Testosterone,Equipoise, Deca, MGUNZ BACK AT IT!

Just to add, tomorrow starts week 8. Now that Im lifting a bit heavier and can hit some compound lifts, I will be upping my calories big time. Planning on adding 10 pounds in the next 5 weeks (end of week 12)
DAY 58 : 1/12/11

Well I'm in week 9 right now and all seems to be going good. Took a little vacation and I'm hangin in FL right now with some family, so my diet has been crazy this week. Good thing I'm bulking becuase all my family wants to do is shower me with food lmao..I'v been eating like a friggin madman this week and literally may have put on 5lbs.

I thought this was pretty cool..I walked into a gym down here, and it happened to be a gym where some competitive power lifters train. It really opened my eyes to the amount of focus and dedication some of these guys put into it. When I say these guys train hard I mean HARD..I witnessed a 14 yr old kid at 141lbs squat 450lbs..absolutely fucking amazing, his father is a world champion and was also training with him.
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Damn, 14 years old and he's squatting 450 lbs? That kid is going to stay a dwarf for life.

Have you weighed yourself yet? I know it's a good idea to forget about it but for the rest of us it would be cool to hear what kind of progress you're making.

Good to hear that your back is feeling better...don't go too hard on it now. Just when you think you're fine you could injure yourself again...just maintain bro! haha
Damn, 14 years old and he's squatting 450 lbs? That kid is going to stay a dwarf for life.

Have you weighed yourself yet? I know it's a good idea to forget about it but for the rest of us it would be cool to hear what kind of progress you're making.

Good to hear that your back is feeling better...don't go too hard on it now. Just when you think you're fine you could injure yourself again...just maintain bro! haha

I'll weigh myself this weekend..Im gonna guess I'm up around 10 pounds since I started but we'll see. Yeah kid was friggin amazing..found some vids of him on youtube also, I'm gonna post them in the training forum.
its always good to see crazy lifts like that it gives you a new outlook on lifting.great log by the way.
its always good to see crazy lifts like that it gives you a new outlook on lifting.great log by the way.

yeah bro it was cool seeing it, posted a vid of it the the training section..gave me some motivation and I shot for a PR on the bench today..missed though :wallbash:

DAY 59: 1/13/11

I'v been eating like a hungry lion past couple of weeks. The amount of food I consume is unreal..I really don't know why I'm not gaining more weight, but hey I'v came A LONG way and it is what it is.

surfbum, I know you were curious about my weight so I weighed in today and I was 174. Makes it a total of 9lbs so far.

This is the chest workout I did tonight.

Flat BB Bench
305lbsx1x1 spotter had to help couldn't get it all the way
225lbsx5x5 (got it easy, gonna go up next time)

Incline DB Press
80lbsx6x2 supersetted with 55lbs till failure

Fly Machine supersetted w/ pushups on the bosu ball 3 sets

DAY 1: 165lbs
DAY 28: 170lbs
DAY 46: 172lbs
DAY 59: 174lbs
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DAY 84: 2/06/11 (end of week 12)

STRENGTH: Strength shot up pretty big around week 8-10 and has been pretty steady since.. I am training low volume now though so I can tell Im going to be getting a lot stronger next few weeks

SIZE: The size finally started to come over the last 3 weeks. I am looking much bigger and the muscles are very full looking. I sure as hell look a lot bigger than 180 in a t-shirt thats for sure.

VASCULARITY: The way I'v been eating has been crazy, so I'v put on some fat, so the vascualrity is not as great as it could be, but I am looking forward to running EQ when I'm single digit BF becuase I can tell it gives crazy vascualrity.

SIDES/OVERALL COMMENTS: I got bloodwork done last week and just got the results. My hemoglobin and RBC count was way elevated so I know the EQ is doin it's thing. My cholesterol was a little jacked up though. If anyone wants full results let me know and I'll post em.

DAY 1: 165lbs
DAY 28: 170lbs
DAY 46: 172lbs
DAY 59: 174lbs
DAY 84: 179lbs
Just curious, what was your cholesterol bro? What about your sodium levels?

My # -------Normal Range

Cholesterol Total 228 ---------150-200ng/dl

HDL 41 ------->=40ng/dl

LDL 165 --------- <=130ng/dl

Sodium 137 --------135-146mmol/L

Nothings really too out of range, but I plan on staying on this cycle for awhile then cruising a bit and running another, so I want to make sure the cholesterol stays stays under control..My HDL is ok but LDL is a bit high..so I need to get that down.

What are you up to brotha??
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Not much homie, man my results were way fucked up. My total cholesterol was like 300-350 my LDL was jacked too, and my HDL was so low it couldn't be calculated...It was weird though, my sodium was about 92. Hope I'm not gonna drop dead
Not much homie, man my results were way fucked up. My total cholesterol was like 300-350 my LDL was jacked too, and my HDL was so low it couldn't be calculated...It was weird though, my sodium was about 92. Hope I'm not gonna drop dead

holy shit dude..that jacked up bad!!
you're not gonna drop dead, but don't let those numbers stay there for long becuase if it stays like that for a few years, I'd imagine that'd do some pretty bad damage. What are you running now? I'd try to get it better naturally too without any cholesterol meds.
So would you run the EQ again?

yep I would def run the EQ again. In fact I honestly can't wait to run it when I do a cutter. Iv put on some fat becuase I am eating like a lion, but I'm crazy vascular and I credit that solely to the EQ ( and my beastlike training of course!) If I was cutting right now Id be one veiny mofo
yep I would def run the EQ again. In fact I honestly can't wait to run it when I do a cutter. Iv put on some fat becuase I am eating like a lion, but I'm crazy vascular and I credit that solely to the EQ ( and my beastlike training of course!) If I was cutting right now Id be one veiny mofo

crazy veins bro, how does the EQ size up the Anavar (var) cycle? And did you get any sides from the EQ?

crazy veins bro, how does the EQ size up the Anavar (var) cycle? And did you get any sides from the EQ?


thanks man..I have been side free so far this cycle and praying I stay that way. The only thing Iv noticed in the last 2-3 weeks or so is I'v been VERY tired. I'v been napping during the day, and have trouble staying awake in class, and plus I always sleep 9+ hours.
My RBC and Hemoglobin were pretty high. They were out of range a tiny bit when I got bloods done 2 weeks ago, So I wonder if that's the culprit. Either way Ill be coming off the EQ in about 4-6 weeks so I hope I wake the hell up lol!

thanks man..I have been side free so far this cycle and praying I stay that way. The only thing Iv noticed in the last 2-3 weeks or so is I'v been VERY tired. I'v been napping during the day, and have trouble staying awake in class, and plus I always sleep 9+ hours.
My RBC and Hemoglobin were pretty high. They were out of range a tiny bit when I got bloods done 2 weeks ago, So I wonder if that's the culprit. Either way Ill be coming off the EQ in about 4-6 weeks so I hope I wake the hell up lol!

Well that's great news, I remember you had bp issues on the Anavar (var) did you notice that from the test or EQ all?