Biggie I dont believe in dropping test doses (from offseason doses to pre contest doses) down at all...
What I do is my first 6 weeks of precontest gear cycle will look basically the same as a normal offseason cycle...Test, Deca, D-bol, Arimadex, ect ,ect...As the show gets closer (6 weeks out) I drop the long acting test for a faster acting test (such as Test prop or suspension) and use that...Also, will change up the cycle a bit to faster acting gear in general...such as EQ, WV, Tren ,ect, ect...The thing to remember is to use Anti-E's all the way through out the whole pre-contest phase...My choice anti-E is Arimadex at 1mg (EOD) all the way through...I will also throw in Novadex the last week at 40mg (ED) and up the Arimdex (if needed) to 1mg (ED).....
hope that helps