Testosterone Enanthate 500mg & Proviron 25


New member
10 week Testosterone Enanthate 500mg & Proviron 25

All right so this is my starting point
12% bf

5 eggs, 1 cup oatmeal, Shake
AM Snack
Salmon/Chicken, Bananna,
1 cup Northern Beans, Steak,halfcup Granola
Afternoon Snack
Shake, Turkey Wrap/PBJ, Apple/Orange
*Workout* followed w/ shake
Steak/Chkn Brst/Fish,Green Veggies maybe some pasta
B4 Bed
Shake (depending on where calories are at for the day may add some chicken or fresh veggies depending on how I feel)

Calorie Breakdown
Protein 350-400
Carbs 250-300
Fat 80

Workout Routine M,T & T,F
5x5 Routine

Today was 2nd injection.
So far no real change
Libido= good
Mood= normal, maybe a bit elavated
Sleep=8 hrs
Acne= usual here and there backne
Strength= Same

Chest= 44''
Arms= 18''
Forearms= 13.5"

Goals= Gain nice lean bulk, Increase in Strength

Powered by Z-Line Pharmaceuticals
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Let me know if I left anything out or if you guys got any questions or input. I'm no pro here so if anyone sees something that you'd tweak just lemme know. Also, my pct is Nolvadex 40/40/20/20.
whats your workout routine look like ... you mentioned 5x5 training .. 4 days a week.. how do you split it up in regards to actual workouts on each day?

also let us know if you think proviron is making any driffernce . i have heard 25mg ED isn't enough. im assuming u have cycled b4 w/ just test and are this time around throwing in the proviron
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if those are current (recent) pics, you are not 12% bf...

but besides that everything looks good man, good luck.
those pics are from last month. I got a bf test w/ the calipers at my gym last week. To be honest I really thought i was more like 14% but hey. I have cut some fat since. Either way my WO Routine looks like this-
Monday= Bi's n Tri's
Alternating Dumbell Curls 5x5
Skull Crushers 5x5
Preacher Curls 3x8-10
Close Grip Smith Bench 3x8-10
Hammer Curls 3x8-10
Tricep Push Downs w/V-Bar 3x8-10
Cable Crunches 5x30-40

Tuesday=Legs & Core
Squats 5x5
Calf Raises 3x 8-10
Hamstring Curls 3x8-10
Dumbell Lunges 3x8-10
Power Cleans 5x5
Horizontel Side Bends w/Dumbell 3x10
Plate Twists 3x8-10

Flat Bench 5x5
Incline Dumbell Flys 3x8-10
Decline Dumbell Bench Press 3x8-10
Hanging Leg Raises 3x20
Cable Crunches 3x30-40
Sometimes throw in a Hack Squat 3x5

Friday=Back n Shoulders
Deadlifts 5x5
Bent Over Row 3x8
Lat Pull Down 3x8
Strict OH Press 5x5
Dumbell Front Raises 3x8
Dumbell Side Raises or Arnold Press 3x8

I realize that this may not be considered a textbook 5x5 routine but its my version of it. I also do progessive loads. I try and add at least 5lbs EOW.
whats your workout routine look like ... you mentioned 5x5 training .. 4 days a week.. how do you split it up in regards to actual workouts on each day?

also let us know if you think proviron is making any driffernce . i have heard 25mg ED isn't enough. im assuming u have cycled b4 w/ just test and are this time around throwing in the proviron

not starting the proviron til week 3. This will be my first time using it so im very curious to see if 25mg cuts it. guess we'll find out
Well I'll be checking in because I'm curious as well. And yeah I was asking about the routine because I have a similar variation of the 5x5 that I do 4 days a week but haven't seen anyone else doing the same. I have only been doing it for a few weeks but it feels great. Could just be the change itself, but I'm feeling stronger and like if I'm training better already.
Yeah calipers are by no means perfect or exact when it comes to measuring bf%, I just see that it looks like you have sort of love handles at the back which throws me off thinking your 12. Either way it doesn't really make a huge difference
I started at 50mg of proviron.
works really well for me.
Took around 2 weeks before i started to see its results.
Did you try 25 at all? I was worried that 25 wouldnt be enough so I made a thread asking about it. Everyone that responded said that 25 woulbe g2g. Guess I'll just bite the bullet and order more just in case. Besides, it's always good to have extra.
Just a quick update, its been a lil over 24 hrs since my 2nd injection. Libido is defintitely up. No homo but christ, was walkin round with chubbys all damn day. lmao. Anyway, not sure but appetite seems to be a lil increased. Might just be paranoid but I also think I'm starting to retain some water. My wedding band seemed extra tight today. Anyway, thats it for the updates. Keep hittin the weights bros, don't let'em hit u.
quick update fellas. I never pin my left glute by myself. Usually just my right and quads. Anyway, I had my wife hit my left glute on my 2nd injection. Did everything by the book. Anyway, it hurts like all hell. Like one of your first injections. Very sore and painful for the 3rd day now. Kinda swollen. Don't think its an abcess just virgin muscle ya know. Anyway, I took some muscle relaxers and some motrin 800 and it's a lot better. Will be keepimg an eye on it in case it worsens. Other than that I feel great, apatite is up, mood is great. I've put on about 5lbs over the last week and cant really tell if its water weight yet or just the increased calorie intake. I EAT A TON. Anyway, keep at it bros.
Also gonna be adding some clomid in with my post cycle therapy (pct). Clomid50/50/50/50 and Nolvadex 20/20/10/10/10/10
3rd injection was yesterday. Rotating sites. One of our kids was sick and up all night so I was really dragging ass yesterday. Did my injection and deciced to get a preWO sup just to help get me motivated. Ended up having a badass WO. Had some suh-weet pumps goin which I dunno if I should atribute to the juice or the pwo sup. Either way, heres the breakdown.
Strength= Bit Elevated
Libido= Increased
Skin= Same bit of backne
Mood= Great
Appetite= Increased
Sleep= 8hrs
Just got back from the gym. Feelin great. May seem a bit early but I swear I'm seeing a strength increase. Still same amount of weight I usually use but reps are coming much easier and I'm able to knock out a couple extras. Feels like this is going to be a great cycle. Injection sites are still kinda sore. The one in my glute was super painful/swollen but is goin away finally. 4th injections tomorrow. Gonna hit delts I think cuz this gear, (Z's domestic test e) has a lil kick to it. First time using Z by the way and so far extremely satisfied. B4 had local ugl shit. Overpriced and underdosed imo. Anyway, hope this log helps someone.
Hey, I am about to start first cycle....Gp Sustanon (sust) 270 and Gp deca 250...any suggestions on how I should take it...and should I add anything
Hey, I am about to start first cycle....Gp Sustanon (sust) 270 and Gp deca 250...any suggestions on how I should take it...and should I add anything

start your own thread .. post stats .. and if its your first cycle u should try sticking to test or just the sust..
Hey, I am about to start first cycle....Gp Sustanon (sust) 270 and Gp deca 250...any suggestions on how I should take it...and should I add anything

I ran sus for my first cycle with great results. I do highly recomend that u hold off on the deca til ur next cycle. A person should always run test only their first cycle. Opposed to stacking multiple compounds first time round. U need to see how ur body is going to react, and if you get sides u wont know which compound is causing it. Process of elimination so to speak. Plus ur first cycle u can get great gains from test alone. 20lbs + if u train and eat properly. Be wise and hold onto the deca. Do a 10wk cycle. You can start as low as 1 270 shot/wk but no more than 2 shots/ wk is really needed first cycle. Since you dont know how ur body will react have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand like adex for on cycle. If gyno flares up begin taking .5 ed. Have clomid and nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct). clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolvadex 20/20/10/10/10/10. Thats 4wks clomid and 6 wks nolva and those numbers are grams /day. Please, do not be ignorant and get in a big hurry. Do your research, there is endless things to learn about in regards to AAS. If you want more help start a thread and post up your stats, diet, and training regime. Truly, Diet comes first, training 2nd, Sleep 3rd, and AAS last. If you dont have these things in the right order and your priorities are fucked up. Then i promise you, you will fuck yourself up. Good luck bro
End of week 2 coming to a close. 4th injection completed. Got back from the gym a lil bit ago. Heres where im at.
Libido= Definitelt elavated, my girls taking a pounding
Mood= Excellent, feel great
Strength= Slow n steady increase
Sides= Retaining water for sure ine put on about 10lbs which again i'm sure some is due to all the extra calories but water retention is noticable. Begin the Proviron on monday. Gonna see how 25 ed does. Thats it for sides. Skin still normal, been keeping extra clean though. Last cycle I ended up with pretty narley acne on chest n back. Although as far as i know so far i'm not proned for gyno or hair loss.