Had marked symptoms of low testosterone for 3+ yrs - didn't feel right and saw the doctor not realizing how all symptoms were related - most all: low libido, energy, muscle loss, and brain fog/poor mental faculties very different from just a few years ago. (Age 36, fit, low body fat, healthy lifestyle, no gear, experimented lightly with E blocker 1.5 yrs ago with little effect)
First test showed 8.5 Free T (8.7-27 scale)
Second showed 3.5 Free T (same) with 320 Total T.
7 weeks later finally got to Endo and more tests conducted.
Third showed 11.4 Free T (same scale) with 750 Total T.
Catch is that following the third blood draw (and prior to results), Endo gave 200mg of Cyp based off of first two tests and stated symptoms. Now that third test is "normal" (and all other markers for thyroid/pituitary are normal) the nurse giving results to me indicated that no further testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is warranted and that doctor will "speak to me at follow-up visit".
I'm left thinking that symptoms are real and tie cleanly with test deficiency, two of three tests were abnormal, that the one Cyp shot he did give will cause significant delay in getting another T test, and that Im afraid he will claim "stress" or something was responsible for first two low tests and that I just need to relax and all will be fine...
Specific questions are:
How much do testosterone levels fluctuate from day to day (or accross weeks) if taken at approx same time in morning and fasting?
How long will I likely have to wait to retest for T given my one shot?
I am not looking to start a lifetime of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if I don't have to, but want relief from symptoms and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) seems to be a solution. I fear that the anomoly test was the high one, but this one will be used to dismiss my complaints.
FWIW, starting on about day 6 or 7 of my first shot, I did start to feel a little like my old self again.
Newcomer and website is proving to be a great resource, thanks and all comments appreciated.
First test showed 8.5 Free T (8.7-27 scale)
Second showed 3.5 Free T (same) with 320 Total T.
7 weeks later finally got to Endo and more tests conducted.
Third showed 11.4 Free T (same scale) with 750 Total T.
Catch is that following the third blood draw (and prior to results), Endo gave 200mg of Cyp based off of first two tests and stated symptoms. Now that third test is "normal" (and all other markers for thyroid/pituitary are normal) the nurse giving results to me indicated that no further testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is warranted and that doctor will "speak to me at follow-up visit".
I'm left thinking that symptoms are real and tie cleanly with test deficiency, two of three tests were abnormal, that the one Cyp shot he did give will cause significant delay in getting another T test, and that Im afraid he will claim "stress" or something was responsible for first two low tests and that I just need to relax and all will be fine...
Specific questions are:
How much do testosterone levels fluctuate from day to day (or accross weeks) if taken at approx same time in morning and fasting?
How long will I likely have to wait to retest for T given my one shot?
I am not looking to start a lifetime of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if I don't have to, but want relief from symptoms and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) seems to be a solution. I fear that the anomoly test was the high one, but this one will be used to dismiss my complaints.
FWIW, starting on about day 6 or 7 of my first shot, I did start to feel a little like my old self again.
Newcomer and website is proving to be a great resource, thanks and all comments appreciated.
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