Solid results still Vic w/ all those injuries, w/out squats/dead-lifts. I'd love to have a bench press like that. For my bw, i don't consider my bp strength to be great at all. Squat/deadlift even in my late teens i was able to do nearly double my body weight, bench not even close.
"Didn't do pct". Hey bro we live and learn. Use it as a learning experience. Were you back to square one after in terms of all strength gained?
T/E w/ Eq should be a solid cycle. Throw in some dbol at beginning for the first 4-6 wks. I have have same cycle planned w/ Dbol 30-50mg in mind.
On the injuries and training especially w/ knee problems, I hear you bro. When i broke my tendon in the knee. Let alone walk properly up and downstairs, i had to lift my leg with both hands off the bed for a 6 weeks+, as i could not move it. Then after i had to drag it off. Going up and downstairs, i had to hold the railing for a full year +.
Not a cure but from anecdotal evidence i'd say try Deca in your next cycle, to alleviate pain.
Btw for me you know what helped was getting back into gym, since your already there. Have a full day of legs like you would normally train all other body parts. It keeps the muscle from wasting away. That was the advice of 3 different orthopedic surgeons.
When doing leg press do single plates, 1 leg at a time. Use hands to assist. Same applies to leg extension. For leg curls do both legs, can do singles. Furthermore, add a cycle of glucosamine/choindrotin (nowadays available w/ MSM. Ensure the Glu/choin together though, those are much more important) 3 times daily for 6 months.
Plus for cardio w/ focus not on endurance, but on strengthening
i.e. if stair climber skip a step & curl leg to build hamstring muscle on way to next step.
Stairmaster - due full motion, not like most people i see at gym doing it. They are literally floating in the air taking 2" steps. Take full steps until you nearly touch the bottom. Focus on interval training as not to waste away muscle for 20-30m each day.
was told that the eq would help me get through the pain, plus the collagen synthesis would help repair my patella tendons. Knees and joints are already hating me and im only 24...might be in a damn wheel chair by 40. Lets hope not though. Was thinking to kick start with t-bol, read it was d-bol without the bloat which would be perfect. Any exp?
Heard/read/have any exp with IGF? heard it could possibly repair tendons/ligaments. Read lots of people comparing it to HGH. right now HGH is pretty impossible for me to afford...(im a broke college student remember haha)
Yes, it does help at the cellular level in regenerating tendons/ligaments. Many choose to combine both IGF-1 and GH though.
Since broke bro. He he... been there
....try to get your hands on a few hundred units of GH, it is much more cost efficient.
What a great log, been looking to do this cycle myself but only 12weeks, excellent info man, keep it up!!![]()
So instead of the EQ you think the HGH or IGF is the best way to go?
honestly it keeps getting worse and need to do something asap. Setting up a doc. appt very soon.
Sat Evening Jan 29, 2011
trained Shoulders/Back
No cardio
Front and behind the neck Barbell shoulder press
2*95lb *8-10
2*145lb *8
1*165lb *6
Could have done more weight. But like all week kind of taking it easy, due to elbow/shoulder pain.
Also on a side note. Contrary to what i have said in one of the posts, i am again doing behind the neck shoulder press and behind the neck pull downs (first time on cycle). Those 2 exercises and upright are the worst for shoulder injuries. However, i found over the years,they also provide the all around muscle growth that military and front pull downs cannot.
Cable front/lateral raises
4*35lb *8-10 each
Machine rear delts
3*130lb * 8-10 reps
1*110lb * 12
Upright rows
1*115lb * 10
3*135lb *8-10 reps
Sitting down shrugs
3* 2 45s each side *8-10 reps
Shrugs (Machine)
2*4 45s +1 35lb * 6-8 reps
2* 4 45s * 10reps
1* 3 45s * 10-12 reps
Machine Rows
2* 3 45s each * 10 each
2* 4 45s + 1 25 * 7 & 8 reps each
Behind the neck pull downs
4*160< >140lb *8-10reps
Smith Machine close grip (reverse hand pull downs)
1* 2 45s+1 35lb each *5 reps
3* 2 45s+1 25lb each *6-8 reps
Kind of same angle as pull over, but not to the same degree. Provides super stretch for the lats though. Anyways, just because of the recurring theme this weeks, doing everything a little differently.
No abs