Test + Tren + Equipoise 1 month use now going second cycle


New member
Hi everyone,

Ive been using test with tren very low mg actually for a month also i was using equipoise.

I'm planing to go for Anavar and Winstrol then will start pct.

Any advice?

Current Stats:
Height: 6'3" (190 cm)
Weight: 105 kg
Age: 27

Ur post has very little info can u go more in depth... Cycle history, diet, goals, dosage, how long ur gunna cycle for... Stuff like that
I'm sorry i didnt post more info.

I know how much did i do in total for a month.

Tren : 1500 mg
Test : 1500 mg
equipoise : 1750 mg

My plan to use Anavar : 80 tablet
Winstrol : 3 bottle

My goal to get clean muscle with 0 fat to be fit not so bumpy , The food im eating with very low fat so far.

Not planing to go more then 2 months so far
Welcome aboard

Please indicate your personal stat s a little more comprehensively and be much detailed in relation to what your running exactly in terms of doses...not "very low doses" please.

And I agree; even a short estered based cycle needs to be run 6 if not 8 weeks as any real body recomp will only BEGIN at 1 month...
Sorry for that, I will reach back home and post it in details as im at work right now. Will get my letter to post how many dosage im taking exactly and what im using so far.

Thank you very much for the support
Also post, age weight, bodyfat, and previous cycles... And what lab ur using cause those are unbelievably HIGH doses

.... Or arethose doses what u did in a month?