Testosterone propionate and Turinabol(Anavar?)

What do you think good results are then?
Considering you can only gain about 15-20 pounds of LMM per year, and i've gained about 18 kg for all my cycles or about 6kg per cycle, which comes out to 13ish pounds per cycle. I'm also not done with this one yet.
This is ignoring 3 separate injuries spanning a whole year preventing training and losing a lot of muscle.

What did you achieve natty? Because I can't see any claim to glory by you lol..

I've had amazing progress off steroids, it just isn't fast enough :)
Should we post our weekly measurements for the past 3 years and we can compare our gains?
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And lets assume I'm the worst at everything...now explain how that justifies your idiot decision to repeat the exact same mistake knowingly and trying to use me in doing so lol...
Again, would you jump off a cliff if I did? If not? Own up to your decisions, pretend to be an adult because all you're showing us now, is how young, immature and how you have not even the slightest idea what you're doing.

Think you're better? I'm cool with that, just prove it first :)
I achieved putting 16kg pretty lean mass in less then a year after a fucked up cycle. I really see the glory in that. If you don't thats another thing i cannot compare measurements from the past 3 years because i simply don't have written measurements. Im not a bodybuilder im an amateur human that just wants more and more. That im not 52kg is prof enough you were skin and bones im 100% sure that you couldn't eat more than 1500 calories and you went for it
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I achieved putting 16kg pretty lean mass in less then a year after a fucked up cycle. I really see the glory in that. If you don't thats another thing i cannot compare measurements from the past 3 years because i simply don't have written measurements. Im not a bodybuilder im an amateur human that just wants more and more

Great for you, so why do you even need to run a cycle if you're that much of a beast?
Ohh, so you don't even keep a log lol? I'll refer to my previous statement's about not even knowing the basics.

You know you're not gonna get much traction trying to use me as an example for anything? Right?
I was 52kg because I was abusing cocaine and hookers, something I've not exactly kept a secret lol.

I don't mention how I trained, gained or looked like when I was a kid like yourself, thats to way back I doubt it matters.
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As i said i want more im not satisfied enough and i feel limited also i believe that my natural potential for being lean is around 65kg max 67kg and I just dont want to accept it
As i said i want more im not satisfied enough and i feel limited also i believe that my natural potential for being lean is around 65kg max 67kg and I just dont want to accept it

Wait... So you really think you're at your genetic max? omg...lmao...your age is showing so extremely much lol...
So again, i'll refer you back to my very first posts... You shouldn't cycle... You should try and fix your women cycle attempt fuckup.
If you gained 16kg natural in a year, there's really no reason to jump on a cycle, especially not one containing 3 compounds.

What does that leave you with for cycle 2,3,4 etc?
(I'm not saying, "never cycle", i'm just saying don't fuck yourself up for nothing, look at the rest of us, some over the age of 60, on cycle number 25 lol... Can you even grasp that? Some members have done more cycles than you have lived your entire life)
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I almost thought you were getting to a point. Thats clearly not the case. You can write on my thread as yes its public but i have made up my mind of what type of a dude you are, ciao! Some of us don't plan to run cycles through-out life yes maybe 4-5 cycles but its not my job i still believe in natty fitness and i still believe that i will be able to have a normal body after the cycle
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I almost thought you were getting to a point. Thats clearly not the case. You can write on my thread as yes its public but i have made up my mind of what type of a dude you are, ciao! Some of us don't plan to run cycles through-out life yes maybe 4-5 cycles but its not my job i still believe in natty fitness and i still believe that i will be able to have a normal body after the cycle

So... You're ok with knowingly making the same mistakes as others, simply based on the fact you feel like you've reached your genetic potential and you just can't accept that... But somehow you don't think you'll run more than maximum 4-5 cycles and you're also sure you won't further fuck yourself up to the point you'll marry the needle and inject testerone for the rest of your life?
The second you tried that women cycle you can never make the natty claim again, you're past that bro, you're a cheater like the rest of us. How can you think you'll be able to have a normal body AFTER a cycle when you can't even stand it BEFORE a cycle? Do you think the difference will be less pronounced or something?

I know you're young and naive but this is some next level idiocy right here lmao....
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So... You're ok with knowingly making the same mistakes as others, simply based on the fact you feel like you've reached your genetic potential and you just can't accept that... But somehow you don't think you'll run more than maximum 4-5 cycles and you're also sure you won't further fuck yourself up to the point you'll marry the needle and inject testerone for the rest of your life?
The second you tried that women cycle you can never make the natty claim again, you're past that bro, you're a cheater like the rest of us. How can you think you'll be able to have a normal body AFTER a cycle when you can't even stand it BEFORE a cycle? Do you think the difference will be less pronounced or something?

I know you're young and naive but this is some next level idiocy right here lmao....

No one can know for sure, maybe i will be on trt for life. Its something i have to accept when i decide running a cycle or else as you said i shouldn’t run it at all. I might be that one in 100.000 that gets that permanent shutdown, but still its really rear cases getting shut down after 1-2 cycles(who knows its always a risk). But still i know that your a bigger idiot than me only from your life history so yes that makes you full of shit i would really write more kind if i were you so that maybe someone thinks that you actually have a brain.
No one can know for sure, maybe i will be on trt for life. Its something i have to accept when i decide running a cycle or else as you said i shouldn***8217;t run it at all. I might be that one in 100.000 that gets that permanent shutdown, but still its really rear cases getting shut down after 1-2 cycles(who knows its always a risk). But still i know that your a bigger idiot than me only from your life history so yes that makes you full of shit i would really write more kind if i were you so that maybe someone thinks that you actually have a brain.

But we have a very strong indication on how your body reacts to these things seeing how you fucked yourself over real good with that women cycle you did, your own words.
So you got shutdown the very first time and now you're about to do something even more stupid that you haven't researched properly and you expect a different outcome?
Are you really sure about that? What do you base that on? I base you off your own decisions and the way you reason about cycling and life in general and you're not exactly coming off as mature or even close to intelligent lol.
But we have a very strong indication on how your body reacts to these things seeing how you fucked yourself over real good with that women cycle you did, your own words.
So you got shutdown the very first time and now you're about to do something even more stupid that you haven't researched properly and you expect a different outcome?
Are you really sure about that? What do you base that on? I base you off your own decisions and the way you reason about cycling and life in general and you're not exactly coming off as mature or even close to intelligent lol.

Surely i was not totally shut down from the woman cycle because i had morning erections and throughout the cycle and after i had same libido. It might have been the psychology, unhealthy lifestyle, bad nutrition that led me to the low test because i was in normal range but just a little bit over 12ng normal is 10-30. Plus that i went to the doc a morning without having slept and was up smoking weed all night because i was stressed i wouldn’t wake up.(i didn't know that he would do bloodworks same day). Yes i expect another outcome i really feel that i prepare my meals very well considering that i work 7-16:00 i have a very good routine. On the woman's cycle i had a lot of time to workout but as a student then i really didn't have a good routine. I really understand how important nutrition is so yes this will be a successful cycle and i try to learn from my mistakes so this time there is no excuses i will not stop my meal preparation after my cycle and i will continue hit the gym as i did before and during the cycle. Yes i might not be that smart but im not that dumb either im a 23 year old that just started working a year now have a really good salary for my age in Sweden as i see you come from. So yeah i really understood what type of swedish guy you are when you described your cocain abuse and hookers.
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You were the one saying you fucked yourself over so badly you need to inject testosterone to be able to gain due to not having enough natural production due to said fuckup.
I didn't just make that up lol...

Just training the day before leaving blood work can show up to 20% lower testosterone values and then you have lots of other factors as diet, sleep, day of time etc.
You need several blood works spanning a year to even be able to make a conclusion on the status of your body. I thought you knew this and had done these steps with your vast knowledge and being superior lol...

If you were smart, you would listen to either my or the other members advice but you think you are smarter and know better, so why even bother to post and ask?
You were the one saying you fucked yourself over so badly you need to inject testosterone to be able to gain due to not having enough natural production due to said fuckup.
I didn't just make that up lol...

Just training the day before leaving blood work can show up to 20% lower testosterone values and then you have lots of other factors as diet, sleep, day of time etc.
You need several blood works spanning a year to even be able to make a conclusion on the status of your body. I thought you knew this and had done these steps with your vast knowledge and being superior lol...

If you were smart, you would listen to either my or the other members advice but you think you are smarter and know better, so why even bother to post and ask?

I didn't exactly say i “need” testosterone injections “may need or want “could be better words but i still miss where i wrote that i need testosterone injections except that its the base of the cycle. I think thats its clearly understood with the logic that i have made good gains past year.
But anyway why the heck do you care so much of what im doing you really don't seem like a guy that cares. As said the cycle is on so it doesn't really matter, a hormonal crash could be worse so im not jumping off now.
I wrote to get suggestions for a better cycle if the point was to get stopped from running the cycle i wouldn't post i would have not done it at all i don't need you or anyone to tell me what choices im going to do in my life. Still i can respect your opinion thinking that its idiotic to run a cycle at my age, but that doesn't mean i have to listen to you so i still don't get what your trying to achieve with replying. You can’t live with the conscious of me doing steroids? Are you going to have hard sleeping if i her fucked up? In what point are you getting disturbed?
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I care about your health, why is that so odd?
Someone has to be the voice of reason because you clearly can't see the bigger picture and keep moving the goalposts each time.
One injection doesn't matter and won't cause any hormonal crash, again, that's just you justifying your actions.

How about meeting in the middle and skip the orals for this cycle and only run testo?
You're gonna run a second cycle, you've already made up your mind, so why stress it? The orals won't go bad...You have nothing to gain and much to lose with your approach.
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How about a standard first cycle of 500mg testo per week, 1000iu hcg per week alongside 1mg adex per week?
If you can eat and train properly you'll have amazing gains, reducing side effects, being proactive with recovery and health etc etc...

It's not a sprint, it's a long long ass marathon of doing everything right consistently.

And ohh, read the damn beginner sticky...
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I have read the begginer stickies. I will take your advise and only run test but at 450mg. I will run hcg at the end of the cycle because of my vacations i wont be able to take with me hcg.
Btw i started pinning right glute, left deltoid next will be left glute and then right deltoid. I plan to rotate like that for the whole cycle. Does that seem good?
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I have read the begginer stickies. I will take your advise and only run test but at 450mg. I will run hcg at the end of the cycle because of my vacations i wont be able to take with me hcg.
Btw i started pinning right glute, left deltoid next will be left glute and then right deltoid. I plan to rotate like that for the whole cycle. Does that seem good?

Good decision!
But you really, REALLY should be running hCG throughout your cycle, it will help recovery tremendously and you're shooting yourself in the foot if you don't.
A general rule of thumb is don't use the same injection site for 7 days and never inject in a site where you have PIP.
When I use prop, I use glutes, ventroglutes and quads. Can't do delts, always hurt like hell.