Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) Input from others experiences


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TRT Input from others experiences

So I have been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for alittle over a year now at 100mg EW. At that dosage it keeps my levels around 900 7 days post injection and at that level I feel good throughout the week and my doc is fine with that. The thing is he doesn't believe in use of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and would never check my E2 so I decided to just check it myself and if it came back high I would just take care of it myself. So I got bloodwork done 3 days after my injection and surprisingly my Totall Test level came back at 1450 and Free T was 350 and my E2 was only at 26 which was really suprising. My question is, is it normal for total t to drop from 1450 down to 900 within 3 days time? Also is a total T level of 1450 mid week of injection to high or is that fine if im feeling good and all my other tests come back good? Just looking for some input from others experiences with this Thnx guys.
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If you feel good sign that is a good sign. You need to manage possible bad side-effects while on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). The higher your TT level, the more likely you are to encounter side effects.

- Your estradiol looks great. I'm surprised at how good to be honest. You might want to get checked on the day you inject too -- your trough. You asked if it is normal for your TT to drop 550 points in a week. It is hard to say how quickly each person "metabolizes" test. One way it is "lost" is through aromatisation into estradiol. Again, your estradiol looks good, but I would feel better checking at a different point in the week to confirm.

- other things you probably want to monitor, if you aren't already, are: hematocrit, blood pressure, lipids, and psa if you have risk of prostate cancer - but many think estradiol is the root of prostate cancer.

- Hopefully guys here can add other things to monitor.
If you feel good sign that is a good sign. You need to manage possible bad side-effects while on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). The higher your TT level, the more likely you are to encounter side effects.

- Your estradiol looks great. I'm surprised at how good to be honest. You might want to get checked on the day you inject too -- your trough. You asked if it is normal for your TT to drop 550 points in a week. It is hard to say how quickly each person "metabolizes" test. One way it is "lost" is through aromatisation into estradiol. Again, your estradiol looks good, but I would feel better checking at a different point in the week to confirm.

- other things you probably want to monitor, if you aren't already, are: hematocrit, blood pressure, lipids, and psa if you have risk of prostate cancer - but many think estradiol is the root of prostate cancer.

- Hopefully guys here can add other things to monitor.

Thanks for the fast reply. Ya everything else hematocrit, blood pressure, lipids, and psa are all in check. Endo checks once every 6 months. And ya I was just as surprised as you when my E@ came back in almost pefect range. Il probably just get it checked 1 more time just to be safe this time ill do it day before next injection.
I run my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) 125mg/5days & don't need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Your protocol looks good.