Test P, Mast P, EQ cycle... Need advice on HCG dose schedule

Big Bench

3 Plates plus
I'm going to start a cycle for lean mass and am not sure what, or when exactly I should start my HCG. The Test P is fast acting and the EQ is long lasting which is where I'm running into trouble determining the proper dose schedule.

I'm planning on doing the following for 12-16 weeks

Tesp P 100mg/day
Mast P 100mg E.O.D.
EQ 125mg E.O.D. on opposing days of the Mast

Letro 2.5mg E.O.D.

And then planning on doing HCG and Nolvadex for P.C.T.

I was considering swapping the EQ with NPP to eliminate the time issue, but I've not tried it and don't know that many people who use it..

Does anyone have any suggestions in regards to this or advice one way or another?

i would advise cruising after the cycle, otherwise you hurt the body more by doing a hormonal rollercoaster and then you start again = not smart

i have never seen the use of a PCT, all marketing bullshit in my eyes. just do 200mg's of test until you decide to run a strong cycle again
i would advise cruising after the cycle, otherwise you hurt the body more by doing a hormonal rollercoaster and then you start again = not smart

i have never seen the use of a PCT, all marketing bullshit in my eyes. just do 200mg's of test until you decide to run a strong cycle again

Yeah, just stay suppressed forever so you can be on TRT till you die. Silly marketing hype stuff!

Jesus man, you have really good days and some days I can't believe the shit you type.
Actually, I've seen some really great advice. Less tact than some, but good nonetheless. Making me feel like a softie lol.

Okay, so I'm obviously not interested in staying on gear for the rest of my life, lol. That being said, does anyone have any other input on this cycle? Good or bad...

Okay, so I'm obviously not interested in staying on gear for the rest of my life, lol. That being said, does anyone have any other input on this cycle? Good or bad...


Two things jump out at me. The first being your AI dose and type of drug. Letro is a very powerful AI, and that dose will likely DESTROY your estradiol quickly. Adex is far more common as it's more forgiving, and acts quickly. There a reason for this choice? Ex: I use less letro than that for 3g of gear/wk.

The second item is EQ. There something specific you're looking to get out of it? It does take considerable time to see measurable results from, and you will need to be vigilant with your blood donating to keep your hematocrit down from the drug. I honestly still don't understand why folks use EQ outside of preparing for endurance competition or if they have hunger issues. I'd reconsider the NPP as nandrolone is fantastic in its own right.
yes i advocate never coming off, for sure. cycle or not cycle, there is no try and trust me EVERY gu who has ever done more then 10 cycles and who is above 30 is thinking the same as me, nobody comes off, thats stupid anyway
yes i advocate never coming off, for sure. cycle or not cycle, there is no try and trust me EVERY gu who has ever done more then 10 cycles and who is above 30 is thinking the same as me, nobody comes off, thats stupid anyway

That's the thing; you're freely advocating a VERY personal choice that folks need to make on their own. I AM on TRT myself, but it wasn't by choice - I just can't see how you are so reckless with advising the same fate for others.

Remember, we have readers here as young as their teens that see your avatar and really want the same. They don't always realize just how much work goes into (spanning years) obtaining such, or the constant upkeep needed to stay healthy while constantly pushing the envelope.

I have many personal opinions myself on certain drug combinations or strategies that have worked for me over the years, but I will never post them here because I feel it can do more harm than good.
I respect Halfwits stance on the matter here. Although I feel we need to express to the users on this forum that there are more options than just cycle on/cycle off PCT..

Bustinass comes off as a snotty know it all to most on here, because we don't see anyone express their opinions against the grain of what is being taught!

If the user wants to do steroids forever and get an incredible physique! Tell them they need to start TRT now, and stop wasting money on PCT, and losing gains in the process..

If they're content with doing 1 or 2 cycles and maintaining a more natural physique, provide them with the information needed to carry out a PCT.

I never hear people recommend TRT.. even though we all know for the long term user it will provide the best physique, maintain the best physique and get you there faster!!

Let's provide new users with the truth about every angle of the game and stop shunning "unconventional" (to this forum) approaches to steroid use and bodybuilding.
i could care less what the norm of this place is or ANY place. i make my own norm and act on it

cruising is he best way for 99% of the people and the 1% who do cycles i could care less for, i have passed that stage 10yrs ago
That's the thing; you're freely advocating a VERY personal choice that folks need to make on their own. I AM on TRT myself, but it wasn't by choice - I just can't see how you are so reckless with advising the same fate for others.

Remember, we have readers here as young as their teens that see your avatar and really want the same. They don't always realize just how much work goes into (spanning years) obtaining such, or the constant upkeep needed to stay healthy while constantly pushing the envelope.

I have many personal opinions myself on certain drug combinations or strategies that have worked for me over the years, but I will never post them here because I feel it can do more harm than good.

so basically you have censored yourself to speak as the mods or whoever wants you to speak so you fit in the general advice, you became a puppet. be ashamed man. grow some balls and give ur opinions, be a MAN!
It is irresponsible to simply tell guys to blast and cruise when they have never even run one cycle and they are often kids. Many of these kids have never committed to anything for longer than 6 months and you are telling them to make a decision that will affect them severely for the rest of their life. This is a bell that cannot be unrung. All without even pointing out the cons of blasting and cruising. You are only highlighting the positives. I don't mind that you point this out as an alternative, but you can't sugar coat it.
It is irresponsible to simply tell guys to blast and cruise when they have never even run one cycle and they are often kids. Many of these kids have never committed to anything for longer than 6 months and you are telling them to make a decision that will affect them severely for the rest of their life. This is a bell that cannot be unrung. All without even pointing out the cons of blasting and cruising. You are only highlighting the positives. I don't mind that you point this out as an alternative, but you can't sugar coat it.

I think if both methods are taught to the new user up front, and the risks involved with both.. they should make the decision. Not have us make the decision for them by completely disregarding a potential route they could take. This being, us not mentioning it to them when the come asking question about doing steroids.
Had I known it was a better route for someone looking to use for the rest of their life (low dose test route), would I have taken it after this first cycle.. no. But, now that I'm for sure going to do another cycle, and so long as my health remains well, more and more.. I'm very glad I now understand that it is an option. Before, it was led on for me to believe that cycle on/off was the only way until you're forced to do TRT.

What if after 3 cycles my blood test levels are 300-350... and I don't feel like my old self, but I'm not absolutely to the low of needing TRT yet? Had I not figured this out now.. I wouldn't know necessarily where to go from there.

Just saying, it would be nice to have known this in the beginning. All angles of the game.

I completely agree with your statement on the individuals that have no business, haven't commited to a thing, looking for a quick fix, blah blah blah.. of course it would be a terrible idea to tell them to just hop on TRT.. they'll get tired of it after 6 months, quit and have low test for the rest of their life.
I think if both methods are taught to the new user up front, and the risks involved with both.. they should make the decision. Not have us make the decision for them by completely disregarding a potential route they could take. This being, us not mentioning it to them when the come asking question about doing steroids.
Had I known it was a better route for someone looking to use for the rest of their life (low dose test route), would I have taken it after this first cycle.. no. But, now that I'm for sure going to do another cycle, and so long as my health remains well, more and more.. I'm very glad I now understand that it is an option. Before, it was led on for me to believe that cycle on/off was the only way until you're forced to do TRT.

What if after 3 cycles my blood test levels are 300-350... and I don't feel like my old self, but I'm not absolutely to the low of needing TRT yet? Had I not figured this out now.. I wouldn't know necessarily where to go from there.

Just saying, it would be nice to have known this in the beginning. All angles of the game.

I completely agree with your statement on the individuals that have no business, haven't commited to a thing, looking for a quick fix, blah blah blah.. of course it would be a terrible idea to tell them to just hop on TRT.. they'll get tired of it after 6 months, quit and have low test for the rest of their life.

Where are you getting this from that people are "hiding" blasting and cruising? It is spoken about openly quite often. However, it is not recommended in a First Cycle Thread. How can you expect someone to make an informed decision about going on Test for life when they haven't even done their first injection?
Where are you getting this from that people are "hiding" blasting and cruising? It is spoken about openly quite often. However, it is not recommended in a First Cycle Thread. How can you expect someone to make an informed decision about going on Test for life when they haven't even done their first injection?

Suppose I always assumed these were individuals on TRT for being hypo not for performance/gains purposes.. Pardon me for being blind me. You're right. lol
so basically you have censored yourself to speak as the mods or whoever wants you to speak so you fit in the general advice, you became a puppet. be ashamed man. grow some balls and give ur opinions, be a MAN!

How is being a responsible adult not being a man? You have kids? I assure you that once you do, you look at things differently and come to the realization that some advice needs to be given in small doses.

I get pm's every so often asking about things that I'm not comfortable posting on a PUBLIC forum where 13 year olds can easily read it, and I'm more than happy to answer them honestly out of sight. I'm really surprised given your age just how reckless you are with advising folks on certain things. In fact, I have made mention to folks that B&C may be a better option for them due to their goals, but it's made very clear what the risks are.

I think you have an identity crisis going on bustin. You have this online persona that you're trying to cultivate into a brand that you can market, but I think you have lost touch with who you are when away from the keyboard. I truly enjoy AAS; it has seriously changed my life for the better, but I haven't forgotten that there is far more to life than pinning and hitting the gym. It's a shame really, I think you could be a fantastic addition to the board, but you really need to leave the false bravado at the door - the only one you're impressing is yourself.
How is being a responsible adult not being a man? You have kids? I assure you that once you do, you look at things differently and come to the realization that some advice needs to be given in small doses.

I get pm's every so often asking about things that I'm not comfortable posting on a PUBLIC forum where 13 year olds can easily read it, and I'm more than happy to answer them honestly out of sight. I'm really surprised given your age just how reckless you are with advising folks on certain things. In fact, I have made mention to folks that B&C may be a better option for them due to their goals, but it's made very clear what the risks are.

I think you have an identity crisis going on bustin. You have this online persona that you're trying to cultivate into a brand that you can market, but I think you have lost touch with who you are when away from the keyboard. I truly enjoy AAS; it has seriously changed my life for the better, but I haven't forgotten that there is far more to life than pinning and hitting the gym. It's a shame really, I think you could be a fantastic addition to the board, but you really need to leave the false bravado at the door - the only one you're impressing is yourself.
marketing, what marketing? i am not here for the money, sorry to dissapoint, EVER see me sell anuthing on here? nope. so pls be quiet
marketing, what marketing? i am not here for the money, sorry to dissapoint, EVER see me sell anuthing on here? nope. so pls be quiet

You're marketing yourself bud. YOU are the brand that is being sold; and while I find it fantastic that you've had such great results, and do want more experienced guys on here - you need to remember that this particular board is indeed open for all to see.

I bend over backwards to try to be respectful and not step on the toes of others, but I also have to be responsible by mentioning things that I feel may be dangerous or carry consequences to less educated (in AAS) others.