Test Prop 200+ mast p 100 question


New member
For 10 cc volume
2g test p
1g mast p
77% Coconut oil
Would EO be Required if I was attempting to get a product that wouldn't crash?
For 10 cc volume
2g test p
1g mast p
77% Coconut oil
Would EO be Required if I was attempting to get a product that wouldn't crash?

I think test Prop at 200mg/ml will be hard to hold and not crash, I think it will work though since you are mixing it with mast. Goodluck.
^^This is true, its melting point is 76F but all the gear I have gotten says its coconut oil, w/ 20%BB and 3%BA. Perhaps in combination with the powder and benzyls the solution has a lower melting point? Or maybe the gear isn't really coconut oil, but Idk why someone would lie for that.

Did some reading, Probably MCT a derivative of coconut oil!
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And knot, What does the masteron do that would keep it from crashing? I always heard people talked about EO with higher dose oils, so then EO is solely to minimize the pain of gear?
not sure ive never brewed prop so i cant comment. if its possible im sure you'd need EO in there and i bet it would still have a bit of punch to it.
And knot, What does the masteron do that would keep it from crashing? I always heard people talked about EO with higher dose oils, so then EO is solely to minimize the pain of gear?

I am not exactly sure why the mast would keep it from crashing but I do know that if you mix something like winny with test then the winny won't crash because it is mixed with an easily soluble substance like test cyp at 200mg/ml And EO just makes the oil easier to inject by making it thinner and more viscous.
I Guess trial and error is the best course of action. Ill start with solution w/ 5%BA 20%BB rest gso. Some people on other forums seemed to say 5% BA and 15%BB would suffice.
I Guess trial and error is the best course of action. Ill start with solution w/ 5%BA 20%BB rest gso. Some people on other forums seemed to say 5% BA and 15%BB would suffice.

I wouldn't go so high on the BA man 2% is more then enough.
Okay so basically I have to go 50/50 EO GSO 2%BA 20% BB to get the concentration. So if I find out im allergic to EO Im shit outa luck and you boys are getting my batch(If you want it). Also Is EO actually considered a solvent, or a synthetic oil? Apparently it is safe to ingest, but no studies on injections have been done. Question is if its safe to ingest, does that mean it doesn't cause some for of tissue damage. I know its excreted in your system when you drink alcohol. I really hope 15 years down the road it doesn't bite me in the ass haha.