TEST E/DBOL cycle log

Im thinking about running Test E for 250mg a week for 10 weeks just to see my results & see how side affects. I might just end up doing 500mg a week the only thing thats really holding me back is the acne. Not really looking foward to it but i see people at the gym you know are on steriods yet have spotless skin. & Dont ever take deca. Shit makes your dick go soft for 6months it will do you no good haha but i havent really heard about Dbol. Looking for what to do with my steriod i feel as if it might be fake idk
Pinned yesterday in left buttock and felt no pain a few days after which was quite strange. People are really starting to notice a different. my traps and back have grown the most and from behind my profile is getting bigger.

Measurements taken today:

Biceps: 15 inch - +1 inch
Chest: 40.75 Inch - + 1.75 inch
Quads: 24 inch - = 1.75 inch
Di3go 93:

you are right to be aprehensive and want to check the side effects as this is a serious embarkment. but I wouldnt waste your time. your not really going to get side effects from 250mg. a scientific study showed 600mg per week to be the starting point at which people got side effects...

go in to this with the expectation that your going to get side effects.

Your going to get acne so clean yourself with exfoliation scrub before bed and in the morning.

Your nipples will at somepoint become tender. so make sure your supplier has arimidex in stock or you could buy tamoxifen and take 20mg every other day or take it when symptoms arise.

Your testicles will shrink at somepoint. you can take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500mg a week from the offset to prevent or do a 10 day blast after last pin or start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at week 8 and carry on until end of pct. which ever is fine just do your research.

I have had frequent erections and they have been increasingly harder that off cycle. they come at random times and the mere thought of a woman can give you one. so i dont think worrying about a soft dick is a valid concern.
hows the cycle going bro??? have you any updates for us??? size gains,pb's in lifts or reps???
Yes I may take some 3 week progress pics for you. Traps are bigger. every shirt is tight around the sleeves. I fill up every top and some shoulder diffinition is prominant now. As for lifting. Im consistantly able to increase the weight at 2.5kg every workout. Starting to get first signs of acne. Went to see an expert on steroids that advised that its wrong to take 500mg test per week because im wasting my money as most will be aromatised. I may aswell stick to 250mg per week because its mostly going to get used. Im going to a proffesional seminar next week to get the full facts and figures so will maybe report back on what the result of that is
nice one bro,have you any had other sides apart from the acne?? are you going to put progress pics up or just waiting till the end of your cycle??im at a seminar aswell next week in carlisle,were abouts are ya in england?? im north west
Progress pictures for just under 4 weeks


Here are some progress pics:

Measurements today are

chest : 41.5 inch
bicep : 16inch
quad: 26inch

big difference in back appearance and shoulders have grown which I am chuffed about because bad genetics mean i had no shoulders
Not a good day to day. went to the doctors as had pain and she diagnosed it as an infection so been put on anti-biotics for 1 week and if not il have to have surgery for an incinsion and drain which could dent my cycle.

every time i inject into my right glute i always get a hard lump and pain and it dies down after a few days. this time it didnt. but i never get any issues from my left glute.. im going to have to rotate and start injecting with small blues in my tricep which im not looking forward to.

finished DBOL at 50mg for 25 days yesterday and saw some pretty good gains off it and now im 4 weeks in and the test should start to show its tru colours

Rant about my doctor. Im from the UK and I went to see the doctor about my injection infection and got a lecture on the risks and effects of steroids which i appreciate but the doctor conflicted everything i knew about anabolics..

the following are statements a british GP made:

Testosterone isnt a steroid. she gets people come in all the time saying they inject steroids and upon questioning it turns out there on test only..my steroid dealer aparently conned me for selling me test as a steroid...."i asked him for test and thats what I got!"

Test itself apparently wont build muscle. I will just grow bitch tits and get acne and corse hair.

tamoxifen is getting terminated by the NHS and women will no longer accept treatment with this due to side effects. apparently i should just come off the test with no pct even at 12 weeks. i shouldnt even do Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as my test will come back to normal.

i challenged her and said i would loose my gains as the catabolic hormones will over power the crashed anabolic hormones and she agreed and retracted her statement.

im shocked as she is a doctor and i have read many studies from credible resources about test and it didnt match her statements.

she did say your injecting in the right place. she asked me why i take steroids for cosmetic reasons at the detriment to my long term health and i openly said i have body dismorphia where I feel it is impericle that I have muscles for me to be happy with myself.

she also said dont take protien shakes as they are bad for your kidneys... I dont drink or smoke or do drugs and eat a healthy diet with regular exercise so surely my choice of drug are better than bieng an alcaholic or obese.
started using PHD V-MAX pre workout supplement and found this shoulder workout more productive. I got a few more reps out of every set at 2.5kg higher than last week. infection still a little sore. going to inject in delt tommorow.

Note to those using amps. take the time to score the neck as i think the cause of my absess was when i snapped of the neck and the glass shattered into some pretty fine pieces. i think this got into the shringe because i use a pink drawing needle which is quite a big guage so a little shard could of got caught in there.
infection is starting to subside. no pain. anti-biotics worked well. still a little lump underneath skin that is smaller. did an experiment to see if a small shard of glass could have passed through and it didnt pass through needle so i put it down to bacteria getting passed skin barrier. i now swab area with 6 wipes and wait until dry. injected in upper quad yesterday. no pain on injection and no pain today so will do it there for a few weeks.
infection gone no lump. narrowly escaped a big hold in my arse. diet is going great. necking down some serious food. changing my work out plan to incorporate strength training in the form of 5/3/1 training. and then 3 hypertrophy excersizes consiting of 5sets 10 reps.
today marks week 5. so almost half way through cycle and the main thing i am liking is people treating me differently. i got interupted from my workout on monday to fill in on some random 5 a side soccer tournement as thier mate didnt show. i felt like a good run about. last time i played football was when i was a useless skinny stoner rat 4 years ago. i would get pushed all over place. now i noticed people were hesitant to tackle me. and i could just litterly run at full pelt down the court and the players would just make way. i could punt that ball proper hard like. nearly took the goalies head straight off his neck. loved it.

My strength is going up. im capable of more and more and just when i think im at my limit i can just do another rep. Im training 10 reps of my 1 rep maxs that i did the day before i started cycle. I feel amazing.

starting to confide alot more in heavy metal music which is wierd. i do feel aggression towards annoying situations and wont back down in an arguement. i used to preach that theres no such thing as roid rage but i believe you can feel increased agression. not outright uncontrollable rage.

loving the gym sessions. roaring louder. lifting heavier all good. Will deffinatly be doing another cycle next year
yes i shall put some up this thursday to mark 6 weeks into cycle. the last i took at 3 weeks so we shall see if there were a difference.

chest 42 inch biceps 16 inch as of today
Are you a newbie to using gear? I'm curious because I've never used gear and I'm about to for first time within a few weeks. Dbol and Sustanon (sust) 250 or perhaps test e
thanks for the comments.

Irish: I am a newbie to gear and training. i have started at 17 or so stone and skinny fat last january and spent 2011 loosing weight and got to 12 st 8lbs this january so started my first bulk with gear. i could get some gains natrually but i enjoy the progress in size and strength on a week by week basis and doing it natrually would annoy me because I wouldnt notice to much of a difference and would take me years to get to where i want to get to. So dont feel like you have to be training for 3 years min. As long as your over 21 and your in this for the long haul and you know about the importance of diet and correct form training then taking test or Sustanon (sust) is going to be a good supplement to ensure optimum muscle growth. with the correct post cycle therapy (pct) you can keep your gains and remember to keep the bulking diet going through post cycle therapy (pct).

My supplier had run out of testoviron in ampules as I needed some more as I shattered loads in my first few weeks. So i have switched to pro-chem Sustanon (sust) 250 for the last 6 weeks of the cycle.