Test E cycle before & after pics.

HA! Had to register for this one. Did you ever lift a weight prior to taking this? That was fucking retarded, but whats done is done. Take another cycle buddy
ugl r shit! if u want to look good! mind u it doesent happen over night! u need to eat well, train hard and get real gear! it may cost a bit more but at least u will see results, gaining 10lbs in a week not results it called water retention and fat.
LOL you guys are fucking retarded, he only used 250 mg a week and got alot bigger, sure hes not cut but he just needs to cut for about a month and take some clen and hell b much better than he was when he started.. but to say he looked better b4 he started is a joke, he was a little toy b4
I honestly cant see much of a difference between the pics, most likely due to a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test for 8 weeks. In the first pic it doesnt look like he was near ready to even touch steroids.
cause im gonna say this:

Jeeze, what a tardo cycle, im only 21 years old and look wayyy better than this piece of garbage.

And i havent even done any cycles yet, was searching for info on cycles but this is a complete joke :D
I can see the difference, bigger legs/chest/arms
Your chest has gotten bigger, thats probably why its pushing the fat out more.
250mg is simply not enough man, thats like 1.2-1.6 Free Test in your body.
I mean, its more then a natural would produce, but its stupid because your going to kill your HPTA, take a higher dosage while your at it.