I honestly, didnt see significant lean mass increases until weeks 8/9/10.. I feel like I haven't progressed as well as I had expected to, I went 2-3 weeks (weeks 5,6,7) without gaining a whole lb..
I had to adjust my T4 dosage mid cycle because of a drug interaction with Testosterone. My bloodwork shows my Test is high, even at my lowest point of the week so I'm glad I made the adjustment when I did.
I feel like this is something that should be considered as had I known when I began the cycle I would have dialed down my medication earlier and seen gains from the week 5 mark.
So, if you're taking any meds, check for interactions, because Test is a med as well and if your Dr was administering them, you'd expect him to know if two drugs together could be counterproductive right?
Food for thought. Gains will come soon though. Good luck man, and keep slamming food and throwing weight!