Test E powder

Test E has melted and placed back in the freezer and now it is hard as a rock and slightly yellow.. does this sound right for being real Test powder? Whats the best way to test it AFTER being freezed?

Take a very tiny spec out of the bag, about as big as half a BB or smaller, pinch it between your fingers and count to 30 open your fingers and it should be melted or close to it. Also, smell your product, it should have a very distinct piney fruity smell.
The yellowish tint is not abnormal but more pure forms are snow white bricks when frozen.
Looks dark for test e let me know how that works out for ya lol. Looks like it melted before and then solidified back should still be good though
I will post the finished product picture tonight. Really just looks like a vial with GSO in it though..

Yep, that looks like Test E. Has the little bubbly lookin' specs in it or like grits but solid chunks. It's dark for test E but I'm sure it's just because it's not super pure but still good though. Deca is about that color SORTA but it doesn't get the bubbly or gritty looking specs when bricked back up.
could be wrong but it looks like deca to me, since its kind of melting on the side of the container at room temperature. test e will melt when you touch it but not as fast as deca.
could be wrong but it looks like deca to me, since its kind of melting on the side of the container at room temperature. test e will melt when you touch it but not as fast as deca.

Both of these products are as pure as the driven snow! The test is on the left, it is bonafide genuine Test Enanthate and it (if you can see and look close) looks like a brick of Grits, like you eat, that is hard as wax. Very white. The Deca (which is serious grade A Deca) is on the right and is slighty off white, little brown but not nearly as brown as a chickens egg but has that slight chicken egg tint but the consistancy of it is solid, there is no bubbly looking stuff in it like grits or like the test looks.
MMm mmm good! Makin me hungry starks!

Lol... Yeah, it's not as tasty as it looks trust me.... :chomp:

But it works really really great. I've done alot of test cycles and this cycle I'm on now, I started with Prop at a modest 350mg per week..... 100mg eod then at 4 weeks I started the test E you see in the pic (which is the first time on this particular test E) and am hitting it at 400mg a week wilst off the prop now, been on the Test E now for 3 weeks sooooooo a total of 7 weeks total with the Prop Enanthate combo and I am up 29lbs.
Yeah yeah I know, nobody believes me but it's cool.... I have nothing to prove. I know what the scale says and I know the dosages I'm on.
When you get real deal pure AAS you don't need the dosages ppl are used to with underdosed BS sold here and there on the net.
I'll never do 750mg a week of any UGL's test as long as I have my source!!!
I've had white test e and a little yellow. I might of got hot then cold again. But it was fine. Shit is a bitch gets all over the place
I've had white test e and a little yellow. I might of got hot then cold again. But it was fine. Shit is a bitch gets all over the place

if it is test thats exactly what happened. if it gets too old an oxidizes it will actually turn black. the more oxidation, the more the purity goes down.

jstarks i hate to rain on your parade, that test e you got is not pure as the driven snow buddy, trust me when i say ive seen TONS of it in my short time playing with AAS.

if it was pure as the driven snow, that would be the color:smoker:

The darker the color of Test E when melted the more cutting agents and contaminants..
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Im not really sure what im looking at here guys. Those hard pieces of crack cocaine looking things are test and deca? Im not trying to be a smartass in anyway, just never seen anything like that. I have never gotten any powder that wasnt pure white. Ever. I wasnt aware that it came in yellowish. And its hard?
Im not really sure what im looking at here guys. Those hard pieces of crack cocaine looking things are test and deca? Im not trying to be a smartass in anyway, just never seen anything like that. I have never gotten any powder that wasnt pure white. Ever. I wasnt aware that it came in yellowish. And its hard?

if it melts and then comes back it look like that.. sort of like wax.. when you get it at its preffered temp it looks powdery..
wither its hard or not just has to do with the temperature its stored at. if you put it in the fridge it will harden up.