Most people who use AAS know that some steroids have a tendency to crash, or crystalize out of solution, or the liquid that they are in. You will see crystals or sediment forming at the bottom of the vial. Testosterone propionate, t400, boldenone cypionate are the most common and notorious ******** that crash rather easily. Compounds crash because they supersaturated with hormone, and the hormone cannot stay dissolved in the solution, so it starts solidifying, or crashing, in the vial. High dosed ******** tend to crash more easily, because they are so full of the hormone that it can barely be dissolved in the liquid oil base. Test prop can crash even at 100mg, because the chemical structure of test prop does makes it not readily bond in solution, and it doesn't dissolve that well in the liquid. When you inject these oil based compounds into your muscle, they quickly begin to separate and break down. Higher dosed ********, or supersaturated ******** such as t400, prop, or bold cyp that can barely dissolve in the liquid, will crash and crystalize right in your muscle. This forces your body into an immune response, to attack the newly formed foreign body in your muscle cause redness, swelling, and pain to the touch. It is not and infection like some people think, but your body's response to a pathogen, or foreign body in your muscle. This concept of your body attacking a superfluous amount of hormone in your body at once also causes test flu. You can get flu like symptoms, run down, unambitious, and feverish from this as well.
I have seen a lot of people call gear garbage and dirty because it causes PIP, when ironically it is quite the opposite. PIP is an indication that it has so much hormone in it that it can't be contained in solution. Bacterial infections are actually hard to get with oil based ********, because oil is abiotic, and bacteria can not live in oil. This being said, The last thing I want is people running around with untreated infections because I stated this fact. Although rare, you can get an actual bacteria infection from gear made in very poor conditions with no regard for sterility, as well as bacteria can form on needles and the tops of the rubber stoppers. When you gain experience, it is easier to distinguish typical PIP from an infection or something else. It is important that if you are really in pain, and the swelling is too much and you think there is something more than PIP, there is no shame in going to a doctor. .