Test E only - First cycle - Let's get it on!

Last day of m-drol, well, pretty much al;l it did was give me some negatives and no gains. I have been much more aggressive, sweaty, and increased heart rate/blood pressure. I was extremely hopeful for this product, but now see it is actually worthless. I remain at 168.4 lbs and fluctuate to 170 here and there.

Starting post cycle therapy (pct) in one week, will keep you updated on weight loss.

Thinking of doing Test Prop + deca next cycle, suggestions welcome.
Last day of m-drol, well, pretty much al;l it did was give me some negatives and no gains. I have been much more aggressive, sweaty, and increased heart rate/blood pressure. I was extremely hopeful for this product, but now see it is actually worthless. I remain at 168.4 lbs and fluctuate to 170 here and there.

Starting post cycle therapy (pct) in one week, will keep you updated on weight loss.

Thinking of doing Test Prop + deca next cycle, suggestions welcome.

try to eat more next time, and use a oral to start the whole thing.

im so glad that i went with dbol the first 4 weeks.

i also would suggest you to use more test next time.
when i used 500mg i would barely see gains, i bumped it to 750 and its a day and night difference. i grow, i start seeing sides and i feel good.
Excellent log mate. I hope you dont see any major losses during pct but please do keep us posted. I am considering doing a cycle sometime soon and logs from other first time cyclers like you are invaluable.

P.S. congratulations on the gains so far. You definitely look bigger, stronger and healthier. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
Day 3 of PCT

Started pct a few days ago. It is Clomid 50 mg per day, the pills are perforated, so I cut them in half and take half in the AM, and the other in the PM.

Still rockin out at 168.8 lbs, feeling good; no terrible sides, just mild gyno again, and slight acne, but nothing ugly or messy, just a little on my arm and a couple on my shoulders.
Nice log and results

Also, I agree with what someone else said. Sometimes you need to do 2-3 cycles to get to your desired state of "bulk" and then start cutting. As long as your BF doesn't get too out of control, you can take your time shaving it off later after your new gains have solidified.
11th day of pct...

I have now noticed that the testosterone actually supressed my appetite. While opn cycle, I found it hard to eat and I rarely actually got HUNGRY. Now my appetite is huge and I get extremely hungry even after an hour and a half after eating.

I hadn't noticed it but my balls did actually shrink during cycle, but it wasn't dramatic, ball size is back to normal.

My gym membership has been up for a week now and I have been on the prowl for a new gym; I have found one. One that is HUGE and has everything I need and more, going today to sign up, cant wait to get back. I just couldn't afford my other gym anymore, so I just didn't buy another month when it was up. I am itching, bad to get back to the gym.

Current weigh in at 165.5

Also, have had some bacne, but it's in the middle of my back and not all of it is red, there are under-the-skin bumps. Actually some colorless acne on my arms as well, but it is unnoticeable and on the upper part of my arm, it's starting to subside though.

Kind of wish I hadn't fucked around with that m-drol...

Well, off to the gym!
Had a pretty good day at the gym, got the premium package with all the perks (tanning, ect) for almost half as much as I was paying at my other gym, with no perks.

I decided to just go in and have a "fun" day, trying out the many machines that were around, it was quite the feat considering there were so many. Felt good, ready top get back on track with my routine tomorrow, which is leg day.

Weigh in this morning, before breakfast (as usual) at 166.5 lbs.
Day 17 of PCT

Feeling good, weigh in at 165 lbs.

Only 3 more days left of PCT. Libido is less than what it was before I started my cycle, but then again, it was raging beforehand, so it's nice not to waste my time screwing and masturbating all day. I still get aroused when it's appropriate, just not all day long... :wackit:

Been hitting the new gym pretty hard, got my intensity and motivation back up, I think the new gym replenished that part of me as it was much needed, my old gym was such a downer.

It's a little weird though, trying to do my routine, I look like I'm lost, looking around for weights and machines, drifting... But it's cool.

Still rockin some back and shoulder acne...

Been doing some research for my next cycle in a couple months, thinking about doing: T-bol, GP Test E, GP Deca. Any input is good input, lmk.
Finally off the clomid but extremely irritable and frustrated all the time. Have road rage, and am bitching constantly. The clomid has definitely made me like a chick on the rag. This sucks.
size means a whole lot in a fight if ur gonna make a boxing reference did u forget about weight classes..anyone who says that ive noticed is a small guy whos never actually been in one...no fights ever really stay on the feet the whole time like a boxing match how youre insinuating...look at rocky IV i think with the russian with the 2000psi punch even tho he lost in the end and its a movie theyre still showing size has a huge factor..so a 190 guy vs a 155 guy is gonna pack a much harder punch and prob be able to take more shots to the face...and since most fights go to the ground and a lot of people will use wrestling tatics..wouldnt it benefit to be bigger and stronger? again wrestling has weight classes too...and if were not just talking about weight a taller guy is gonna have a much easier time throwing punchs with his better reach...and what if the bigger guy decides to grab ur shirt and hockey fight u if hes taller and if hes bigger and stronger...where r u going? so i guess size does matter

yeah, but rocky was a movie
good work bud. Going to be following about the same guidelines very soon with some test e. Always good to have someone with experience to go by. Keep it up and train hard.

How was the clomid for post cycle therapy (pct)? keeping most of the gains?
Final Weigh in...

Well i am done with PCT and everything seems to be back to normal, libido back up and acne diminishing. Gained a little fat, but i will cut it after my next cycle.

Weigh in today at: 168.00 lbs.
great log. I just started my first cycle of test E too. T400 is so painful though, I'm considering cutting it with EQ.

I'm doing 12 wk of 500mg Test E, hopefully I will find success similar to yours.