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greetings yall
I'll keep it short..severe ed on test only cycle..6 weeks in test cyp 500mg/week..due to the fact that the little guy wont get hard enough I started aromasin about 3 weeks ago at 12.5mg/day, also started Hcgenerate about 3 weeks ago...Got the BLOODWORK done yesterday and here are the results....please help as ED still exists :(

Looks like you have very low estraidol. You need to cut that asin dosage down bud. 6.25 each day. How the hell did that dose get you so low? Crashed estraidol will cause ed. Maybe take a few days off the asin, but you still gotta tone down that dosage. Your test levels are very high for the dose of test that you are running, and that is a good thing. Good luck bud and hopefully others chime in.

Edit: Are you sure that is only 500mg of test? Your levels are off the chart for 500mg. It seems like your test could be dosed higher than what you think.
Positive on the test being 500mg/week...how long should i lay off the aroma for? also is HCGENERATE even worth it coz my system is LH FSH are still low?
Positive on the test being 500mg/week...how long should i lay off the aroma for? also is HCGENERATE even worth it coz my system is LH FSH are still low?

your LH and FSH are low because you are on a cycle , running exogenous test shuts down your hpta completely
I thought that HcGnerate would help get out of that shutdown..also the ED issue was pre existent even before I started the aromasin.. man this ED is killing me and I cant wait to get back to normal...what other suggestions do yall have?
I thought that HcGnerate would help get out of that shutdown..also the ED issue was pre existent even before I started the aromasin.. man this ED is killing me and I cant wait to get back to normal...what other suggestions do yall have?

Stop the AI, and NOTHING can overpower the negative feedback loop of the HPTA. By the way, hcgenerate is NOT the same thing as HCG.
how long should I stop the AI for and should I try to get the HcG as well?

I would stop the aromasin until you start getting some good wood. This usually lets me know when my e2 is in a good range for me personally. I've been on both ends of the spectrum as far as e2 and I would much rather have it on the high side than none at all. Hcg is always a good idea to run on cycle to keep that lifeline to your nuts.
thanks for the tips yall...one more question..can i add CLEN at the end of the cycle for weeks..is it worth it? is it safe?
thanks for the tips yall...one more question..can i add CLEN at the end of the cycle for weeks..is it worth it? is it safe?

I'd be careful once you've come off the AAS as your body is trying to recover. But if you want to run it 2 on 2 off for a month, you're fine.