Testosterone,Equipoise, Deca, MGUNZ BACK AT IT!


Active member
Age:22 Training:5 Years
Goal: Running this as a recovery cycle. Just getting back into training after taking off 3 months with 3 bulging discs. I am still feeling them and am lifting very light. All I am hoping out of this cycle at least for the first 12 weeks or so is to get back to 100% with my back and get some mass and strength back.

Cycle Exp: this is my 3rd injectable cycle

Here's my plan so far, I may run it longer, may run it shorter depending on how I feel.

1-20 350mg Sust 500mg started week 8
1-18 450mg EQ
1-15 300mg Deca

shooting mon and thurs

4-one week before PCT Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu 2x/w

Plan: I am going to up my calories. I plan to eat roughly 4500-5000 to start, not going to be clean, but I am going to be upping the cardio. I will be extremely happy if I can get back to where I was last cycle.

Things To Note: Delt with crazy bad acne last PCT and have been running Accutane at 40mg/d for last 2 months, and it is now under control. I will continue to run the accutane, but I am keeping an eagle eye watch on the acne because that is my major concern.


DAY 1 : 11/15/10

Just took first shot..nothing to note except where I'm at. The discs in my back seem to be getting progressively better everyday. I am still getting bad muscle spasms, but they are subsiding. It'd be great if I could heal first 9-12 weeks of this cycle, then go hard for the last weeks of it.
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I'd run the deca longer personally

Sup dude, I'll probably go a few weeks longer with it. I want to give myself a nice long space between the deca and PCT though cause last time the 19-nors roasted my nuts..took the fuckers a few months to start workin again lol.

5'9 not sure of weight and bodyfat now. End of last cycle I was 180 and near single digit bodyfat about 4 months ago. I lost a lot of weight since I hurt my back though. I will get a legit weigh in at the gym tomorrow, so I'll post it up, but I'm gonna rely on my body and the mirror this cycle, not the scale.
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Sounds good brother, haha your "toasted" reference really cracked me up. I can already tell this cycle is gonna yield sick results for you bro. Goes without saying, I'll be following
solid my man best of luck!!

which lab are u going with? also, with the sust why not up the dose and pin 3x/week or eod?
solid my man best of luck!!

which lab are u going with? also, with the sust why not up the dose and pin 3x/week or eod?

Thanks Tommy, keeping the sust low because I want to maximize the repairing effects of the deca and EQ, and the test could counteract that plus I want this cycle to be as acne safe as possible.
I'm running a few different labs this time around. I was real pleased with my results from ambro last time, but I had a lot of stuff laying around and figured I'd save a few bucks. The deca is PPP, and the EQ is Endosyn.
Don't know if anyone remembers my cycle from last year where I ran questionable Omnas, but this time around I got some from a diff source, and they came in the box. I'll have some bloodwork around week 3-5 so It'll be interesting to see what it says.
The Omna and Endosyn went smooth in my glute today, and the deca also went smooth in my delt.
wait im confused lol, it says in your first post your using sus but in the last post you were talking about the omnas going in smooth, what are you using? i know they're practially the same though lol ...
wait im confused lol, it says in your first post your using sus but in the last post you were talking about the omnas going in smooth, what are you using? i know they're practially the same though lol ...

yep, they are the same thing. Omnadren is a polish brand of sustanon.
Day 3 - 11/17/10

Worked light back and Bi's today. Not much pain in my back, but it's definitely very weak. For some reason Pull-Ups are the worst. I can't even do one without pain so I used the assist 70lbs to build some strength back in the lats.
Got the weigh in today and it's 165..down almost 25 lbs since last cycle, but I'm trying not to think about that. I am only going to weigh myself every 2 weeks or so..I am much more concerned about getting back to full strength than putting on weight at this point. Being back in the gym and at least able to lift light feels amazing though.
Im eagerly anticipating the comments during this cycle. I am going to try something like this next. as a recomp.
good job my man... getting back into the gym is the HARDEST part. trust me. i got into weightlifting rpetty serious in high school. then i went away to college. i was pretty consistent my first year of college but it was all downhill after then. after 3 years of shitty diet and barely goin to the gym, i finally graduated and whipped my ass back into shape. it was tough. but getting your foot in the door of the gym is the first step. keep up the hard work gunz!!
Damn Dawg, big cycle for being 22!! Best of luck to ya Man. I know what it's like trying to recoup from injuries. It blows. Again good luck, Dude!
DAY 7: 11/21/10

Week one comin to an end. Back is really starting to feel better. Pain is really subsiding although I still have a lot of weakness. Best way to describe it is, it feels unstable. I lifted 3 days this week, and 3 days cardio and should start really progressing from here.
feel anything from the omnas yet? cant wait for mine to arrive man... keep us posted ... goodluck
Speaking of back spasms, how do yours "feel"? I'm still trying to get rid of mine from football season. They suck! Yours are probably worse from the way you describe your injury, but they aren't fun at all. Mine feel like I have things crawling up and down my back on either side of the spine. Really annoying and achy.
feel anything from the omnas yet? cant wait for mine to arrive man... keep us posted ... goodluck
ehh, aside from wanting to nail anything that moves, nothing out of the ordinary lol..It might just be because I'm a horny dog though. I don't start feeling much till 4th or 5th week for me.

Speaking of back spasms, how do yours "feel"? I'm still trying to get rid of mine from football season. They suck! Yours are probably worse from the way you describe your injury, but they aren't fun at all. Mine feel like I have things crawling up and down my back on either side of the spine. Really annoying and achy.

dude, the spasms suck. I'v been feeling much better this week..seems they've subsided a lot since I started this cycle. Probably coincidence though. But I was getting them for 12 weeks straight. It was a sharp shooting pain mid back on the right side. You could see and feel it. The right side of my back was real swollen and had a knot the size of a baseball in it. When it spasms, the muscle would tighten up for a few seconds and that shit sucked..I'm fine with the pain, it's just that I can't train through it. It's the annoyingness of it, and not being able to be active that got to me.
good luck bro! I just finished my cycle last wk eq and test, my shoulder has been hurting since my previous cycle so this one I didn't push so hard with the heavy wieght. And now my shoulder is feeling good. Hope you recover quickly
DAY 14: 11/28/10

Very early into the cycle so far, but it's strange. I already feel like I'm holding more water. Didn't weigh myself this week, but I easily feel 5 or so pounds heavier. I think I look bigger in the mirror, maybe in my head though
I can tell that the 12 weeks off really took it's toll on my body. You'de think i'd be well rested, but it's like my joints went to sleep, I definitely feel them even from light weights. Hopefully this deca helps me out soon.
As far as the discs in my back go, pain is basically gone, but I can tell its very weak and vulnerable still, so I'll be progressing slowly.
No acne so far, and I'm praying it stays that way!

edit: started aromasin on day 12 at 10mg eod
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