TEST E/DBOL cycle log

Hi These are pics taken today 23/02/2012. started work at a bodybuilding shop the other day so getting to advise people all day long. loving it.
How much weight did you put on?
You look much bigger than on first photo.
Keep up good work and keep us updated.
right week 7 now 3rd pin of sust. noticing more acne and more size in biceps. feeling different and jumping up 2.5kg every workout.

i now take physical edge rampage preworkout which is great stuff.
wow acne is flaring up everywhere now since starting sust. blood test results for testosterone was: 52 nmol/L and Free test was 0 which confused the doctors
I Am seeing some good progress strength wise with the SUST changover. Lats have progressed a loads. Uploading some pics soon