My first cycle - test e 500mg week

That actually looks amazing I'm gonna have to try that myself, thanks for posting that.
Though I can't eat at work at all, there's always managers walking about and if you get caught eating they are not happy... They see it fit that you get 1 chance to eat in an 8 hour period... They are women and don't seem to grasp the idea of bulking and lifting...

I might go buy this stuff when I get paid on thursday, thanks again.
No you are correct bro I havnt been squating or deadlifting, and I know that I need to get those deads back into my routine, starting with my next back day. I shall start doing deads again. I stopped doing them after I was injured through a shoulder injury for about 8 weeks and never started doing them again.
Though I fucking hate squats, I've never liked them and I don't plan on doing them. Deadlifts will do me fine

Squats are the shit
I have a recipe for some protein balls my brother made, u can carry them around at work in a bumbag or packet them yourself and put them in your pockets, it's what i use usually on a low carb day though to alter till u see fit for your purpose i guess, when i have a long shift there is only one gap where i cant eat for 5 hours so i smash these , i use organic cacao powder (super high in antioxidants, essential minerals, essential fats, and does a number of positives with your neurotransmitters) i buy it on ebay pretty cheap for a 1kg bag and lasts a fair while, almond's, almond butter, honey, protein powder, dessicated coconut, and u will want the carbs so u can add oats to it u jst need to blend everything up very fine and add water

here is a rough outline of the recipe with the amount and nutrients in each ball

10 Choc protein balls

- 500g almond meal (75g fat, 35g protein)
- 30g unsweetened cacao powder (3g fat, 18g carbs, 8g protein)
- 3 tbl spoons of almond butter (27g fat, 9g carb, 6g pro)
- 2-3 tbl spoons honey (17g carbs per tablespoon if 21g scoop)
- 200g protein powder
- add as much water that seems necessary, too much makes them to squishy so u can always add more

That would average around 25g protein/6.1g carbs/10.5g fat

and then add oats to try and get around 25-30g carbs from each ball imo

just make sure everything is crushed up well if u do it, no chunks or anything and roll it in dessicated coconut once done leave to sit in the fridge for an hour or so before eating takes like 10-15mins to make and they taste good

That actually does sound pretty awesome.
Squats are the shit

Squats are fucking epic. I started about 3-4 weeks ago doing them, I fucking love em, I used to hate them but now their brilliant.
Jada if you read this, I know what you mean about guys acting strong in the gym now, putting a shit tonne of weight on the bar and squatting 10cm. I just lol at them... Fuckers aren't gonna get anywhere doing that.

Progress update - seems that some exersizes I've gained considerable strength/stamina and others I havnt gained anything. Pumps are awesome, I'm getting bicep pumps when doing the most basic of tasks... My pecs feel pretty big to grab but I can't really see any difference in the mirror, biceps feel really solid even when not tensed.

Sleeps been suffering a bit lately, I'm not sure if the test or what, but I've been having bad insomnia and waking up after 2 hours of falling asleep. I've always had sleep problems, though theyv been worse lately.

Been kinda paranoid about my nipples lately, everything that happens to them or any time they are a bit itchy, gyno alarms go off in my head, then I forget about it and it disapeers...

Weight is up around 7lb now to 186. I'm hoping to break 195 minimum by the end of the cycle, if I get 200 I will be very pleased. Need to bulk up my diet and figure a way to get calories in at work...
Snoot great job my friend doing great keep it up. Just make sure ur takin ur Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and keep eating:)
I'm having trouble with my diet mate because of work... Can't get the calories in during the long shifts I'm trying to find a solution to it fs lol...
I havnt been running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) though. I've ldex on hand so if I get into any trouble I'm gonna start ldex right away 1mg ed, with 40mg nolva for 5 days until the problem goes away then keep running the ldex .25 ed until the cycles over
180g of protein is way too low dude. i'm your weight and I am for 300g

if work messes with your meal timing you better eat a shitload before and after work to hit your macros
Snoot listen try ur best before u go to bed make all ur food for the next day and bag that shut up, now if u r havin Trouble cuz of the time in ur job at least take a quick shake and a spoon of peanutbutter . It's better than nothin.
Snoot thats why i was saying u can packet them and pocket them easy

Diet is super important with the gym course you alrdy know that. by having 1 meal within 8 hours u basically slow your metabolism down a crazy amount reducing activity level by around 45%, u can enter a state of gluconeogenesis where your body will look to other macronutrients for energy ie protein (amino acids), and you increase lipoprotein lipase production which is an enzyme that basically looks for fat and takes all it can get :p so in turn u will lose muscle and gain fat basically.

defs get the protein balls cranking man, go to the toilet shove one in your gob and u will smash it down in seconds (not all that hygienic but meh) u will be adding 2 meals to your day basically.
Thanks for the advice everyone, I'm gonna go and get some of them protein balls or make them myself anyway beatz, thanks for that advice.

anyway another update, a lot of people have been telling me I look bigger. Like yesterday about 6 people said I'm looking bigger and 1 asked if I was on steroids. I can't see much myself though.
Ill have to get pics up soon
Did my 4th pin today, injected into left quad and hit a nerve, reinjected and all went smoothly.
Friend comments that I already look a bit bigger though I havnt noticed anything myself. Weight has went up around 2lb though this would probably be either my increase in food intake or from starting creatine supplementation

How can you tell when you hit a nerve?
If you hit a nerve you will know right away, its basically a really intense pressure pain. If you pin slowly ie break the skin and push the pin in slowly you can actually feel yourself getting closer and closer to nerves before you actually hit it, the pain/discomfort builds up slowly
Finally seeing some serious progress, starting weight was 179 and that didn't budge til week 5 or so, now I've started gaining proper weight I've gained about 5lb in the past week and I'm currently at 189.5. I got 7 weeks left of this cycle or so so I hope to hit 205+ and keep at least 195. 200 would be amazing to keep.

I've been stuck on the same bench press weight for weeks now, the juice hasn't made a difference, my max has went up about 7lb but I can't get 1 extra rep out of 100kg, what the fucks going on here?
I am week 8 on my first cycle and my weight jumped up a fair bit initially I usually start with incline and that went up 10kg or so, although since that it has gone up around 5kg on incline, weight isn't everything though so don't sweat it, controlled movement attaining stretch and contraction is the way to maximise muscle hypertrophy eh... I love the kai greene quote "I'll never be a weightlifter" so true..

up 10lb isnt bad although u cld have easily doubled that with a good diet, i understand its hard given ur circumstance with work and only 1 break
I've been eating a shitlot more lately when off work, I reckon I'm probably eating 4000 calories or more now a day, milk is a great help, been drinking a litre every day, 500 cals and 35g protein for 70 pence...

But I still don't get why I havnt got stronger. Its really pissing me off actually, I don't understand it, I thought your supposed to get stronger quickly? Any reasons for this?

And beatz, link me your cycle I tried to find it but I'm on a mobile and couldn't get it, I wanna sub in.
Snoot brother forget about the weight! Just eat and lift. Focus on diet and trainin. Just look at the mirror and u can c ur progress. Weight dont tell me shit.
Fuck my fucking life. That's all I can say. Never ever buy products.
I stopped looking at the scales and moved onto my second vial, after about 5 pins I started noticing there was something wrong, weight had started to drop off when I went back to the scales, by 8 pins I knew I had been hit with a dud vial. Libido dropped severly, gains stopped, weight dropped... Took me 8 pins to realise this so I've moved onto my 3rd vial. I shot 2ml for the past 2 shots (1ml new vial, 1ml dud vial) just to get rid of the dud or underdosed one. I think this 3rd vial is legit, libido has shot up again though I havnt weighed myself since. I don't want to until the end of my cycle. All I know is I was at 192 then 5 weeks later dropped to 183. It hasn't been diet or training either I'm sure of it. Pumps are back with this 3rd vial btw which weren't with the second.

Fucking waste of my money. I'm considering getting 120 dbol for the last 4 weeks so this cycle isn't a complete waste of my time.
I don't know if this is fine though I havnt did any research into orals at the end of the cycle. Any ideas.

Again STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM BD.EU PRODUCTS. I cannot stress this enough. And the dud was verified as legit on their website
Does anyone know when I can or should start a new cycle giving the fact that the test was fucked up? I can't remember the date I finished shooting the test, I might just do 10 weeks after this post?