Testosterone Enanthate only cycle - 1st in 14 years of training on/off

What was the average body weight gain on 1st cycle? [All AAS are qualified for poll]

  • 10-19 pounds

    Votes: 43 53.1%
  • 20-24 pounds

    Votes: 24 29.6%
  • 25-29 pounds

    Votes: 9 11.1%
  • 30-34 pounds

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • 35-39 pounds

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • 40-44l pounds

    Votes: 3 3.7%

  • Total voters
27th shot completed [2/27 shots failed]

Pain went from mild to quite serious, had to get prescription pain killers Monday March 14. Five days later the pain is slowly going away.

Will be 9 days since last shot on March 9, 2011 tonight. The last one was all bled out.

27th IMI shot completed March 18, 2011 (1:41am)

March 13th and another shot, i believe in Mid Jan were the only two wasted as they leaked out. First one was no trouble. The second as reported above hit vein upon aspiration, to top it off it leaked, w/ reaction exacerbated by the allergic reaction to Test cypionate.:nopity:
Thursday March 17, 2011 trained Legs & Chest

One hour prior too
1 8mg Ephedrine
1 200mg Caffeine

No cardio

Routine listed in order of completion

Barbell bench press
3* 225 * 12 11 and 12 reps [Plateaued at 12 reps max]
1*245 * 7 +1 assisted [plateaued]

Barbell front squat {Olympic style}
2*135lb*8 & 10
3* 185lb * 6 8 and 10 reps
1* 205lb *4 [bar rolled stopped early]
Have not done this in 4-5 years due to various injuries. Shoulders were so painful that night post workout, i could not sleep all night. Next night (Fri) had to take painkillers to mitigate the pain. Seems like a knot in the right shoulder because the weight rolled at 205lb, which is getting better as of Saturday morning. Just gotta get into it after years of layoff, 225lb for 10 reps used to be fairly straightforward.

Smith Machine Squat (all done Olympic style)
2*335 * 8 & 10 reps [I usually run out of steam by 8th rep, not because muscle exhaustion, but muscle endurance, getting 10 much easier now. Thats the best way i can explain it.]
Slight pinch in groin area persistent from Saturday attempting 375lb for Olympic style squats. Once the pinch is gone i want to attempt again 375+ for Olympic style squat 5-8 reps.

Was fairly exhausted w/ those 2 leg routines alone, so no leg extensions and curls, and calves were done. I am looking to do legs twice a week, 1 day is purely focus on squats.

Barbell incline bench press
2*205lb* 9 & 10
1*225lb * 7 reps + 1 assisted [new personal best usually struggle in this because of left elbow and shoulder pain and get about 5 on my own, i think 6 once]

Barbell decline bench press
3*225* 8 7 & 7 reps

No abs

Since T/C started have not been perspirating as usual.

No bloat anywhere. Initial week of T/C even head was bloated. Most of the water retention is usually concentrated in the lower 4-6" of the legs and ankles, it is all gone.

Body Weight steady 244-245 (w/ clothes, no shoes)


Left Arm flexed on non workout day 18"
Right Arm 17" 1/4

So far least impressed w/ Bicep progress, then Chest strength.

Most impressed w/ Legs strength & look, and & Shoulder build.
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Sat March 19, 2011 trained Bi's & Tris
Done very lightly due to ongoing shoulder pain from the front squats on Thursday night.

50m of cardio elliptical and stair master. Pumps in the legs are greatly mitigated as their is a large time lapse between shots. The welts with socks are still present.

Ez curl pressdowns

Dips (machine sitting)
4*50-70lb*10-12 reps


Ez bar cable curl
5*140-40lb*8-12 reps

Machine Preacher curls
4*50-70lb*8-12 reps

No abs
Mon March 21, 2011 Trained Legs

1 hour prior
1 8mg Ephedrine HCL
1 200mg Caffeine tab

53m Stairmaster Interval setting, level 3-4.
Completed no problem. Have not gone this long consecutively.

followed by

Smith Machine squats
2*195lb*10 & 12
1*285lb*9 reps
1*335lb* 8 reps

Leg Curls (lying)
5*130-50lb * 8-12 reps
Followed by 1 drop set

Leg extensions
5*190-230lb * 8-12 reps
followed by 1 drop set w/ 50% of the weight

No abs

With a heavy dose of stairmaster before squats, I felt pain in the knees for the first time. It was also the first, i did cardio for this long since being on T/E at a relatively high intensity level. I started saying that i will start doing more cardio about 6-8 weeks ago, but was never able too due to pumps in legs and back until cypionate usage, which made me delay my shots and the time lapse between shots as much 9 days. With the delays in shots the pumps were and are greatly alleviated.

Bodyweight maintaining 238-241lb Down from peak @246 -5lb
As of today Mach 24 18wks on T/E and 5th wk on Anavar as of yesterday (March 23, 11)

Wed March 23, 2011
Light back and Shoulders

The pinching pain in right shoulder from last Thursday doing front squats is gone as of Wed morning.

29m Stairmaster level 3 to 5 interval setting. Completed with no problems.

Behind the neck pulldowns
4*150-80*9-14 reps

Close grip rows
5*110-200lb*8-12 reps

Front pulldowns (wide grip)
5*140-200lb* 7-12 reps

Dumbbell presses
4*70lb*9-10 reps
Can do heavier, but attempting full ROM. I feel better the ROM, the fuller the muscle look.

Shrugs (Smith machine - plate loaded)
2*4 45s each *8-10 reps
2*5 45s *7-8
2*4 45s + 1 35lb *4-6 reps

Lateral Dumbbell raises (supersetted w/ rear delts)
1*30lb*12 reps
3*40lb*7-8 reps

Rear delts (machine)
4*95-105*10-12 reps

Front dumbbell raises
1*40lb*8 reps
2*45lb*8 and 7 reps

followed consecutively by dumbbell upright rows and behind the neck shrugs

Dumbbell upright rows

Behind the neck shrugs
3*155lb*8-10 reps

No abs

The more the time between shots, the leaner i am feeling and looking. Have heard comments of similar nature from more than 3 individuals. BTW have not lost much BW from peak maybe around 8 pounds and now averaging 5-7 pounds as of this Monday.

Have nearly eliminated all supplements the last 2 weeks including weight gainers, glutamine, essential oils, and whey protein.
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27th IMI shot completed March 18, 2011 (1:41am)

March 13th and another shot, i believe in Mid Jan were the only two wasted as they leaked out. First one was no trouble. The second as reported above hit vein upon aspiration, to top it off it leaked, w/ reaction exacerbated by the allergic reaction to Test cypionate.:nopity:

Last shot on March 18 was done after 9 days.

Since that March 18 shot, 7 day lapse as of tonight.

I don't feel any differently with this much time in between shots, other than feeling much better in terms of the pumps in lower back and legs greatly diminishing.
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28th shot

Last shot on March 18 was done after 9 days.

Since that March 18 shot, 7 day lapse as of tonight.

I don't feel any differently with this much time in between shots, other than feeling much better in terms of the pumps in lower back and legs greatly diminishing.

28th shot was completed Sun March 27, 2011 (1:41), contrary to the dates indicated above. This was another 9 days in between.

Due to low test levels, i am commencing post cycle therapy (pct) on 1 shot every 9 days, not the typical Clomid/Nolvadex Therapy. Check up with endocrinologist is coming up on on April 6, 2011. I will see where things go from there. Still awaiting the Synthroid.
19th week on T/E -6th week Anavar as of March 30th

Saturday March 26, 2011 trained Legs/Bi's

1.5 hours prior
1 8mg Ephedrine HCL
1 200mg Caffeine
No aspirin

25m Elliptical - no problems due to pumps/pain.

Front Barbell squats
2*185lb*8 & 10
3* 225lb * 8 8 & 10 reps
1* 245lb * 6 reps
Done Olympic style.

No problems w/ knees. Last time knee pain occurred was doing Smith Machine Squats--post 55m of Stair climber consecutively. This was the first instance of pain. I was afraid it would become a habit like my left elbow and shoulder pain for the last 10-12 weeks.

I will slowly move to free weight squats. For the time being i find front squats easier. Plus, it develops noticeable difference in the front legs fast, which i am going for -- not to see how much weight i can do.

This was the 2nd time doing front squats on T/E. First time in the last 4-5 years. Prior to cycle only did plate loaded smith machine squats due to broken tendons and unbearable pain in knees due to trauma injuries. At the time, starting in 2006 had to take 2 years off altogether from legs, before that another 4-5 years. T/E IMHO helped in this respect. At the rate i am going, Human Growth Hormone should totally rehabilitate all injuries.

Leg Press (start w/ 2 4 6 8 plates each)
1*2 45s each * 10
1* 4 45s * 12
2* 6 45s each * 8 & 9 reps
1* 7 45s 9 reps
1* 8 45s 6 reps
Doing metal to metal. No partial reps.

8 months back, i heard a huge pop in chest cavity doing 7 plates each -- metal to metal. It caused pain in throat & neck for about 10 minutes. I thought at the time serious damage was done. Although, i always do metal to metal, it does cause quite a bit of severe stress on the body and especially the rounding of the back. So for those who follow suit. Be careful. I was always quite flexible and remain that way and always go for the full range of motion.

Stiff leg dead-lifts (done on the platform that comes w/ it, not on floor for extra stretch)
3*235lb * 9 8 and 10 reps

No leg extensions or curls. I alternate on these as legs are done twice a week to mix it up a little as of the last 4-6 weeks.

EZ Curl Bar
5*75lb* 10-12 reps
Keeping weight down due to piercing & throbbing pain in left elbow then extending to shoulder.

Preacher curls (plate loaded)
4*1 45lb+35lb * 8-12reps

Dumbbell alternating curls
4*40lb * 8-10 each

No abs

Due to the time lapse between shots, no noticeable loss in strength, muscle mass, or bodyweight is indicated at this time. Body weight is steady in range from 239-242lb last 5-6 weeks.

Lately only reason for being able to do as much cardio was due to the loss of water retention in lower legs. That is where i held most, if not all of the water. Otherwise difficult to walk 50-100meters at its peak.

The pumps in muscles are noticeably lessened or gone altogether (i.e. bi's/tri's), however the contraction is still there. As i have indicated that i lost the contraction in right arm for quite a long time (3+ years). The lack of contraction is not presently the case, as i've cut down the number of shots.

Also noticed on March 20th, the hands are slightly larger when i tried the same bracelet, i could wear easily prior to cycle last summer. There was never bloat in the hands from day 1, unless i failed to notice. Thought it was odd, didn't know T/E affected the size/thickness of the hands. Given all the muscles in the hands and all the activities it is used for, not quite out of the ordinary though. Hindsight is 20/20.:sleep:

Also remember the itchiness, i noted that used to come on the back (especially) and overall body for a few seconds to few minutes at times (mostly first few hours after waking up). It has no longer been a problem for the last 4-6 weeks.

Blood pressure average taken this week
131/74 (Systolic is below average - 80). Is that normal? :help:

Lately i've been monitoring heart rate w/ chest strap for enhanced accuracy. 73-81 resting heart rate. During workouts average is 110-115. During high intensity bouts 145-153. In the beginning when T/E was commenced, w/ the immediate onset of 25lb+ body weight gained, HR was typically elevated with very mild activity. I could feel the pounding. After the first 6-8 weeks it no longer remained a problem. It quickly calms down now.

I eat well, cheating a few times a week, but watch what i eat. All the weight gainer shakes, even flax seed/olive oil has been eliminated for the entire month of March.

No other sides effects are noted
i.e. loss of hair
rampant acne
hair growth

I will update the side effects w/ a list that i did about 12-14 weeks ago in the logs here.

Most importantly, i've noticed more of a difference in 4 weeks of 20mg ED Anavar usage, than i have prior to it on 12+ weeks of T/E usage. I will detail this in a another log.
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Most importantly, i've noticed more of a difference in 4 weeks of 20mg ED Anavar usage, than i have prior to it on 12+ weeks of T/E usage. I will detail this in a another log.

in terms of strength

i.e. Barbell bench press 245 5 reps to 9 reps

Incline bench press stuck at 225 *5 -for 6-8 weeks - now 7 even 8 reps 1 day

Smith machine Olympic style squat 285*10 reps now easily 335* 10 reps.

Deadlifts - i would also include this in key gauge of exercises to note difference. But the back pumps/pain remained a major major problem on cycle - even w/ the intake of Taurine/Potassium to mitigate it. I will start doing this again.

Add to that the vascularity and the muscle hardness on 20mg Anavar only. :blue:Last 2 weeks, i've been told i am looking bigger by at least 3 colleagues who i train side by side at least once a week. In fact i peaked in terms of weight around 5 wks ago at 246lb. But the Anavar has given a harder more solid look. Water bloat :spit:is no where present.
Most importantly, i've noticed more of a difference in 4 weeks of 20mg ED Anavar usage, than i have prior to it on 12+ weeks of T/E usage. I will detail this in a another log.

Also to be noted are the muscle cramps and spasms:help: since starting Anavar 5 weeks ago. At times they are very very painful. Did not happen the entire time when ONLY T/E was used.

Occurred in a few instances including

Doing dips - shoulders & neck locked up. This usually occurs on the first set after a few reps and i have to stop.:dunno: To complete routine, I would do dips on plate loaded machine in 2 consecutive instances.

Doing straight leg raises - abdominal area literally curled up last Thursday March 24, 2011. I could feel the damn intestines curling up or doing something. I thought i was having a hernia attack or something to that tune. I stopped doing whatever i was doing and walked away. It was quite painful, could not move for a few minutes. I could still feel the pain a week later, until yesterday.

Not sure if this is due to excessive pumps w/ the combination of T/E + Anavar or some type of electrolyte imbalance. :confused:
Tuesday March 29, 2011 Trained Chest & Back

No ECA stack

No cardio

Behind the neck pulldowns
5*70-140lb * 8-12 reps

Front pulldowns
5* 140-190lb *7-14 reps

Close grip cable rows
80-250lb * 7-15 reps

Narrow grip machine pulls
1* 180lb * 12 reps
1* 250lb (2 45s + 1 35lb each) * 9 10 10 reps. Not counting what the apparatus weighs - no idea.

Deadlifts (failed to complete )
1*135lb * 9 reps
2* 225lb * 10 10
Really struggled to do this, due to painful spasm on the left side of the back.

Smith Incline Bench Press
2*180 * 12 reps - that is 2 45s each side- not sure how much each side weighs
2*230lb (2 45s+1 25lb)* 10
2*270lb *6 and 7 reps

Incline dumbbell flys
2*70 * 8 and 10 reps
2*45lb* 10-12 reps

Cable machine flys (sitting)
4*95lb*12-15 reps

Barbell bench press
2*185* 10 & 13 reps
3*235lb * 8 8 and 9 (3rd set-last rep assisted)

No abs

Since shot on March 26, 2011. Intermittent light pain on left nipple, there especially since yesterday. Been contemplating whether i should throw in Nolvadex. With time lapse between shots. The hormones level are likely in an imbalance. I will discuss this further w/ the endocrinologist next Wednesday.

As i was logging this. Instead of contemplating, i took one 10mg Nolvadex, as i continue to feel the painful sensation on the left side of the left nipple.

1 small zit right side of face.

After about 30m of walking, i felt the pumps yesterday in right lower outer part of the leg. No visible swelling is indicated.
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Since shot on March 26, 2011. Intermittent light pain on left nipple, there especially since yesterday. Been contemplating whether i should throw in Nolvadex. With time lapse between shots. The hormones level are likely in an imbalance. I will discuss this further w/ the endocrinologist next Wednesday.

As i was logging this. Instead of contemplating, i took one 10mg Nolvadex, as i continue to feel the painful sensation on the left side of the left nipple.

Even though i am using the dosages very sparingly now. The Test kicks in fast at 250mg per shot. Took 1 more 10mg Nolvadex the next day. No pain was seen thereafter.
5th week on HRT dosage

All of March did just maintenance Test Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doses. Will do this for the next 3-8 weeks (or even longer), and then start the next cycle. I am letting the time lapse even further between shots from 9 days. Looking to do 2 shots monthly. Furthermore, i want to refine things a bit once i have seen the endocrinologist this Wednesday

Thinking of several different 2nd cycle scenarios. I believe in moderation - not overkill.

Leaning towards

Test 500mg
Eq 500mg (hear good things about Deca, but the recovery is what kills most gains)
Dbol first 4-6 weeks
End with 20mg Anavar daily

was also thinking

Test 500mg
Tren enan 500mg
Kickstart again with dbol
Finish off with anavar
Not a very advanced user. Throwing Tren IMO would be jumping the gun. Tren, i think should be saved when everything else stops giving results. From research and anecdotal evidence hearing Tren gives that last 5-10lb that you would not otherwise have once you reach a plateaued.

Furthermore, don't want the same type of bulk this time around as i did on just test. Once i combined the Anavar i really liked what it did. So looking to follow a similar path. The first cycle Test only was a trial run to see the supra-physiological response, then i threw in 20mg Anavar which changed up things a little.

Now that i know what to expect. I have enough size in terms of bodyweight. But want to just work w/in a 10-20lb deviation, where i solidify what i have further.
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March 31, 2011 Trained Legs/Shoulders

FYI - since last week 20mg Anavar has been moved to EOD. Timed in w/ workout days and 1 day when off.

No ECA stack

No cardio

Smith Machine Squats
2*195lb*10 10
2* 285*8 and 9 reps
1* 335* 5 reps
Olympic style all sets.
With the water from joints being mitigated, feeling a little bit in the knees.:dunno:

Leg extensions (usual machine broken - this only goes to 200lb)
5*110-200lb * 8-15 reps
Each set was followed by 1 drop set w/ 40-50% of weight

Leg curls (lying)
5( 5-150lb * 7-15 reps
each set followed by 1 to 2 drop sets w/ 50% of the weight

Calves (standing)
Right ankle cracked 2 years ago - has been acting up a little. Not sure if stress fracture. No splint was used first time around, contrary to hospital doctors advice. May have made mistake there. :thumbsdow

Dumbbell presses (supersetted w/ squats)
1*60*10 reps
3*70lb* 10 10 and 9 reps

Behind the neck smith machine shrugs
4*195lb* 8-12

Machine rear delts
4*105-125*8-12 reps

Cable front raises
4*50lb*8-10 reps

Cable lateral raises (followed consecutively w/ front raises)
3*50lb * 8-10 reps

Machine shrugs
5*360-450lb*6-12 reps
Lately changed hand position. Holding bottom of machine angle, which is made to be done when sitting and doing shrugs.

No upright rows - to minimize pain in shoulders this session. Felt the stinging during squats. Left arm every other session, sometimes every session, become blood red to literally blue when holding bar. It happened today. When pronated back, the blood flow w/in seconds is stopped. Sometimes as i am doing a set, i have to let go of bar for a few seconds.

No abs

As a results of cutting back on shots - no loss of strength, bodyweight is felt yet.

Have totally lost the pump that comes w/ test. Have not felt that since the 1st week of March. With that offset in pumps, it greatly aids in cardio capacity w/ reduction or/and elimination of water retention.
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April 2nd, 11 - Trained bi/tris

1 hour prior
3*8mg = 24mg Ephedrine HCL
1*325mg Aspirin
1*200mg Caffeine

My method of madness in order done :eek:

Skull crushers
1*70lb *10
3*90lb *7-10 reps

Close grip
2*185 * 10 and 13
2*205lb *10 and 10r
2*225* 7 and 6 reps

Reverse forearm (EZ curl bar)
4*90lb*8-10 reps

Ez curl bar
4*90lb * 8-12 reps

Above 4 exercises were all supersetted one after the other.

Barbell preacher curls (supersetted w/ overhead tricep presses)
4*75lb* 9-10 reps

Dumbbell presses overhead
2*70lb*12 reps
2*85* 8-9 reps

Cable push-downs to finish off
4*80lb*12-15 reps

25m Stairmaster - level 3 interval setting. Done w/ no problems. Earlier in the week (wed), i felt the pain/pumps.

All the veins in the arms are back - as the water retention is continually cut from any accumulated deposits especially noticeable today as i log this. 9 days since shot last March 27. Going for only 2 a month. Want to clear things up w/ endocrinologist this week. See if i can get synthroid, as family doctor recommended it given the bloodwork.

Cramping still a problem to a degree. If i contract muscles to hard on the day of the workout i.e. bicep, calves, and pectorals are very painful thereafter. The worst cramps are that happen while working out.

Last few days felt itchiness in scalp for the first time in 19 or 20 weeks, starting this past Thursday. No hair are falling out.

No other side effects to report. Oh yes, when i picked up referral last week. Picked up the missing link in the blood test results. Will post that asap as they outline Test results.

Today - April 4, 2011 @12:31pm BW = 239 w/ only track pant/t-shirt. On Saturday weight in at Gym it was 238 1/4lb.

Tonight planning on going all out on the dead-lift. See if i can push 405lb for 5-8 reps. Due to pain/pumps have been forced to neglect this the most on cycle. Even on maintenance doses this problem comes fast for 3-4 days after.
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Whats up man where ya been? I'm finding this log extremely informative on basing my decision to eventually run test someday.
29th HRT Shot

28th shot was completed Sun March 27, 2011 (1:41), contrary to the dates indicated above. This was another 9 days in between.

Due to low test levels, i am commencing PCT on 1 shot every 9 days, not the typical Clomid/Nolvadex Therapy. Check up with endocrinologist is coming up on on April 6, 2011. I will see where things go from there. Still awaiting the Synthroid.

Shot completed 250mg Test Sunday April 10, 2011 (3:11AM) right glute
THIS WAS LAST Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) SHOT

Last shot was done March 27th exactly 14 days ago.

I find as i been injecting once every 8-9 days since early March, and now decided to do one exactly 14 days apart to main Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dosage, that it quickly kicks in. There is no longer large weight fluctuations. I figured i would lose the weight fast as the water retention came down. With the Anavar everything remains solid. I know i retained a quite a bit of water in the beginning, but as the 10-12th week hit when i started Anavar, the problem had greatly mitigated. What remains is quite solid.

However, the hormones in the body i do feel fluctuating, as well as libido. Since i have been waiting 14 days, some days i've noticed the libido upon waking up lessened. This happened around the 8 or 9 day. Then it quickly returned after about the 10th day full throttle w/out any outside intervention in terms on Nolva/Clomid or anything else.

I am maintaining the BW around 237.5 to 242lb and maintaining and/or increasing strength. Any last remnants of water were lost after exactly 10-12 days, not on the 8 or 9th day of shots. For indications of water retention i look at my lower legs. Tight socks are bound to compress the skin and bone a little, but even the sports athletics socks did this.

Since i've delayed the shots the bellies on the quad muscles has separated in 3 separate muscles upon flexing.

The Anavar for the past 2 weeks going into 3rd tomorrow is taken EOD timed in w/ workout days. IMHO if more people could afford Anavar. I would suggest thats all they do w/ test. That is what i am planning on doing in the future preferably w/ EQ.

I cheat on diet once or twice a week. Weight gainers as i've noted 6-8 weeks back have been totally eliminated. Whey shakes are taken sparingly still. Focus last 8 weeks has been on real food.
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20th wk on Test as of April 7th -7th wk Anavar (last 2 weeks 20mg EOD))

Tues April 5, 2011 Trained Chest/back

25m stairmaster - no problems w/ pumps.

Barbell bench press
1*185*10 and 13 reps (finished off w/ 185/13r)
2*225lb *10 and 12 reps
2* 245 * 8 8 and 9 reps (last set 1 assisted)

Incline barbell press
2*185*10 * 12 reps
2*205lb 9 and 11 reps

Incline dumbbell flies
2*70lb* 10 and 10 reps
2*45lb * 12-15 reps

Last few weeks i have foregone decline barbell presses, as the upper chest needs more work. Plus by the time i get to decline now as i wanted it to be last, the shoulders are "shot".

Machine cable fly's
4*120-150lb* 12-15reps

Dips (bodyweight)
Been having difficulty lately w/ these- last few weekly sessions. Muscles are spasming/cramping due to a debilitating degree. So been taking it a really easy. Doing the basic compound exercises at over the top intensity though. At the back of my mind i am thinking, i don't want to lose it now that i am doing 2 injections monthly. So i am ignoring pains and aches that happen during workout.

Front barbell squats
2*185*8 and 10 reps
2* 235lb* 6 and 8 reps
All done Olympic style

Cybex squat machine
5* started at 6 45s each to 11 45s *6-15reps
Put the max # of plates on it, i beleive 11 each 45s * 6 and 8 reps each
I am doing these until the rack hits metal to metal, same as regular leg press

Deadlift (No straps)
2* 375lb 6 and 8 reps - last few reps i started losing grip, could have pulled a few more reps easy.

No leg curls/leg extensions

No abs

The right shoulder has been shot since last Tues front squats. I find it extremely effective for getting the striations in the front quads, but at the cost of debilitating shoulder pain -- that it interferes w/ everything for the rest of the week - even sleeping for 2-3 days in a row at times. This has happened in the last 2 or 3 instances. When i hold the bar, i cross the arms, and sometimes the bar rolls a little and pinches into the rotator cuff joint.

Other than that everything is on the up and up. I miss the pumps greatly, but the pumps in the legs and lower back that interfered w/ workouts and general daily activities -- not so much.

I am still feeling and getting thicker and more solid by the week, since i have cut back the shots to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) maintenance. My weight peaked at around 246 w/ cypionate switch up, now at 237.5lb-241/2lb. I commend the Anavar accompanied by Test - great combo. First ran test for 12 weeks on its own, then kicked it up a notch w/ the recommendation of a colleague here on this log w/ 20mg Anavar ED.
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