Does anyone have any experience with doing 100mg of test c every week instead of 200 every other week? I was doing 200 every other week, new doctor wants me to try 100 every week.
I did 3 shots doing the every other week shot, 7 days after the second shot I had my testosterone checked, it was 492(yuck) but the doctor saw that and said "great! keeping doing what you are doing and see you in 3 months"
So after my testosterone level test, I did my first shot at work. and I have been doing every week for a month. much much less roller coaster.
I am doing 120 mg a week, and just began adding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) last week, which I am still trying to get used to.
Does anyone have any experience with doing 100mg of test c every week instead of 200 every other week? I was doing 200 every other week, new doctor wants me to try 100 every week.
What are you experiencing from the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that you are getting used to? and are you on it to prevent shrinking testes?
I am taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to keep my fertility up, making a baby is important right now. The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) affects my estrogen, which I have just begun to keep closer to a good range. I am incredibly sensitive to arimidex, I was getting morning wood and I took 2 drops, oops, too low.
I am reducing my dosage to 1 drop every other day... Also on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) its making my gout flare up.. not good, working on getting my uric acid way lower before doing any more shots.
If your concerned about fertility, you should be taking Clomid also, which increases FSH levels.
Can I take clomid while taking testosterone? and how does it effect the arimedex?
I haven't been able to find any source on being on both clomid and test at the same time
I just started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) three weeks ago. Initial dosing was 200mg EOW, but everything I've read indicated 100mg EW would be a much better protocol. The doc had no problem with me going that route and wrote the script for extra needles. I'm still noticing a drop in energy and mental clarity at about day five, so I may even go to twice a week with 50mg each pin with a Monday/Thursday routine.