I'm having a hard time understanding how many times to inject test 400 a week
I'm having a hard time understanding how many times to inject test 400 a week
I must warn you, anything above 300mg/mL is often pretty painful as there's more hormone and benzyl alcohol involved in dissolving it and keeping it from crashing.
On the bottle it says testosterone decanoate 200mg. Test isocaproate 30mg. Test phenylpropionate 40 mg. Test p 30 mg. Test c 50 mg and test e 50 mg. I've been training 5 years. This is my 6th cycle and never ran into it till now abd I would like some help
Sounds like Sust with extra esters. Holy shit that is a lot of esters. Just pin EOD to keep serum levels stable. There is no difference between the half life of prop and phenyl prop....not sure why both are in there. EOD for sure though
Yeah, thats a shit tonne of esters. Never understood why people like blends - seems a bit silly to me.
You might wanna pick up some slin pins, or 1ml barrels with a 25 or 27g needle for that then OP... you'd be injecting about 0.3ml EoD to achieve stable levels. What a stupid blend.
It's prob bunk gear, who would go to the trouble of producing that, sounds like a waste of time to me... Op, just stick to the basics.
If u want a tried and true blend, sustanon
Interesting. I have been close to trying OP for funsies, may have to give it a shot. Har Har, pun intended.V
The test400 from OP was pretty smooth for me at least, very little pip
On the bottle it says testosterone decanoate 200mg. Test isocaproate 30mg. Test phenylpropionate 40 mg. Test p 30 mg. Test c 50 mg and test e 50 mg. I've been training 5 years. This is my 6th cycle and never ran into it till now abd I would like some help
It's prob bunk gear, who would go to the trouble of producing that, sounds like a waste of time to me... Op, just stick to the basics.
If u want a tried and true blend, sustanon