Test dosage while cutting.........


Steelers = SuperBowl
Just want to hear from some of you serious competitors as to how much you drop your weekly test dosage when starting a contest diet.

I dropped mine to 600mg/wk and am thinking that this might be a tad low. Hence this thread.

I've been doing 100mg ed of prop while cutting but I'm not getting ready for a contest. Most of the contests I have done were tested so I had to use short esters and make sure to clean out in time for the show I have gone as low as 525mg (75mg/ed) and as high as 1050mg (150mg/ed) which was a little high IMO.
Biggie I dont believe in dropping test doses (from offseason doses to pre contest doses) down at all...

What I do is my first 6 weeks of precontest gear cycle will look basically the same as a normal offseason cycle...Test, Deca, D-bol, Arimadex, ect ,ect...As the show gets closer (6 weeks out) I drop the long acting test for a faster acting test (such as Test prop or suspension) and use that...Also, will change up the cycle a bit to faster acting gear in general...such as EQ, WV, Tren ,ect, ect...The thing to remember is to use Anti-E's all the way through out the whole pre-contest phase...My choice anti-E is Arimadex at 1mg (EOD) all the way through...I will also throw in Novadex the last week at 40mg (ED) and up the Arimdex (if needed) to 1mg (ED).....

hope that helps

im not as knowledgeable at precontest strategy as the bodybuilders , but it seems to me that dropping the test wouldnt be the way to go , you could just up the anti estrogens 1-2 weeks out to eliminate all bloat from the test 1 week of almost comlete suppression of estrogen shouldnt be that unhealthy just back the anti e dose post contest , but what do i know im just a dumb ol powerlifter lol
I plan on keeping my doses pretty high right through the contest, somewhere in the vicinity of 800-1000mg per week of test, 600mg week EQ, and will also throw in some masteron and possibly anavar as well
needsize said:
I plan on keeping my doses pretty high right through the contest, somewhere in the vicinity of 800-1000mg per week of test, 600mg week EQ, and will also throw in some masteron and possibly anavar as well
bro are you using anti es or do you bloat a lot from test , thereason i ask is that i dont bloat very much from test at less than 1000 mg per week funny thing is i bloat like a blimp on 30 mg of dbol a day go figure
I will use anti-e's when dieting as I dont want to take any chances with estrogen fat gains, but I've got liquidex and arimidex so it shouldnt be a problem
i think it all depends on ur body...genetics plays a big role here....when i diet down for a show i always drop my dosage to 250 mgs a wk... i also throw in there tren, clen, anavar, and winny...i maintain good size and i dont see the need for such high test dosages...if u need that much test, maybe its cause ur diet sucks (no disrespect) and ur losing too much size....check ur diet and training...if u cant maintain ur muscle mass cause of dieting, then theres something there u have to fix...

I'm about to do 50mg ED of Tren and 75mg ED of Test for 8 weeks.

I got plenty of Nolva on hand, do you people think it will be as good as Arimidex for an anti-e during cycle at 10-15mg ED?
i am with Chris250 here. the people i help- on a 12 week diet the first 6 weeks look like a offseason cycle. then switch to prop./WV/tren. among other things!!
test is a unique hormone. if test levels get low men tend to put on weight (BF). Test doesnt cause weight gain (water, BF) E, P and I do. now with that being said i have found that upping test to 3g/week, in conjunction with ana and Winstrol (winny) leans me out. if the e,p and I are kept in check test will lean you out at somewhat lower doses as well.

Tren is another great drug for either bulking or leaning out. It has similar properties to GH in this regard. I have tried every stack imaginable and found this to be true. There is no better base for a stack for bulking or leaning than tren/test. Tren at 150-300mg/d will dry you out and give incredible strength gains. at lower doses 100mg/d or less I increase in body weight. Winstrol (winny) and ana will keep the sides to a minimum even at elevated doses.

I am not a fan of dbol and anadrol. temporary gains which are always lost when administration is stopped.
pullinbig, just cursious as to how many cycles you have done? Those doses seem pretty high. 3/gweek for test and tren at 150-300mg ED. I dont understand though, how do you increase body wieght at lower doses and get dry with high doses? Can you explain the reason for this. You would think if 100mg of tren would make you gain wieght then 300 would make you gain a little more wieght, not dry you out. Im not questioning your experience, this just intrests me very much since I started tren for the first time with 75mg ED. Im currently on test, tren, and EQ.
to be honest i dont know the chemistry that is taking place. i just know from experience that tren at high doses always makes me loose weight. I have read that it is an effective fat burner as well as a potent diuretic. but i havent seen any lab results showing this other than myself. Now at lower doses the tren will not have the leaning effects as at higher doses but will still have the great strength increase that is common with tren. after a certain point tren has deminishing returns on strenght. in other words 1g will not give twice the rsults as 500mg/week. the way i found out that tren leans you out is that the closer i get to a meet the more i up my tren. the first couple of times i did this i lost weight but strenght went up. I have since cut ti back before meets to keep my weight up. all powerlifters i know that need to make weight always use tren the last month or so to drop weight esp if they were not using anti Es and doing a lot of anadrol/dbol or long ester tests. I have also noticed that tren makes me pee alot at higher doses which goes along with what i have read about tren being a potent diuretic at higher doses.

as far as cycles go i never come off for more than a week or two. and this only cause i get tired of stickin myself.

i met jay cutler a year ago or so (damn he is swole)and asked him what kinda gear he did and he said test and tren where his favorites. of cource he was doing a lot more stuff but he built his cycles around those two.

there are three hormones that work very well together to produce great strenght gains a well as a good build up of lean muscle. test/tren/winny. you dont need anything else. I have done it all and this is the best stack in my opinion and that includes hgh. i love gh but it is so damn expensive and just not worth the cost me. also with the test/tren/winny cycle if you do come off you gonna keep most of yor gains.

i may also add that i dont do much over a g/week of tren anymore because it did lean me out so quickly. I normally dont do 3g test /week but at times go higher than that. a great cycle for some one just starting out and really wants a big bang would be 1g test/week, 500mg tren /week and 350mg Winstrol (winny) per week. add ana at 1mg/d along with clo at 100mg/d one out of every 3 weeks. I promise you will have great strenght gains and put on some really impressive meat if nutrition and training are in place. at these doses 2g/lb of BW for protein is a must. no matter how much juice you do if you ant got the nutrition down pat you may not get any gains.

hope i answered you questions bimmer. I will also add that 5g/week of juice is not unheard of, least not round here. =0)
thanks for the advice! But me being on my 2nd cycle, would it be wise to take that much. Im all for it believe me, I would love to take those doses, but from what everyone here tells me I just dont need that much the second time around. First cycle was test eth 500mg weekly for 12 weeks, deca at 300mg for 8 weeks and dbol at 25mg ED for 3 weeks. My 2nd cycle I decided to change up from what I originally planned. I started out planning 12 week bulker. Started with 400mg test cyp a week for 12 Weeks, dbol at 40mg weeks 1-6 and 9-12 and tren at 75mg ED weeks 9-12. The dbol bloated me way way too much so I decided not to bring it back. I decided to stay on a little longer and add some other thing else. Now I will be running EQ at 500mg weeks 9-18, tren 75mg ED weeks 9-12 (will be getting more at 100mg ED and run it for another 3 weeks) and test at 500mg through week 18. Currently 230 lbs with some water. What do you think? any changes?
Biggie, sorry bro, I didnt even realize it but Im hijacking your thread. Ill take it elsewhere after this.
thanks for the advice! But me being on my 2nd cycle, would it be wise to take that much. Im all for it believe me, I would love to take those doses, but from what everyone here tells me I just dont need that much the second time around.

now to be honest thats not that much. I would never suggest to anyone to get below 1g test/week. this aint hormone replacement therapy. and also you said you well over 200lbs so thats even more reason to up the test. I dont put a lot of stock into what everyone around here says either. there are a handfull of folks on here that i enjoy what they have to say because they share thier experince and not thier opinion.

I am not a dbol fan unless you competing in strong man or powerlifting. quick as they come the gains leave as well after adminstration is stopped.

test/tren/eq is a decent stack. do it the duration of the cycle. 1g test/w, 500mg tren/w, and 500mg eq/w. add ana and clo as i mentioned and you be good to go. the reason i like Winstrol (winny) so good is that it is an anti E of sorts with good strength/size gains. it goes with tren like a hotdog goes with mustard. synergistic affect. like test and gh. they just go together. this cycle will keep the water down as well.

my theory is "if you gonna do a cycle then do a cycle". you dont half ass at the gym or with your diet so why half ass on the juice?

keep an eye on BP and a few other sides that COULD pop up and if they do deal with them accordingly. because of new found ways to safely cycle, more and more are staying on year around with far less sides that the athletes of old.
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I am going to get more gear shortly. I will then get enough to run 1g of test instead of 500 as I orginally planned, and the tren I will be going to 100mg ED for another 3 weeks as I was planning on doing anyway. The eq I already have. BTW what is ANA?