Test, tren, dbol and hgh cycle. Diet by 3J

Should var be split on 2 or 3 intakes per day since half-life is only 8 hours ?
But doesn't that mean if 50mg is the effective dose that I need to take something like(i suck at math) 50mg, wait 4 hours, take 25mg, wait 4 hours take 25mg and then 75mg before bed to keep stable blood levels around 50mg throughout the 24 hours ?
If I take 30mg in morning and 30mg 6ish hours after, i'll have something like 20mg throughout the day in my blood (again, i suck at math, just trying to show my reasoning/logic)

Or i'm I over complicating this like i do everything ? :(
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So the pip in quads is almost unbearable today. Can't train legs like this, shit...it hurts just walking.
If i didnt experience this last cycle I would be shitting my pants contemplating going to the doctor but luckily i know it'll subside.

The crashing and crystallizing of test p seems to be the logical cause so my question is this...
Is there anything you can do to lessen the pain / quicken the healing ? Logically I picture tiny crystals that keep ripping and tearing inside the muscle so stretching and foamroller seems counterproductive at first ?

Any suggestions ? I can't really avoid training legs and I cant really pin arse everyday for 90 days lol :(
Today was a really awesome workout.
Did guns, core and tiny bit lower back(problem area)

So much for taking it easy, my PT does most workout related stuff. I pretty much say too light or too heavy.
I kept adding weight every set and he got more and more suspicious, dropping hinting comments lol.

End of workout he was damn...thats a nice pump you got and wanted to measure guns.
I know its the pump...but its hella motivating.. 3.5cm bigger from yesterday, which doesnt sound like much...but thats ~9.5% increase lol :D

I just love the feeling of never being tired and being able to push more and more, heavier and heavier!!
Caliper had me at 16.07% bodyfat today.
Bit high but it'll go down fast now when im following a proper diet.
So the pip in quads is almost unbearable today. Can't train legs like this, shit...it hurts just walking.
If i didnt experience this last cycle I would be shitting my pants contemplating going to the doctor but luckily i know it'll subside.

The crashing and crystallizing of test p seems to be the logical cause so my question is this...
Is there anything you can do to lessen the pain / quicken the healing ? Logically I picture tiny crystals that keep ripping and tearing inside the muscle so stretching and foamroller seems counterproductive at first ?

Any suggestions ? I can't really avoid training legs and I cant really pin arse everyday for 90 days lol :(

Unbearable might have been bit dramatic!!!
Right quad pain is going away and left quad is starting to hurt.

Worst case scenario, i'll just avoid pinning quads before leg day.
And i'll also avoid doing quad, quad, so its only one leg at a time thats bitching.
No pain, no gain, right ? ;)

But would love to know if there is something I can do to improve the actual root cause (i.e crystallization).
My appetite is all out of whack and no idea why...
I'm constantly hungry...but soon as I start eating I feel sick and if I force it, i get puke feelings.

So weird to be super hungry but unable to eat... Any idea whats going on ?
(Even tried smoking a joint before food but no difference)
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Besides my frantic panic question posting lol...is there anything special you guys would like me to log ? I'm game for most stuff, just let me know :)
Regarding my pip, could paracetamol and/or ibuprofen help/remove the pain completely ?
Or simply aid it in not crashing/crystallize the test ?

I slammed my knee in living room table yesterday and it swoll up a bit so took 400mg each of paracetamol and ibuprofen twice (about 6 hours apart).
Today right quad pain completely gone, left quad almost gone but most importantly, i didn't get any pip in left arse that I pinned yesterday.

Could be coincidence but i'll try eating it today too, if it works the only drawback is the added liver stress ?
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is Sarms Search not looking for logers?

They only ship from USA and ***
But i meant more info to post here, like certain pictures, workout, diet or really anything you guys feel is of value. Im rookie so dont really know :p
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Regarding my pip, could paracetamol and/or ibuprofen help/remove the pain completely ?
Or simply aid it in not crashing/crystallize the test ?

I slammed my knee in living room table yesterday and it swoll up a bit so took 400mg each of paracetamol and ibuprofen twice (about 6 hours apart).
Today right quad pain completely gone, left quad almost gone but most importantly, i didn't get any pip in left arse that I pinned yesterday.

Could be coincidence but i'll try eating it today too, if it works the only drawback is the added liver stress ?

Dude, just stop injecting your quads. If you want no PIP then get a long ester and inject glutes and ventroglutes twice a week, problem solved.

FWIW I've tried cyp, enanthate, prop, TPP, and test base - and none of them gave me any PIP, except if I did quads or a time or two belly fat. If you have a real problem find another lab.
Dude, just stop injecting your quads. If you want no PIP then get a long ester and inject glutes and ventroglutes twice a week, problem solved.

FWIW I've tried cyp, enanthate, prop, TPP, and test base - and none of them gave me any PIP, except if I did quads or a time or two belly fat. If you have a real problem find another lab.

I've gotten pip in every muscle I've injected thus far this cycle. Used same lab last cycle so didnt expect this.
Even if i wanted it would take minimum a week to source enanthate and would be same lab anyhow.

With that said, its been a dramatic difference last 2 injections. Maybe paracetamol, maybe the fact i'm drinking twice as much water, but something changed for the better.

Its definitely more annoyance then a deal breaker. I'll try and ride this cycle out for now :)
I'm not doing prop for next cycle, thats for damn sure though!
Did shoulders, core and some lower back today.
Went fine but this idiot jumped behind me instead of walking around me or simply just fucking walking behind me... and managed to push me while doing a set, which threw me into a rage. Didn't escalate to something bad but I just couldn't shake the aggression and rest of the session suffered due to it.
I would probably have reacted the same off cycle but I would have been able to just shrug it off and continue like it didn't happen.