test without anti-e's


New member
anyone here stay lean and ripped while on test without using l-dex or other anti-e's? Or does everyone get bloated, just wondering how much genetics has to play in this?
I bloat (predominantly in the face) when using test without anti-e's and I am really lean naturally. My face will puff up at just 500 mg/week, even though bf is only 8%.
I'm naturally lean, I'd say I've never been above 8-10% bf. I have no idea how i will react to my first cycle. 400 EQ wk. 400 test enan wk. I would like to stay as bloat free as possible. I have nolva and l-dex. Should I wait to see if I even bloat before i add the nolva or the l-dex. Or do these do a lot better of a job in preventing bloat rather then getting rid of it after its there?
Kozmo said:
I'm naturally lean, I'd say I've never been above 8-10% bf. I have no idea how i will react to my first cycle. 400 EQ wk. 400 test enan wk. I would like to stay as bloat free as possible. I have nolva and l-dex. Should I wait to see if I even bloat before i add the nolva or the l-dex. Or do these do a lot better of a job in preventing bloat rather then getting rid of it after its there?

If you start bloating real bad you can take liquidex and it will take ~1 week before it will subside a good amount. The reason is that you will still have alot of circulating estrogen, so until this clears the system you may stay bloated....
Bro, I think anti-e's are a waste of time. I personally have gone up to 3 grams of test per week without any anti-e. I think some estrogen conversion is helpful for growth along with the additional water retention.
i just got done monday with an 11 week test cycle 900mgs a week and the only side i got was bloat in my face, mater of fact my mom said my face looked swolen on my 3rd week in