testosterone enanthate still not working well enough!!!!


New member
hey guys im doing 10 weeks of 500mg test enanathate and 4 weeks was exactly tuesday, now its friday and ive wroked out wednesday,thursday and today and ive increased in strength but only about 5lbs on all my excercisers.i was sure that id be much much stronger by now, now that im in my 5th week so yeh.Especially on 500mg wouldnt you guys say i should be much stronger.?Diet,sleep,training,protein and carb content are all in check so i dont understand,is it fake? do you get stronger as the weeks progress from now on.its fustrating.thanks guys
give it time, the test has just started to kick in so you'll see gains as you go. if by the end of 10 weeks you don't see anything then take a bat to whoever you got your gear from. what are you running by the way?
Any increase in libido? oily skin?

Underground, vet, or human grade?

To add on to that is this your first cycle? Gained any weight yet? You shouldve at least gained some water weight by now unless youre taking an anti e and your lifts shouldve gone up more than 5 lbs by now. How much are you eating?
I guess that is why they recommend a front loader like dbol. I got great results from pink thais and then 5 weeks later my body is full of test and walla, I'm benching 375 and 140lb. dumbbells feels like warm ups. This is what worked for me. I know some don't recommend dbol and test e first cycle, but I had no patience and want results. I have been on post cycle therapy (pct) now for 4 weeks and still benching 140's for reps. Good Luck
yeh i prob gained a kilo of weight in water but yeah still.eating like a horse 6 meals a day,gettin right amount of protein.training my balls off.i have noticed the increase in strength eg: i was lifting 42 kg each dumbell for chest incline before steroids and i could just do about 5 on my own.this week i did 44 and i did 8 reps on my own when usually i do 6 on the last set.it feels good.but i mena shouldnt i be doin at least 50 kgs? testosterone isnt supposed to take more than 4 weeks to hit your system and when it does it should work profoundly according to all the testosterone profiles ive read on.people usually increased like 40 pounds or so on chest and legs and stuff but yeah i dont know.i got it from a mate who i trust and he got it from a pharmacy cos his cousin works there.its a littel debilitating to not be able to lift much much more.And i mean as for "give it more time", i have , 4 weeks should be enough and then bang!!! but im not feeling the bang really,just alittel strenght increase,it has to all be happenign now cos its only 10 weeks so yeh.
Thats why I dont like long esters anymore. Prop kicks in a couple days. I used to hate waiting a month for test to kick in. But Mr.Freeze has got a good point front load and you get that immediate gratification. And all this shit ive been reading about poking prop ED, is BS. It has an active life of up to 48-72hrs. What kinda gear did you get? Try prop next time and just deal with poking one or two more times a week imo. And you wont be all bloated up either.
Kinda to jump on the bandwagon..I like to start the first 4 weeks of Sus and test e, then all test e to finish..BUT....doesnt address your question. if by end of wee 5-6 you aren't seeing any results...I would have a chat with your source. Exp. if this is your first cycle...fuck man, you should see/ feel somthing.
patience, man. everyone gets so rushed when they get on roids. you know, rome wasn't built in a day...or something along those lines. your shits real, just eat more, even though you think you eat alot, eat more than alot. drink alot of water, spend more time resting and make your workouts intense. come back in six weeks and prove me right.

week 5 + 6 is when i really started to notice the strength gains. take it slow bro. remember your tendons and ligaments wont be used to the increased weight. good luck to you!!!
i've never ever felt any 'bang' from any steroids.

i remember my first cycle 500mg test weekly though, i remember my weight shooting up like crazy pretty quickly. i think you should have gained 10 lbs by now. are you sure you are eating right? dont be so scientific on your diet just pack down tons of food
why don't you get a pic of the bottles and post it up.
Yeah I would get crazy just yet bro, Give it a little longer! As said above with long acting esters, unless your gona "kick start" the cycle your gona go through this. I would also like to know what brand of test you are using! If you don't start seeing a nice jump soon then I would have to start questing your gear, Again, tell us what brand you using and maybe we can help with that.

If in fact its UG or Vet, it could just be under-dosed.
how many times a weekare you training each muscle? if its more than twice your overtraining . r u getting pimples and boners alot? listen to your cock it will tell you if you got real shit.
how many times a weekare you training each muscle? if its more than twice your overtraining . r u getting pimples and boners alot? listen to your cock it will tell you if you got real shit.

It's almost impossible to over train why on cycle. This was a food issue. You guys need to learn how to eat to grow.
Ill put my two cence in here because im taking cyp only, its my first cycle and im about to start week 6.

I was taking 400mg a week, but in week 5 iv upped it to 500mg a week. To be honest i feel no different. Weight is going up slowly, as well as strength gains. However, i certainly dont feel like a machine. I actually feel quite normal. Its certainly not the sort of thing i expected.

In terms of physical appearance, i cant really notice much either. Iv put on a bit of fat. My weights are steadily rising every week so im obviously gaining muscle mass. But yeh, i wish it had a little more kick than i can feel!
I start my sixth week of test 500 tomorrow. I also havent seen any huge difference yet, but Im not worried. From what Ive read it takes between 5 - 7 weeks with test E. I have had the oily skin and libido is awesome. I have seen my weight going up but Im assuming it mainly from my improved diet. hang in there.