test cyp gels up


New member
the past 3 months, i've been on test cyp 250mg/ml made by Q-Pharma in spain. excellent results, smooth as butter to pin. but as it comes in a 2ml amp, and i am pinning 250mg twice a week, i have to preload my next pin for later in the week. a few times the 2nd pin has turned to a gel. it still pins well, and no adverse reactions. any thoughts or similar experiences? i'm thinking its because the room where i store my stash is a bit cold.
well i know that under about 60 degress test cyp crystalizes.... it isnt harmful though. from what i know. then again im just a newbie
the past 3 months, i've been on test cyp 250mg/ml made by Q-Pharma in spain. excellent results, smooth as butter to pin. but as it comes in a 2ml amp, and i am pinning 250mg twice a week, i have to preload my next pin for later in the week. a few times the 2nd pin has turned to a gel. it still pins well, and no adverse reactions. any thoughts or similar experiences? i'm thinking its because the room where i store my stash is a bit cold.

My cyp was doing the same thing. Yes i think the problem was that my room was too cold too. I posted this 1-2 weeks ago and yeah i was told to simply heat it up.

The first time i heated it with body heat by sitting on the 10ml vial for 7-8minutes. It re-liquifyed. And haven't had any problems. Now i heat the vial with hot water.

Do notice that there are still a few little tiny floaters though once its been heated. I don't know what thats about. If someone knows or has any input on the floaters. Maybe its just tiny cyp crystalizations. dunno.