Testosterone and Alcohol/Binge Drinking - Psychological Problems

In 2011 I was up for days, smoking rock, 500-700 mgs Oxy, and Methadone and I got into the Van and drove to Gainesville, why I have NO idea...

I went into the conscious type of black out...still awake and moving along , not knowing at all what up. So I was running about 45 they say and I just changed lanes into the rear end of a car that was parked.

If something happens ya don't know until it is over.

Sorry another story from Mike .. :insane2:
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OP - yes there is a difference between getting wasted and drunk while completely free from any Anabolics/androgens in your body , and doing the same thing with an elevated amount of anabolics in your body . it depends on your personality to begin with , but add the two together can make for very aggressive behavior

I've witnessed guys that are completely fun and laid back 'drunks' get along with everybody , but the same guys if on cycle go out and party then they are very aggressive after getting drunk and the smallest things will set them off (where again when not on cycle they are laid back)

obviously everyone here is correct . stop drinking, but you know that . So yes i wanted to answer your question directly and there is a correlation between the two and more violent behavior