So i went to pin left quad today as usual on thursdays, went in okay, there was a little pain but nothing out of the norm. Aspirated at usual, nothing, went to inject and the plunger wouldn't move forward, i was pressing down pretty damn hard too, wouldn't budge. so i took it out, switched swapped needles and pinned again in a different spot.. Holy fuck ! i hit a nerve and pulled that bitch out so damn quick, scared the shit out of me. Soooo i said fuck it, i have some 1.5 inch pins im gonna pin glute for the first time, after prepping everything and cleaning it i couldn't do it, i was shakey from hitting a nerve for the first time and it was awkward as hell trying to turn around, so i didnt pin, did the same thing again got ready and didnt pin. finally after like 45 mintures of being a fat puss i laid down and injected right glute.. smooth as hell, i did move the needle around quite a bit while trying to aspirate so ill probably be feeling that shit tomorrow, but i am definitely a new fan of glute, didnt even feel that shit. pretty stoked i got a new spot to inject, im still too scared to try delts.