My first cycle - test e 500mg week

i have been on sustanon cycle's before " Test Only cycles" and usually week 4 i start to feel a huge diference in pumps and size and just keeps getting better from there, right now i am cycling Test C at 400mg a week and on my second week, coming up to my forth pin on thurs :)
U have pics u can post of before starting the cycle and what u look like right now on week 5?

I don't think I look any different... I don't feel any different anyway and I've only gained a few lb, I'm not sure though ill update with pics week 8 then again week 15 :)
Ok I'm something like 11 pins in or something I'm not quite sure lol and on mobile so too much effore to go back and look at my OP but I've gained around 5lb in the past 4 days or so, probably water weight but that to me is a sign that the test is about to kick hopefully. Will update tomorow after gym if strength has increased at all on bench press.
Ohhhh and almost forgot libido has increased a bit, not so much hard ons all the time, but every female I see starts a film I'm my head of me penetrating them from every angle...
Also a few pimples here and there on my ass + back
hey snoot not trying to bust your balls although u r too young and could have done a fair bit more research before starting cycle, a few things also im suprised no1 has mentioned

- cycle is pretty long i would consider dropping it to 10 or 12 weeks pref 10 considering your age
- put clomid in pct
- mayb even put a bit more detail up for your diet saying u have 180g protein and 3500cal doesn't say all that much.
- your workout routine needs far more work then just changing volume, and why do you not work legs?
hey snoot not trying to bust your balls although u r too young and could have done a fair bit more research before starting cycle, a few things also im suprised no1 has mentioned

- cycle is pretty long i would consider dropping it to 10 or 12 weeks pref 10 considering your age
- put clomid in pct
- mayb even put a bit more detail up for your diet saying u have 180g protein and 3500cal doesn't say all that much.
- your workout routine needs far more work then just changing volume, and why do you not work legs?

Age doesn't mean shit as long as ýour not still growing, find me a credible source that says otherwise...
15 weeks is perfect because I'm 6 weeks in and only starting to kick in now. Did u notice I have no dbol? why would a shorter cycle suffice? Elaborate please...
Been considering clomid, reason no clomid is because I don't want to be like a girl for 21 days. Besides nolva is better than clomid post cycle to stimulate testosterone production and reduce estrogen. I MAY use clomid in the end I'm still considering it
I will not lie about diet, I dirty bulk, it is not a clean diet, this doesn't mean I'm eating kfc every day,its just not 100% perfect. I'm probably getting in about 4000+ cal a day now. I decided this was ok considering my bf is 9%.
my workout routine is fine. I do 5 exersizes 3 sets of 8 for primary muscle group then 3-4 for secondary.
your right about legs I should have started doing them sooner but I have added them in now.

If yóur going to critisize my training routine, give some constructive critisism and suggest something or don't comment at all.

And I don't see what you mean when yóu say I could have done more research? Explain that? if you say that because of my age and the fact I'm not using clomid then you are wrong because I have considered both and made decisions based on research.

I welcome your reply.
Looking good.. u get any blood work prior to starting??? Im doin the same cycle nolva to 40/40/20/20.. same reason i dont want to use clomid, i dont wanna cry everytime theres a damn sunset.. cant wait to see how this cycle kicks in for u..
The blood work was the 1 thing I neglected prior to this cycle, I booked a doctors appointment a few days before I started then couldn't make it to the doctors to get them done...
I can't wait until it kicks either... Weight is up around 6lb that's hopefully water weight and a sign that shit is about to get real.
No strength increases at all yet :/
Snoot age related i was more referring to your natural ability, u claim to be between 9-11% bf so obviously havnt had any accurate measurements judging from your picture with the down lighting even u still don't have visible abs so even 11% i doubt, your going to be messing with ur hypothalmus loop (hpta) at 20 where u will make some good short term gains then fight to maintain which will be an even tougher fight if your diet isnt perfect, where as you could have done natty for a few more years trained hard stuck to a clean bulking diet and make similar gains long term.

Cycle duration is a tough one to argue due to it being an illegal drug with no study's shown to prove any AR saturation, although it is a term that has been thrown around for a long time throughout all forums and books mostly based off personal exp, I was more giving the opinion to shorten it because the longer ur cycle the harder and longer it will take to get ur nat T back up, a lot of people i personally know on the juice upregulate there dosage because they found around week 8 it would slow down significantly in results and weeks 10-12 were very small changes even whilst upping calorie intake with there weight changes.

U don't have to add the clomid, i like the idea of estrogen priming not that it is supported by any study just a basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology, if u get a chance there was a good read by dr scully on why to use clomid and nolva together, also a big argument but quite interesting to sort through

Diet is heaps important but if u try and eat clean not 100% serious i usually would just suggest keeping folic acid high, get ur EFA's, keep potassium high and sodium low to help counteract some health concerning side effects even though it isnt that high a dosage,

training routine, legs was kinda a good suggestion to add in i would move reps up to 8-10 do a warm up set for every exercise followed by 2 working strict movement focus on a nice controlled eccentric movement can slow it down to around 2 seconds and then explosive for concentric around 1 second, to attain hypertrophy of the muscle it is all about the stretch and contraction of the muscle, and then do 1 failure set where u need a spotter for the final rep all sets done with around 1-1.5min rest between set so adjust weight accordingly for each movement and finish with a fst7 movement for each muscle group where u do 7 sets of an exercise with 30 second rest between sets... now that the juice has kicked in train chest one day 5 exercises including fst7, back 5 ex inc fs7 another, arms 4 ex each bi and tri inc fst 7, legs i usually start with hamy's and glutes try and hit in from different angles seated leg curls laying leg curls then move into lunges squats leg press and finish with fst 7 hack squat followed by seated and standing calf raise with higher reps around 15 each set, shoulders 5 ex inc fst7. cortisol is something u want to keep in mind also, especially when your coming off the juice and over training so when coming off i would drop it back to chest and bi's in one sessions, back and tris, legs, shoulders, keeping training sessions around the 45 minute mark, gh will drop off at 35 and cortisol will start to pick up.

Sorry for expressing an opinion in attempt to help
Beatz, that was a better comment which I appreciate, the first comment you made came across to me as if you were saying I was stupid and didn't do enough research ect, it seemed as though you were arguing with the fact that I had started aas, though thank you for that follow up comment, that was more helpful than the first by far. I appreciate the help.
Though as you say about my age messing with my hpta, I disagree, there is no evidence to suggest that this is the case, well I havnt found any myself and I have looked for it. 1 concern was fusing of the growth plates prematurely but I figured that mine have already stopped because I havnt grew in about 4-5 years and have always been more developed than others, hairs receding already too ffs... Lol. No but seriously thanks for your second comment bro.

And jada, not much has happened yet ffs, I've gained about 6lb in the past week or so but havnt notices any strenght gains yet or energy in the gym, I guess I'm just one of the unlucky ones who has to wait 6+ weeks...
Though as you say about my age messing with my hpta, I disagree, there is no evidence to suggest that this is the case, well I havnt found any myself and I have looked for it.

There isn't much evidence for anything to do with AAS besides study's that were conducted long ago, most advice given by any1 on juice is either an educated guess or by experience

and age wise my personal experience from 20-23 was over 20kg weight gained sub10% bf through summer and never over 13%bf throughout each year i grew up first and then filled out but a lot of the time i was in the same boat wanting to get maximum gains in a short duration but glad i stuck by natty for that period
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There isn't much evidence for anything to do with AAS besides study's that were conducted long ago, most advice given by any1 on juice is either an educated guess or by experience

and age wise my personal experience from 20-23 was over 20kg weight gained sub10% bf through summer and never over 13%bf throughout each year i grew up first and then filled out but a lot of the time i was in the same boat wanting to get maximum gains in a short duration but glad i stuck by natty for that period

I suppose I know what you mean bro, though I took into consideration that I am a lot more developed than others my age and always have been. I suppose you never know what can happen though. That's pretty nice 20kg in that ammount of time, its taken me 2 years to gain 4kg though up until recently my diet hasn't been bulky enough. I've changed that though. I was and always have been curious about the effects of drugs and in the past have tried A LOT of different legal + illegal drugs so I think it was curiousity and impatience that's drove me to juice. (Btw I'm not taking any drugs anymore). Thanks for your comments though and sorry if I came off as a bit of a dick before lol.

Anyway back to my log. Today I went to the gym and mixed things up a bit, firstly I decided to try and max my bench, then did a lot of squats and biceps then some stomache instead of my usual workout.

Started off on bench, did a bar warm up, then a 90lb warm up, then 160lb warm up then I put 265lb on the bar. 260 was my highest at this point and I failed miserably at 265 the week before.
Today though I managed to do it pretty easily, a lot easier than I expected. Though I stopped there because I bench on mondays, this was just a test to see if the test was working which I think it has :)

Squatting has went from 100lb to 170 8 times for a few sets in 2 or 3 weeks though I think that's all just natty because Ive never did squats before really, though I wish I had, I love squats now... Anyway done about 5 or 6 sets of 8 150lb,160lb and a few of 170lb. I know this is really bad but I just started a few weeks ago

Everything I did with biceps seemed a lot easier. and I was lifting a bit more and doing a few more reps than normal. Had an amazing pump too.

I didn't log anything I did for stomache really just some weighted sit ups and crunches.
That's pretty nice 20kg in that ammount of time

Ye I am running my first cycle atm i put it up u can have a read if u want, i outlined my diet and how i set it up in quite a lot of detail just not to the point where i explain why certain foods are placed where, and that same principle is basically what i used for 3 years to gain lean muscle mass keeping my bf low, my body hates putting on weight but i was a super skinny ectomorph and crazy tall 6 foot 6.

ive put on 9kg so far at 350mg/wk just gone up to 400mg/wk and into my 7th week of cycle so had great results but eating like a beast real clean also.

Goodluck man ill be keeping an eye on ur thread see how u go.
I do need to sort my diet out a bit, the bullshit thing is I work long shifts with short breaks. I work 8 hours some days with a 30 min break. I can maybe manage 900cal maximum in this time. I think this may be really hindering my gains. Days off work I probably get 3.5k cals which I've realised isn't enough, I need to get to work sorting that out.
I'm gonna give my diet a rethink...

Anyone have any idea what I can do about the long work shifts? Or what foods are suitable to munch down a lot of calories in short time? This is really a problem...
Anyone have any idea what I can do about the long work shifts? Or what foods are suitable to munch down a lot of calories in short time? This is really a problem...

I have a recipe for some protein balls my brother made, u can carry them around at work in a bumbag or packet them yourself and put them in your pockets, it's what i use usually on a low carb day though to alter till u see fit for your purpose i guess, when i have a long shift there is only one gap where i cant eat for 5 hours so i smash these , i use organic cacao powder (super high in antioxidants, essential minerals, essential fats, and does a number of positives with your neurotransmitters) i buy it on ebay pretty cheap for a 1kg bag and lasts a fair while, almond's, almond butter, honey, protein powder, dessicated coconut, and u will want the carbs so u can add oats to it u jst need to blend everything up very fine and add water

here is a rough outline of the recipe with the amount and nutrients in each ball

10 Choc protein balls

- 500g almond meal (75g fat, 35g protein)
- 30g unsweetened cacao powder (3g fat, 18g carbs, 8g protein)
- 3 tbl spoons of almond butter (27g fat, 9g carb, 6g pro)
- 2-3 tbl spoons honey (17g carbs per tablespoon if 21g scoop)
- 200g protein powder
- add as much water that seems necessary, too much makes them to squishy so u can always add more

That would average around 25g protein/6.1g carbs/10.5g fat

and then add oats to try and get around 25-30g carbs from each ball imo

just make sure everything is crushed up well if u do it, no chunks or anything and roll it in dessicated coconut once done leave to sit in the fridge for an hour or so before eating takes like 10-15mins to make and they taste good
That actually looks amazing I'm gonna have to try that myself, thanks for posting that.
Though I can't eat at work at all, there's always managers walking about and if you get caught eating they are not happy... They see it fit that you get 1 chance to eat in an 8 hour period... They are women and don't seem to grasp the idea of bulking and lifting...