Update post cycle Last shot completed was April 10, 2011
Consolidated log report from May 18-June 11, 2011
It has been almost a month since last log. I will do another post cycle update.
Presently on
50mcg synthroid only.
Diet (Veggie)
Calorie intake 3000-4000 daily. Mostly fresh vegetables on a daily basis, milk, and cheese, no meats or fish. Eggs eaten only occasionally.
Occasional protein shake
No vitamins or anything additional lately.
Body weight
Ranging from 228-236lb last 4 weeks. BW dropping due to rapid increase in temps outside -- in the greater Toronto area. Averaging 25-40 Celsius + last few weeks.
Furthermore, throwing in
clenbuterol starting this past Monday for a additional kick. Only concern is maintaining LBM and strength.
Training 3* a week minimum.
Routine remains similar doing 4 sets * 4-10 reps with multiple drop sets for most exercises.
Focus is primarily on compound exercises that revolve around big movements i.e. bench, squat, barbell curls, shoulder press etc.
Lately cardio (last 4 weeks) is been kept to a minimum, with more every day physical activities outside the gym i.e. tennis, bike riding etc.
Bench Press
225*10-12 (This past Thursday could only do 9 + 1 assisted)
245*6-9 (Thursday could only do 6 + 1 assisted)
Decline bench
225*8-10 (past Thursday only 7 + 1 assisted rep )
Incline Bench Press
Something interesting i have been experiencing over the last 4-6 weeks - is akin to
sudden loss of power in a motor vehicle.

I can be doing a set and suddenly lose all the strength i.e. doing bench press even with 185lb or 135lb. Hence, i find onset of sudden exhaustion, since i been off cycle attempting the same weights and even much lower weights very psychologically defeating at times. Rapid build up of lactic acid? This is only felt primarily doing any chest exercises.
Military press (sitting)
195*6-8 (doing 10lb more than on cycle)
Dumbbell press
Smith machine squat (Olympic style)
285*10 (with ease)
Leg press (metal to metal)
8 plates each * 5-7 reps
375* 6-8 with ease
Initially after the first 4 weeks i felt a little puffiness and itchiness which led me to use Nolvadex for 13 days starting May 6th, 2011 till May 18th.
Some days i feel like i am holding much more water and body fat than usual. Other days feeling nice and lean. From time to time still feeling itchiness around the nipple area. Wednesday June 8, 2011 ordered prolactin, RBC, THS, testosterone, estradiol blood test to see where i am right now.
Will follow up with results later this week.
Occasional zit from time to time. Not sure if this is accelerated due to restart of Vitamin A on a daily basis past past 4-5 weeks 0.025%. Furthermore, I can still feel the hormones fluctuating some weeks more than others up until a few weeks back. Now everything is normalized. The latter hormonal imbalance is likely due to my decision to fore go post cycle therapy (pct) in the beginning since i convinced myself i was on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dosage.
The Blood tests results should clarify things a little more this week.
Very bothersome pain in elbows many times over the last 8 weeks. I am not sure to what extent synthroid intake is increasing joint pain, but it is fairly bad - especially left. Bad enough that i cannot do 1 pull up some days due to unbearable pain.