats and lengths of time that you (AREN'T) detroying your hormone!!!"
Number two, EVEN 205 F can destroy the structure of hormones!!!!!!!!!! Just depends on the LENGTH of time it stays at that temp!!!!
If you take a batch up to 205 and hold it there for 1 week I can assure you that you will have a vial full of destroyed hormone!!!!!!!!!!! Heat at certain lengths of time will destroy hormone!!!!! When powders are not kept in the fridge and at room temps they WILL oxidize faster than in the fridge, Yeah maybe it takes a few years depending on how old it was before you got it but non-the-less it will become destroyed at room temp and even in the fridge, it just takes more time.

HEAT, no matter what heat speeds this process up!!! At 205 I'm sure it would take a pretty long time especially once it is mixed in with the heat resistant oils but the point is, AS MINIMAL AMOUNT OF HEAT TO GET THE JOB DONE NECESSARY!!!! AND 225 IS MORE THAN IS NEEDED!!! ESPECIALLY FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME.
Also, not every bit of your hormone is in great structural tactness!!!! In a 100gram bag of Test E for example there are hundreds of molecules of test e that are about to loose an atom of carbon or an atom of oxygen or on the verge of losing a bond here or there!!! In other words some of the molecules are damaged (not many) and these are the first to become destroyed in heat. So even very minimal amounts of heat are needed to finish these molecules off making your gear less potent. Think about a dog that is bred alllllll the time, over the course of breeding this dog they may have 15-20 total pups and out of those say 20 there might be 2 deformed and 2 that die outright!!! Same exact thing in the synthesizing process for chemicals and hormones etc...
So to make sure not to lose those weaker molecules of Test you need as little heat as possible for as little time as possible BUT enough to get the job done!!!!