Test Deca Sdrol

Just finished up my workout tonight, hit delts and traps. Felt like a fuckin beast tonight, sdrol had me feeling good, strength is already starting to go up, having some really deep sleeps thanks to the ghrp and mod grf. Already loving this cycle so far. Libido is already high horny as fuck all day hehe time to go get my a gf !! will check my weight tomorrow. btw has anyone used ergopep?? thinkin about pickin up their cjc 1295 and wanna know if its good to go. thanks
Weighed myself this morning, starting weight was 202.4 today was 209.5 so already makin some progress!! did my second shot this morning to my left quad, it was painless and easy. although a little bit of oil started coming out when i pulled the needle out of my quad, i put some pressure on it and it went right away. Today is officially one week in on the sdrol, definitely liking how fast it has kicked in.
Been havin a little bit of pain lately in my liver but kinda ignored i thought it was just being too bloated from all the food ive been eating, woke up this morning and this bitch hurts!!! lol hurts to breathe and feel bloated on an empty stomach, damn you sdrol! going to pick up some milk thistle asap.
Had a great leg workout last night, definitely noticing some strength gains so far.
Yeah i never really had that with dbol till atleast 4-5weeks in, its only been a week ive been on this and it already hurts. Found my liver formula tho so should be all good now. It was hard to gauge off of legs, i have been doing squats as of lately at 4x20x225, last night i finished with 315 for 10 reps which i thought was pretty decent for the first time going heavy, weights that are usually pretty heavy i did more reps with, leg press i finished with 12 reps with 8 plates, seated leg curl and seated leg extension both went up by a little bit. Like i said its a little bit harder to gauge with legs just cuz ive been doing more high rep training rather than heavy weight. ill have a better idea after i do arms tonight.
Ehh there decent for not bein very big. id like to see 4 plates for high reps this cycle. thats the goal. so when i go back to high volume squats i can start gettin 315x15 or 20
Quick update, the last two days i have had a pulled muscle that was caught in my ribs and has made it hell on me, hurt to breathe, move, eat, lay down, it was terrible pain, so i took friday and saturday off, couldnt follow my diet bc i could not eat due to the pain, rubbed icy hot on it last night and epsom salt bath to loosen it up a little, woke up this morning feeling much better, still hurts but is much more tolerable. i will see a chiropractor tomorrow and get straightened out, also will be getting back on my diet tomorrow, i was worried it was my liver so i stopped sdrol the last two days and ghrp cjc as well, started both of those again this morning. i got s a little scared about my liver so i had my guy send me some test prop that will be here tomorrow i think so i might switch to that.
So i went to the chiropractor today got some electric stim done on my rib area and got adjusted, feelin a little bit looser still sore tho, goin back again tomorrow. I had by 3rd injection today in right quad everything went smooth. Ended up doin arms tonight since i missed them friday and that was about they only thing i was able to do with being sore still. Strength is still goin up, vascularity is lookin real nice, can already tell im gettin bigger, that sdrol is no joke, good stuff. had great pumps tonight, felt like a beastt! not sure what im weighin in at since i missed a couple days of diet since i wasnt able to eat.
Hi peeps, wanted to update, i weighed in at 209.4 on an empty stomach this morning, so im 7lbs up from starting weight so far. Im feeling a lot better with my right side now, still cant do some lifts in the gym tho. Did back last night got a good workout strength is feeling real nice from the sdrol. Gonna be adding my hcg in to the cycle either tomorrow or friday, real happy with how everything is goin, feel like gains are good for not even two weeks in. Ill update tonight after my shoulder workout.
Yeah id say most of its probably water lol, no way i gained 7lbs of muscle that quick. I would compare it to dbol probably, just kicks in a lil quicker.
Yeah id say most of its probably water lol, no way i gained 7lbs of muscle that quick. I would compare it to dbol probably, just kicks in a lil quicker.

Gotcha - yeah and especially with such fast strength gains, sounds like def some water retention. I love it though, I may look 'smoother' from the dbol, but the the strength gains are WELL worth it IMO!