Test/ Tren Ace/ Win/ need some opinions!

What's up guys, need some advice. This is going to be my second run with tren. First run was test 600mg/ wk, Tren E 500mg/ wk, finished up with win. Got great gains, sick cut. All good. Around 2-3 weeks tren started giving me all the sides in the book, no prob, dealt with them and actually liked them after a while.
I decided to give acetate a shot, all the guys and research I've done concluded Ed vs EOD there's no difference besides sides( which I don't care about) I'm now on day 17 started using a new source. 700mg test/ 125mg tren EOD, I am not feeling SHIT with this tren, it's light yellow in color, I have searched and searched and cannot find the pharm online. I bought this from an online source. ( idk of im aloud to name or not)
I see lots of guys 7-10 days start getting hit with the sides and all. My question is, my tren e was rustic in color, dark yellow/ light orangish, this is light yellow, sign of it being bunk? If I got sides from E I should be getting sides by now correct? No wild strength gains, little more pump but I mean not one single side.
Done many cycles, I'm 29, 5'11, 12%bf, 210lbs, running caber .25-2x wk/ 2mg arimadex/ wk... Test is e3d. Thanks fellas
it would be hard to tell really..

it is concerning that you experienced sides the first time yet youre not experiencing anything this time..
it would be hard to tell really..

it is concerning that you experienced sides the first time yet youre not experiencing anything this time..

Yea that's what I mean, I was taking tren E, had dark urine, night sweats, always felt hot, at night my heart would race, insomnia, crazy ass dreams.. I had them all, acetate is supposed to be stronger, im not having any sides. It's weird. I've read negative and positive about the source im ordering fri
. It would be really stupid to sell bunk tren, it's inexpensive to make, plus reputation. I bumped the dosage up to 125mg EOD to see if that helps, might be under dosed? Idk. If I'm not getting some serious pumps by next week then I'll know. I'm also using this sources test, getting levels checked tomorrow. I know where my levels should be at with the dosage im running. Can I name the source on this forum so I can get some feedback about them?
Ok the brand is Welnessfitnessnutrition. Dude idk maybe I'm not right in the head but i love the rush it gives me, heart pounding, feeling hot all the time, nigjt sweats Are not really profuse, just around my neck, the dreams are fucking awesome though lol.
Ok the brand is Welnessfitnessnutrition. Dude idk maybe I'm not right in the head but i love the rush it gives me, heart pounding, feeling hot all the time, nigjt sweats Are not really profuse, just around my neck, the dreams are fucking awesome though lol.

It's the gasping for air before I pass out on leg day, waking in a puddle of sweat, horrendous heart burn (random on tren when carbs don't have enough fiber IME), funky smelling piss, extra 6 pills I have to take (liver supps), and uncertainty when it comes to certain thoughts whether they're mine or not, that I was thinking of. :p

Shit makes me a wreck, but I still love it!

Never heard of them, but it's possible that it's garbage. You getting the dark urine yet?

Oh, the dreams can be cool - but my wife really doesn't like it when I wake up, choking the hell out of my pillow, because I was killing someone in my sleep. I'm not violent, I swear! :spin: