testosterone cyp and mouth irritation


New member
just started test cyp 250mg a week pharm grade. now i have been experiencing gum and tooth irritation. now I have looked this up and this seems to be one of the side effects of testosterone. does anyone now anyting about this, does it fade, theeth and gum feel weak.is it not suppose to be the opposite?
the strep virus is going around right now, that causes irritation on face, lips and sometimes forehead. I doubt it has anything to do with the test whatsoever.
Never heard of this. DET has a more likely answer.

This happens to guys all the time, they don't know much about what they are using, get paranoid, and blame everything that happens during a cycle on the AAS.

Ex. Right now I'm having horrible back and shoulder issues. Not from training, but it must be the test because it wasn't this bad before.

Or I'm sick, so must be test flu because I didn't have this before I started.

Op it's actually very smart of you to look up symptoms and ask questions so I'm not bashing you for that at all. At least you take the time to do this. But I'm pretty sure it's unrelated, and I know in 10 years or so I've never heard of this. But keep an eye on it in case of a virus that gets worse. If you end up going to a doc, do not mention AAS use. This will stay in a permanent file and could later effect insurance or chances of getting it.
My guess is that you got a yeast infection from eating your woman's dirty pussy and now all your teeth are going to fall out.

Just playing bro....I'm with user on this one. Don't tell the doc your using aas.