Testosterone enanthate + oral yes or no?


I'm considering doing my first ever cycle consisting of testosterone enanthate at 500MG a week. Anyway, most are saying you can get some really nice gains on enth as a first cycle. But my question is, can including an oral make you get that little bit more gains from your cycle? Or should I just stick to a plain testosterone cycle? I was looking to include some Anavar for the last few weeks to cut up a little bit because I'm really going for that constant lean look all year round, as opposed to that stocky and solid look. Any thoughts?

Just another quick question whilst on the topic of my proposed cycle. Does testosterone enanthate, on average, increase your body fat percentage, and in particularly fat around the waist and abs, or decrease fat? Thanks.
Yes stick to test only for your first cycle. Yes some people run an oral like Tbol or Dbol to kick start the first 1-4 or 5 weeks of the cycle.

edit: Stick to test only for the first cycle, save the oral for later.
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Yes stick to test only for your first cycle. Yes some people run an oral like Tbol or Dbol to kick start the first 1-4 or 5 weeks of the cycle.

edit: Stick to test only for the first cycle, save the oral for later.

Thanks man. Will do.

I believe its all in your diet bro

Yeah. The thing is that I'm naturally an ectomorph and really lean so I don't want to get bloated or blow up too much. I just want to add some lean, quality muscle. Do you recommend doing cardio whilst on a testosterone cycle?
I am doing cardio to keep everything even so to speak, that way body fat doesnt sneak up on me. And be sure to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so you can keep the bloat down. Being an ecto i believe youll be fine overall
I am doing cardio to keep everything even so to speak, that way body fat doesnt sneak up on me. And be sure to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) so you can keep the bloat down. Being an ecto i believe youll be fine overall

Thanks man appreciate it. Due to work and study commitments currently, I think I may be only able to lift four to five times a week at maximum, with a maximum of two cardio sessions a week. Is this enough to warrant decent gains from a testosterone cycle? My diet isn't really an issue - water is my only liquid currently and I haven't had a cheat meal in two months lol. Bit over the top but it's working.

I'll just give you a heads up on my cycle. I've proposed testosterone enanthate 500MG per week (weeks 1-12), Aromasin 10MG everyday (weeks 3-16) Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 (weeks 14-18) and Clomid (25/25/50/50) how does this look? I'm not exactly sure on the Aromasin dosage though, but take into account I want a perfect chest and pecs without gyno if possible, so I want to make sure everything is right.
4/5 days a week will be fine. How does your pre cycle blood test look? Since you're 21 I'm curious what your test is at.
I thought Clomid should be run the opposite way starting with higher doses and then tapering down. Also, I tapper the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) out during the final weeks of post cycle therapy (pct). Personally I run the same dose (10mg/day) as what you proposed.

Diet will be key to results. It won't be your body fat post cycle you don't like, but the amount of water you retain.
I thought Clomid should be run the opposite way starting with higher doses and then tapering down. Also, I tapper the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) out during the final weeks of post cycle therapy (pct). Personally I run the same dose (10mg/day) as what you proposed.

Diet will be key to results. It won't be your body fat post cycle you don't like, but the amount of water you retain.

Alright I'll start Clomid at a higher dose and taper down. Thanks for that. So Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should be run during whole cycle and all of PCT? You are making me not want to do a cycle anymore. I thought you get really nice gains with testosterone enanthate but now it just seems like people are unhappy with all the water they retain and whatever else.
Bro, youll be fine. Im on my first test e cycle, and its awesome. Strength gains go though the roof, and im literally leaning out.

If you train hard and do good cardio WHILE eating clean, like you say you do, youll see nothing short of great results. Make sure you drink lots of water, and stay low on the sodium. That will keep you less bloated.. WAY less.

Like 3J says, diet is 80% of cycling. then 15% lifting, then 5% gear.

good luck.
Bro, youll be fine. Im on my first test e cycle, and its awesome. Strength gains go though the roof, and im literally leaning out.

If you train hard and do good cardio WHILE eating clean, like you say you do, youll see nothing short of great results. Make sure you drink lots of water, and stay low on the sodium. That will keep you less bloated.. WAY less.

Like 3J says, diet is 80% of cycling. then 15% lifting, then 5% gear.

good luck.

Thanks bro. What else are you running alongside testosterone enth? What AI? Also, should I take any natural supplements for blood pressure like hawthorn berries? My current natural supplements consist of whey protein, creatine monohydrate (not sure whether to take whilst on cycle), multivitamins, flaxseed oil, glutamine and BCAA. I only drink water these days, I don't see the point in anything else lol.
im taking aromasin as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Aro or arimidex are the 2 popular ones. I dont know if id run the creatine because of the water retention but you should be fine with everything else
All good advice in my opinion. Personally, I think you should hold off on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and just have it on hand in case you need it. You may have zero side effects from the test, therefore zero need to be taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I also would definitely drop the creatine monohydrate on cycle and start it back up when you start PCT.
Yeah, go ahead and drop the creatine. If you want, it's totally up to you.

I'm running adex .25mg every day. It helps me acne a lot. And it does keep bloat away.

Your blood pressure shouldn't be too big of an issue if its good right now. Also, while you're on, of you'd like to give blood about mid way that'd help bp.

Anything natty you want to add bro, go for it. Just don't try to add boosters or PHs on your post cycle therapy (pct).

Good luck man.
im taking aromasin as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Aro or arimidex are the 2 popular ones. I dont know if id run the creatine because of the water retention but you should be fine with everything else

Thanks bro. I might go with Adex.

All good advice in my opinion. Personally, I think you should hold off on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and just have it on hand in case you need it. You may have zero side effects from the test, therefore zero need to be taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I also would definitely drop the creatine monohydrate on cycle and start it back up when you start PCT.

Why should I hold off on an AI? Are there side effects which come with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or something? I thought it was better to be safe than sorry? I'll drop the creatine, so start it back up on day one of PCT?

Yeah, go ahead and drop the creatine. If you want, it's totally up to you.

I'm running adex .25mg every day. It helps me acne a lot. And it does keep bloat away.

Your blood pressure shouldn't be too big of an issue if its good right now. Also, while you're on, of you'd like to give blood about mid way that'd help bp.

Anything natty you want to add bro, go for it. Just don't try to add boosters or PHs on your post cycle therapy (pct).

Good luck man.

I'm really lucky in terms of acne I've never had it at all. The most amount of pimples I've ever had on my face is two, seriously haha. I might add in the Adex at 0.25MG. Do you run it every day or E3D or something? It also helps with preventing gyno, correct? I won't add any test boosters or PH don't worry haha. I'm not that silly.

Also, I was thinking of taking some hawthorn berries just to help a bit with blood pressure, and definitely some fish/flaxseed oil to help with cholesterol levels. I'll also take TUDCA (arguably the best liver supplement out) to help with liver, and maybe have some taurine on hand?
Try running .25mg of a'dex eod. Less Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is better as long as what you run is enough to do the job: control estrogen. This is what I run & is perfect, but everybody is different.
4/5 days a week will be fine. How does your pre cycle blood test look? Since you're 21 I'm curious what your test is at.

Precycle blood test - so you know what your test is naturally and should be after pct
mid cycle blood test - so you can adjust Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and verify test/estro levels among other health issues
two months after pct blood test - so you can see if your test levels recovered

I've read plenty articles clomid is better than nolva for pct but both clomid/nolva combination is the best of both worlds. If you get the sides you're worried about then drop one and see if the sides continue to eliminate the culprit. I've never had sides from clomid but others complained it made them emo like a woman.
Gonna get flamed...but I would run an oral the first 4-5 weeks. 4 weeks for dbol or 5 weeks for anavar.

Also, as it has been stated, test doesn't cause you to put on fat. Extra calories cause you to put on fat