Test/tren/deca/mast/sd blast


New member
Hey fellas,

Wanted some opinions on my upcoming blast. I am 6'1'", 200lbs about 9%. 3 more weeks of cutting on cruise of 240mg long ester test, 200mg tren e, 250mg deca until I ramp the deca to 500, then 800 over 4-6 weeks. I am thinking about adding some things and really making this a good blast. Goal is to add a LOT of lean mass, keep bodyfat the same. I have done this successfully before on test/deca/tren last winter.

Just wanted some opinions on what you think of this potential blast:

260 super test
840mg deca
770mg tren (420 tren e + 350 tren ace)
350mg mast prop

60mg ralox ED for gyno reversal
aromasin as needed

Will eat at about a 500 cal surplus, 200g protein, 400-500g carbs, 60-70g fat. LISS 3x week for heart health.

I don't want to hear "that's too much" or any fear mongering parroted stuff. Or anything regarding not running tren + deca as I've done it before at 500mg each.

Just want to know what you think of the blast and how you think my plan will go.

Thanks guys.
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Too much?? Not enough lol i love it mast is on the low side imo i say SD because i love SD that stack should make you pretty beastly
Too much?? Not enough lol i love it mast is on the low side imo i say SD because i love SD that stack should make you pretty beastly

Well it's most economical for me to run the tren ace/mast pop blend at 350/350...could do 525/525 but that's a little more than I want to spend I think.

I've only ran 1.3g before max (300mg test, 500mg deca, 500mg tren) so this jump to 2.2g would be big and I think it would be sick

Lookin thick as hell in the avi too brother
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Im stuck playing with 100mg tren ace ed 100mast p ed for one $ and when i try adding more shit my bp gets too high wich sucks cuz i want to add Other compounds. I always run test low also sensitive. ... and thanks for the compliment im getting closer and closer to my desired look once i get there that wont be enough then well go from there lol
Im stuck playing with 100mg tren ace ed 100mast p ed for one $ and when i try adding more shit my bp gets too high wich sucks cuz i want to add Other compounds. I always run test low also sensitive. ... and thanks for the compliment im getting closer and closer to my desired look once i get there that wont be enough then well go from there lol

I mean 700mg tren ace 700mg mast p is pretty nice man, although I'm sure you'd love to add things.

When my gyno started acting up on test/deca/tren last winter, I strategically dropped deca....observed no changes in gyno...dropped tren..observed no changes...dropped the 300mg test...changes happen, gyno done growing and not sensitive. Went back on 200mg tren for cruise and no issues.

This time I'll have pharma ralox and mast and aromasin so 200-300 doesn't worry me. Could probably get away with 500 but want to keep bloat and estro down while on so much deca/tren
If you simply switch to masteron e, instead of prop, Your masteron dosage can jump to 700 mg per week with the exact same injection volume .. That's a much better dose of masteron then 350,, IMO
If you simply switch to masteron e, instead of prop, Your masteron dosage can jump to 700 mg per week with the exact same injection volume .. That's a much better dose of masteron then 350,, IMO

The thing is, I have a Tren A/Mast P blend, 200mg/ml (100mg/ml each). 3 vials just sitting around
....well.they are just sitting around...lol
Love it..love to see the result s of this and/or where your at NOW, OP. U and 49 er are really something but I m confident ya ll know what lies ahead for you...my age--scared to even fantasize at those beast doses.

My big cycle kicked off lol and as I been Mr. Low Dose since getting back into augmenting my trt with my doc s full knowledge if only begrudging approval..... and FEEL amazing on this...my strength is way up ( I do 12-20 s though always) and I am full..weighing 214 fairly darn lean considering diet is really not something I will ever be good at lol . When I want to eat it I do grab it, unwrap it, fix it , pour it, scoop it, shoot it,..AND AFTER midnight the body does not store fat so.....right ? lol
The thing is, I have a Tren A/Mast P blend, 200mg/ml (100mg/ml each). 3 vials just sitting around

The perfect "blend" is stocking up on individual compounds and running them together at whatever blend you choose

But yeah I feel you on using up old stock just sitting around
Perfect blend would be
150mg TrenA/150mg Mast P/50mg test P

Im sure your blending this up just fine yourself,, and by the looks of your avi,, that blend and doing more pull ups and squeezing out back day is working quite well for you :)
....well.they are just sitting around...lol
Love it..love to see the result s of this and/or where your at NOW, OP. U and 49 er are really something but I m confident ya ll know what lies ahead for you...my age--scared to even fantasize at those beast doses.

My big cycle kicked off lol and as I been Mr. Low Dose since getting back into augmenting my trt with my doc s full knowledge if only begrudging approval..... and FEEL amazing on this...my strength is way up ( I do 12-20 s though always) and I am full..weighing 214 fairly darn lean considering diet is really not something I will ever be good at lol . When I want to eat it I do grab it, unwrap it, fix it , pour it, scoop it, shoot it,..AND AFTER midnight the body does not store fat so.....right ? lol

Thanks man. I like your ideology, and you look AMAZING, especially for 51! Hope I can look like that in general, much less at your age, I am barely 24 haha. made some good progress since I began hormones but still have a long way to go. I "fell off" a couple times which set me back more than I liked...current pic below

The perfect "blend" is stocking up on individual compounds and running them together at whatever blend you choose

But yeah I feel you on using up old stock just sitting around

It's really quality product. I could always pick up mast by itself but then again why not add more tren too with the blend lol.

Perfect blend would be
150mg TrenA/150mg Mast P/50mg test P
would be wonderful but hurt haha

current pic: I am tall...6'1.5". Need more to fill out lanky frame.

Im sure your blending this up just fine yourself,, and by the looks of your avi,, that blend and doing more pull ups and squeezing out back day is working quite well for you :)

No just 1 ml each too pricey to use that as it is. And yes I took my back thread i posted to heart and been really putting effort in making it grow
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Thanks man. I like your ideology, and you look AMAZING, especially for 51! Hope I can look like that in general, much less at your age, I am barely 24 haha. made some good progress since I began hormones but still have a long way to go. I "fell off" a couple times which set me back more than I liked...current pic below

It's really quality product. I could always pick up mast by itself but then again why not add more tren too with the blend lol.

would be wonderful but hurt haha

current pic: I am tall...6'1.5". Need more to fill out lanky frame.


Fuck your plenty lean your stack is gonna blow youyou up nice!
Fuck your plenty lean your stack is gonna blow youyou up nice!

Thanks man, hoping the short ester mastren gives me the dry hard vascular look while the others build up and grow me steadily. Really excited to start this in one month. I have a log at **** if you are around and feel like following
Uh you're running exactly what I'm on with mine all being long esters. My doses are a bit different, but I've got 90lbs on you. It's definitely an amazing stack, but be sure to keep an eye on estradiol and your liver values.