Test E 400mg/cc

I've done and used 500mg/ml, in this concentration you always expect some pain and lump in the area. The area where it does not bother me is the shoulder... The only site where I really had a problem was in the quads, at this conc, I took almost a week without moving my leg much.

using it along with lower concentrated stuff, to bring down concentrations of about 300/350 sould be enough to give no problems.
Will test e at 400mgs/ml hold with just BA,bb, and SO. Also will test c hold at 300mg/ml with just the BA,bb, and SO?

Just curious

If you want to try making high concentration gear see if adding 50%EO and 50% oil..cuts down the pain i have noticed
I've learned to just mix it at 250/300 and take bigger shots. I grew tired of limping around during my experimental years.