Test E + Dbol cycle

pin the thighs bro no joke it is a fucking breeze i used to like glute shots until i pinned my thighs....25g 1 inch needle aint shit. Good fucking gains i am up 10 lbs and just hit my 4th injection today so both making solid progress keep it up and your right it's a bulking cycle fucking EAT! bbl bro
Hey guys,

Today is my 15/70 day of my cycle and l weight 14 lbs heavier today in the morning after taking poo! :beertoast Strength is going crazy up yesterday l was pushing 700lbs on my leg press for 10-15 reps like nothing.

Unleashed-Beast : u have nce progress there man and glad ur happy about ur strenght gains, yes l also kept my dbol for 30mg saw no point increasing it whle it worked at 30mg/day. What l would focus on more is your chest from the pics l see. Everything else looks good.

Smoky : Thanks man, l am actually pining my glutes wth 25/1 inch also with no problems so far. l l think l will try thigh after few weeks. Oh and btw ur gains are also nice. l really hope that we will look 10 times better after our cycles than before, goodluck to both of us :beertoast
Ok guys,

Few minutes ago strangest thing happened in my life. It was like this l was sitting near my pc and suddenly l started to feel itchy all over like crazy itchy, then my head started to spin and l thought that l will pass away but l didn't. After that l started to sweat hardly and the feeling was like all my body is being pinched with small needles all my body parts! And after that my inner parts of my elbow ( where the joint is the inner part where vein goes) it's like some alergic acne all red and small red pimples. Though l still feel kinda light headed dizzy... Anyone got s*it like this ? Maybe it's the test ? Couse l was on dbol now more than 2 weeks without these things...
I had the itchiness before but that might of been from my nolva, the other stuff I never had before. You mention before something about sleeping, the only thing iv experienced was sweating driring the nite but other then that nothin major.

Your not diabetic are you?
I am, and I get cold sweats , dizziness , when I'm sugar goes low.

As for my chest , its been my key muscle iv been focusing on since I started. I feel and had people telling me it looks bigger and better, I'm sure once I drop the bf and it's my more visible I'll be happy with the results.
champ you not taking niacin by any chance are you i took that shit to flush once and kind of felt like that b4
Well l wasn't diabetic so far.. l really hope that from testosterone and dbol l won't turn into it... As for ur chest l haven't seen it before so can't tell but l also think that when u will finish ur cycle it will be looking great. ;)

Smoky Niacin ? l don't take it especially but maybe some supplements or products l take has it l don't know ;/
Hello guys,

Today was my 6th Injection. And it was bad again.. l wasted one more ampoule again.. It's like when l withdraw the oil in the syringe, there forms out a big air bubble in the midle between needle and syringe near the cylinder where l put needle and when l try to get it out the oil get's out and bubble doesnt l was so mad today l thought l will break everythng in my house.. Guys any tips ? Couse l already wasted 2 ampoules and prepared my next shot and l only got 0.8cc for it becouse an air bubble was stuck again..

Speaking about weight l am almost 16lbs up today..
Try pulling the Syringe back to the amount you want of air first - Put in the vile and push the air into the vile - Then withdraw oil. Creates pressure - Works great!
Hello guys,

Today was my 6th Injection. And it was bad again.. l wasted one more ampoule again.. It's like when l withdraw the oil in the syringe, there forms out a big air bubble in the midle between needle and syringe near the cylinder where l put needle and when l try to get it out the oil get's out and bubble doesnt l was so mad today l thought l will break everythng in my house.. Guys any tips ? Couse l already wasted 2 ampoules and prepared my next shot and l only got 0.8cc for it becouse an air bubble was stuck again..

Speaking about weight l am almost 16lbs up today..

dont worry about the air bubbles so much its really not a big deal.

if your getting too many air bubbles that means your drawing with a pin that is too small............get bigger pins to draw with.
Hey bro!

Your cycle is going well?

Im about to buy the same juice next week, but Im still not sure what to run for post cycle therapy (pct). Is clomid only will be enough?
Hello guys,

My cycle is going well so far. l am now at almost about 4 weeks in and my weight is 196lbs so l'm up by 19lbs from the start. Now the weight and strenght gains became slow and steady, though still didint know if my test E kicked in but we will see. Everybody is saying that l got much bigger in such a short time and my parrents say like wtf? :thefinger Oh and l think l will head to the shops some day couse l actually dont fint in 90% of my clotches anymore :wavey: . l will post some pics when l have time to take them.

Warbird : l'd run Nolva also with clomid and l think that u would be fine.
Hello guys,

Those who have run the same cycle as me dbol + test E , how was the weight after u finished dbol? Couse at the end of week 4 when l was still on dbol l was at my highest weight 198 lbs and now it's my 3rd day without dbol and test only and my weight is down to 196 lbs already.. Maybe my test is bunk ? Well strenght is 50/50 after dbol, but the weight stopped and dropping slowly each day, have you got the same thing when u had this kind of cycle? My trainer told me that some people have weight fall down when stop dbol even when they on other gear couse u start to loose some water dbol got you.
Hey bro, how r u doing ?

I got my stuff today and Im really excited =) Can you tell me 'batch number' on your Test-e ampoules? My test was came in green package, batch numbers are 8038, 8037.

Does your ampoules look like mine?

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Hey bro, how r u doing ?

I got my stuff today and Im really excited =) Can you tell me 'batch number' on your Test-e ampoules? My test was came in green package, batch numbers are 8038, 8037.

Does your ampoules look like mine?

Hey man, well the weight is slightly stabilizing maybe a bit goin up l think that l should finish at 200-205lbs. l had 1 test E ampoule left extra so this week l injected today 500mg and one more on friday 250 so it will be 750mg this week just to spike some more blood level and then will finish up last 4 weeks with 500/week goin into pct.

Mine amps. are from batch 7037 and they look the same l'd say you good to go wish you best luck. Though l have to notice that this test kicks in very very very late so be aware of that. Well it's like that at least for me.
this is probably a dumb question but whats the point of having it in ampules compared to just veils? arn't veils much easier?