Tests - two low, then one 'normal' pre TRT, now what?


New member
Had marked symptoms of low testosterone for 3+ yrs - didn't feel right and saw the doctor not realizing how all symptoms were related - most all: low libido, energy, muscle loss, and brain fog/poor mental faculties very different from just a few years ago. (Age 36, fit, low body fat, healthy lifestyle, no gear, experimented lightly with E blocker 1.5 yrs ago with little effect)

First test showed 8.5 Free T (8.7-27 scale)
Second showed 3.5 Free T (same) with 320 Total T.

7 weeks later finally got to Endo and more tests conducted.
Third showed 11.4 Free T (same scale) with 750 Total T.

Catch is that following the third blood draw (and prior to results), Endo gave 200mg of Cyp based off of first two tests and stated symptoms. Now that third test is "normal" (and all other markers for thyroid/pituitary are normal) the nurse giving results to me indicated that no further testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is warranted and that doctor will "speak to me at follow-up visit".

I'm left thinking that symptoms are real and tie cleanly with test deficiency, two of three tests were abnormal, that the one Cyp shot he did give will cause significant delay in getting another T test, and that Im afraid he will claim "stress" or something was responsible for first two low tests and that I just need to relax and all will be fine...

Specific questions are:
How much do testosterone levels fluctuate from day to day (or accross weeks) if taken at approx same time in morning and fasting?

How long will I likely have to wait to retest for T given my one shot?

I am not looking to start a lifetime of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if I don't have to, but want relief from symptoms and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) seems to be a solution. I fear that the anomoly test was the high one, but this one will be used to dismiss my complaints.

FWIW, starting on about day 6 or 7 of my first shot, I did start to feel a little like my old self again.

Newcomer and website is proving to be a great resource, thanks and all comments appreciated.
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that would tell me that you need to be on 200mg of Cyp to be in the normal range, but then again I'm no doctor.
that would tell me that you need to be on 200mg of Cyp to be in the normal range, but then again I'm no doctor.

Well, I got that 3rd test which resulted in "normal range" drawn before rcving the shot. (He likely humored me based on previous tests expecting 3rd to be low as well) Unless you were referring to even 3rd test as not within a good level.

Why the 3rd test (without anything) tested so much higher than the other two is beyond me...
Yes, all of that was on the sheet to be testesd - do not yet have access to the #'s only that nurse stated all was normal on phone after discussing some unrelated vitamin d deficiency and elevated feratin stuff.(?)
that would tell me that you need to be on 200mg of Cyp to be in the normal range, but then again I'm no doctor.

Bingo If you got a normal result after the treatment they will be prescribing you the 200mg of cyp

The Doc will need to be pushed to get you to the highest side of normal. Just tell him that is where you want to be. You've felt like crap for too long. Medicine is a business. The Doctor works for you. You have what he wants your money.
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Bingo If you got a normal result after the treatment they will be prescribing you the 200mg of cyp

The Doc will need to be pushed to get you to the highest side of normal. Just tell him that is where you want to be. You've felt like crap for too long. Medicine is a business. The Doctor works for you. You have what he wants your money.

Agreed, but again unexplainably my T levels went up prior to rcving the shot. Doc was on board to give the one shot based off first 2 tests and to give prompt relief to symptoms while we waited for 3rd's results, but is now using the recent results of 3rd to justify no testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and that first shot was not actually needed after all. Yes a bit confusing on how this has gone down...
Agreed, but again unexplainably my T levels went up prior to rcving the shot....

I didn't catch that on the first post. Sounds like he was going to keep running test until he got one that he liked. I would fire him and find a new doc if you really believe you need TRT.
Returned from doc visit and ultimately he listened to my symptoms and is willing to do 200mg Cyp every 14 days. (gave me 100 mg today since it had only been 9 days since first 200mg shot, and I was in the office - though the 100 now has to last 2 wks...) His stance is to follow-up on 2 months to reassess. Perhaps he was humoring me, or accepted possible anomoly with 3rd test.

With whether I think I need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) - well, outward symptoms not even suspecting low T prompted me into first doctors office because I was concerned and fed up with feeling the way I did. I can't say Im comfortable with the idea of being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life starting now, but also want relief.

I will continue reading this forum to learn more about what to expect and other concerns.
Also, to post stats of 3rd normal test:

Total T: 755 (280-800)n g/dl
Free T: 11.4 (8.7-25.1) pg/ml
FSH: 9.3 (1.5-12.4) mIU/ml
Prolactin: 7.5 (4.0-15.2) ng/ml
DHEA: 233.1 (88.8-427) ug/dl
Cortisol: 6.4 (2.3-19.4) ug/dl
LH: 4.9 (1.7-8.6) mIU/ml
IGF: 128 (109 - 284) ng/ml
Estradiol: 20.3 (7.6-42.6) pg/ml

So, would seem everything is very normal - but such a difference.

What is likelyhood test was botched, mis-labled?
What are external factors that can have significant but temporary effect on a T test?

Thx again
The time of day, sleep deprivation, OTC sexual enhancers, drinks(such as Soybe ?) all can have effect. Sometimes there is a good difference from test to test and from lab to lab. I have had test ran three different times within five months and have three different results :insane::insane:
From what I can see, your tests are pretty normal and he prob will not keep you on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). 755 is good, I prefer running at about 900. Why he gave a 3rd test, I will never know. Get what you can from him and then handle it yourself the way we do.
yep, 755 is hard to argue with despite classic symptoms. Assuming 3rd test was not a fluke or error, I guess that my 8 wk follow-up labs will be quite elevated. Then I will be at a loss as why 2 previous were low, why symptoms were relieved with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), and ultimately screwing around with normalizing levels post 8 wks of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (!!). I'll be happy to not be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), just hope that Im better, not worse than when I went in...

Thx for the comments.
I am new here, I have just started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) myself a week ago, and its taken a couple of months to get my dr. on board. I am going to get a referal to an endocronologist, because I feel that the Dr. doesn't know what he is doing.

It seems a waste to have tests just before having your first shot of test. It is possible to have one really high reading and 2 others that are low. The fact is the Dr. put his finger in the pot, and now he has to see you through. By now starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), you may be on it for life, but if its a choice to live with the low T or take injections for the rest of my life, I take injections.

The needle thing was an easier choice for me because I have been slipping into diabetes, along with high blood pressure. Both of my parents are diabetic. I am 35 too.

I am waiting to see where my blood pressure sits on T, but I can tell you, 2 days after my first injection, my blood sugars started acting normal.