The '15 Bronson Fuck off and Farewell Tour

Just stopping in to comment on how much I enjoy reading your log. I'm at the in laws for Father's Day bored out of my mind and caught myself up in my phone just now... If you really do enjoy writing an autobiography might not be a bad idea for a project after you retire. I bet you've got all kinds of golden stories to share.

Most guys write about I fictitious experiences. It's refreshing to read real experiences from a talented individual.

man.. really appreciate that shit. sometimes i wonder if I'm in here talking to myself lol. every comment , every reply, helps keep me on track and motivated.

and motivation is 99% of it at this stage of things.. so thank you guys.. really

i had been working on a memoir for the last couple years, off and on.. the things being said here, i might take it seriously..

dig it out and put some real effort into it. kind of a big deal to me , you guys saying that.. just made my day

It's very easy to visualize what your writing CB and I agree with Inhaus writing an autobiography of experiences in the ring would be a good read!

I liked your comparison earlier about punching the hip and it feeling like hitting a wall but 2 inches higher feels like a water bottle...Yep, tore my bicep tendon off the bone 2 years ago throwing a body shot and catching the hip! Took a long time to heal and I haven't really sparred much since...just not worth it anymore. It is tempting though when I get some young D bag in there that I know I could mop the floor with.

Also wanted to comment on what you said about strong man type training. My coach is old school so he's against lifting weights but I was able to sell him on the effectiveness of hang cleans. IMO they are the single best movement for building punching power. I believe you either have good punching power or you don't, but doing heavy hang cleans will def improve what power you do have. When my heavy weight and I were hang cleaning heavy once a week he could punch a hole through your head...hardest hitting guy I've ever worked with, but when he stopped hang cleaning for a year I could def feel his power decrease! Just my 2 cents.

wow, torn bicep such a shitty injury. sorry you went through that man.. ouch

first time i broke my right had was throwing body punches and catching the hip.. after that went through about two years of breaking my right hand in nearly every fucking fight, was like having a light bulb in a glove.. another injury finally sidelined me for almost a year, and apparently thats what i needed.. hand has held up since then, though i wrap that fucker like its trying to escape before ill hit the bag or spar..

ill check out those cleans.. I'm with you on the punching power thing, some guys have it some don't. and you can't really tell by body type/ muscularity. there are tall lanky guys that will blast people off their feet, stocky muscular guys that can't punch their way out of a wet paper bag. just one of those things, like you either have a big dick or you don't.

being in different weight classes, being in the CORRECT weight division, is just everything when it comes to punching power though..

at cruisewrweight I'm an average puncher, at best. but just about any cruiserwieght can hit fucking HARD .. i consider myself above average when it comes to power as a light heavyweight, nothing special though. but as a super middleweight, i was the bull in the ring. i walked through guys just to beat on their shoulders and arms, didn't care what i hit. sigh..ohhhh to be young again!

yesterday morning woke up feeling as limber and mobile as a block of wood.

two hours of barely moving around, a hot bath and some ibuprofen before i laid out on the floor and stretched.. after my stretch , did some laps in the pool and felt fucking toppers. strong and ready for anything.. i was bemoaning not being able to box or lift on fathers day, fuck i so hate rest days..

i spent fathers day working on a project for my wife. happy wife/ happy life.

its a true statement men, try it sometime if you haven't done so already

so no training on fathers day , but literally did constructions work all day long -and this morning? holy fuck its been THAT long since I've done framing and hung sheet rock? i might as well have run a triathlon and hit a powerlifitng meet yesterday lads

mad respect to all the hard working motheruckers that don't have desk jobs and sweat and grunt all day for a living - THEN go hit the weight room.. much respect. so after plying my old trade from my youth, i woke up this morning barely able to move.. stiff sore tight achey. this old man over trained last week. no doubt

ill stay away from lifting any weights for the next couple days.. go through a couple easy thai boxing workouts, do some swimming and time in the sauna until this fucking stiffness and pain leaves my body.. sad reality is, even on gears, I'm getting fucking old and just don't rebound from trainng and hard work like i used to

in other news, being that i framed and dryed in a beautify addition to our dwelling ( fine display of manhood Bronson! though i say so myself!) AND it was fathers day on top of the efforts and accomplishments id made.. the evening encounter with Mrs Bronson was quite epic and deff counts for some HIIT cardio

being Bronson, even on the worst days - it can still be fucking brilliant.

thanks for all the well wishes here lads,I'm staying on this!!!

for now going to take it easy next couple days.. plan on being glorious and epic by Odins day, (wednesday for ye engles men ) when I'm stepping outside my usually programs to help a professional MMA fighter (former student of mine) to train takedown defense.

I was once a hard and slippery motherfucker to try and shoot in and take down. under pride rules - missing a takedown on me carried a very severe penalty. under these pussified ufc rules the boys can shoot and miss all day long, fuck man they can cop a squat on the fucking mat and have a puff til they feel like standing again. ufc is fucking gay.

so wednesday, will be back to it.. anyone here have a set of rituals they perform to aid recovery? swimming and sauna for me, i used to get massages.. til the wife caught me banging out my LMT . i was naughty, and so now i don't get to have massages.

but thats in the past, old shit... upwards and onwards!

so any suggestions for recovery?

Chucky MotherMcFucky B
Swimming's a great idea man.

I echo these guys' opinions, your life sounds like something worth writing about - go for it and put me down for a copy.
The only thing I do to aid in recovery is workout, maybe that's why I'm sore every fucking day of my life....fuck it id rather be sore than fat! I hear swimming is good although not for me, I sink like a damn rock so it's more like drowning than swimming.

Can't wait till I can get back on the gear, I'm thinking this time maybe I'll just stay on permanently and just blast and cruise. Life just seems soo much better when I'm on then off.

You are 100% correct, happy wife=happy life....of course it took me 3 wives to figure it out but hey 3rd time is a charm....or is it 3 strikes you're out....:agreed:
You are 100% correct, happy wife=happy life....of course it took me 3 wives to figure it out but hey 3rd time is a charm....or is it 3 strikes you're out....:agreed:

LMAO your out. I'm a one time loser in that game only been about year and finalized but once is enough for me
stocky muscular guys that can't punch their way out of a wet paper bag. just one of those things, like you either have a big dick or you don't.

stuff like this ^ is seriously solid gold, it might be crude but it's your "voice" as I read if that makes sense? I've taken some formal writing classes and done a bit of it myself (bet you couldn't tell by my lazy grammar & punctuation.) Your voice is crude as hell, but the reader knows EXACTLY what you're talking about with your dead on analogies. if you do take the memoirs seriously, do not dumb it down or try to be PC, you are already hitting everyone right in the feels as it is. Every time we read and think "damn i know that exact expression, look, or feel" like when you were talking about the punch that felt like a warm water bottle and made you go ewwwww, it's a huge level of enjoyment for the reader.

Anyways, don't mean to side track, but great stuff!
man.. really appreciate that shit. sometimes i wonder if I'm in here talking to myself lol. every comment , every reply, helps keep me on track and motivated.

and motivation is 99% of it at this stage of things.. so thank you guys.. really

You are talking to yourself... we are just the voices in your head..........
man.. really appreciate that shit. sometimes i wonder if I'm in here talking to myself lol. every comment , every reply, helps keep me on track and motivated.

and motivation is 99% of it at this stage of things.. so thank you guys.. really

You are talking to yourself... we are just the voices in your head..........


is pretty fucking awesome

thanks for all the positive noises between my ears, its well appreciated

means a lot to me here lately

been some dark days, feels like training is the only thing i have control over

Charley B aint no fucking pillow biter, nuh..

upwards and onwards lads

rested yesterday.. the plan was for a light boxing workout

then after warming up, the halo had me feeling well fucking grumpy

i murdered the pads for six rounds, going through two handlers

these guys commented that I'm hitting harder and been more aggressive in training than they've ever seen me.

halotestin is now officially my favorite drug. you guys can drink booze smoke weed snort blow and go to jelly on opiates - I'm taking the werewolf pills and myrdering shite.

first trainer slung the pads off after two rounds of kicks and displayed a pair of fine welts across both forearms. second handler agreed to hold - only no kicking or knees.

suited me fine..

my punches have been landing so hard i have had to tape over my hand wraps. lately i feel pressure in my radius, ulnar and humerus on some connects ( thats your fucking arm bones laddie) last night i was a little concerned that i could feel my muscles straining the deltoid and biceps tie ins when i was throwing full power..

sore this morning, achey.. now i feel fucking fine and want to go lift, just want to do SOMETHING

stepping outside my comfort zone to work takedowns/ takedown defense tomorrow night..

the Jits guys always bait me into grappling with them, in the last 4 years I've been submitted ONCE in training.. and that was after i sparred with 6 different guys, i just gassed out.

there is sure to be a good story out of tomorrow nights training.
Nice thread CB... I can't find anywhere how you are dosing your Halo though...

What's your feedback? How much are you taking? And what's your split thru the day?
Nice thread CB... I can't find anywhere how you are dosing your Halo though...

What's your feedback? How much are you taking? And what's your split thru the day?

pretty sure its all already logged on here Ben.. heres a recap

20 mg a day, 2 hours before training on an empty stomach.

I've had to tape over my wraps once the halo kicked in. and still icing my hands after training when i do heavy bag work.

i went from working out with 220 lbs on bench for 8-12 reps / 4 sets

to pushing 270 for 6 reps / 4 sets

then for funsies i hit 310 for two reps barely missing lock out on a third rep .. twice

then getting two reps without attempting the third for a final/ third set of two'sies

young kid at the weight gym i hang out with / was spotting me and tricked me into using that much weight - going over 300 lbs

i prolly wouldn't have tried three plates, but he's a power lifter and i guess thats a thing powerlifters do?

whatever, it worked. i pushed that shit off my chest

ill hit three plates now for at least one rep - no doubt in my mind now..

so i know youre reading this logan, well played young sir.
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lots to tell

last weds i worked out at an mma gym, taught stand up for an hour in a room full of professional fighters

interesting twist, i had to pick my daughter up from ballet class on my way to train with these guys.. she sat up front and played on her iPhone with her head phones on, but I'm always a little edgy with my kids around..

1. they're always worried I'm going to lose my temper

and/or get hurt

2. no matter what happens - the story gets told over and over again in my house, if its good bad or ugly.

mma guys are kinda odd to work with. one guy might have 50 boxing fights, be a masterful stand up fighter, and the guy next to him can't throw a jab straight. the other 30 guys int hat same room will fall into every skill level in between those two.. so i always stick with working fundamentals with the mma crowd , combos and defense drills to warm up.. then just because I'm a dick, i made them train low kicks and worked some leg conditioning. i love kicking mma guys in the fucking legs. and yes, it is because i am a dick

after that i showed straight up thai boxing clinching techniques and training drills.. i heard grumbles about how these " weren't good for mma" so i made them work a full hour of that shit before breaking it down and showing them exactly how thai styled clinching translates into takedowns and take down defense.. you know, the reason i got paid to show up in the first fucking place.

so in showing takedown defense, without being able to strike at all - I'm a sitting fucking duck - i had guys trying to shoot in for double leg take downs, walking into bear hugs and trying to clinch..

truthfully.. i never had much problems with takedown defense.. can toy with most guys when it comes to defending against guys shooting in on me.. they go for a double leg, head pressure and sprawl - they can't hang on even if they manage to hook one leg. a single leg takedown, can roll out of those fairly easily unless it some crazy masterful sakurabi shit where he manipulates your knee joint with his shoulder pressing into you while easing both hands to lock your ankle... guys like that might be one in fucking million, especially here in the states..

i did get fucking tired though. old age. elevated hematocrit ( two weeks past time to donate, fuck me)

the entire time I'm glancing up to keep an eye on my 15 yr old daughter ( who looks 20 ) and scowling at anyone i catch looking at her. she seems to be well into her own little world, headphones and playing on her iPhone. still , feel like she's watching everything and super fucking self conscious about ANYTHING happening that I'm going to listen to being repeated to as infinitum..

in one hour of fresh guys shooting in on me over and over while i was teaching, their was ONE fucking guy who managed to get me off my feet with a really slick single leg take down, and ONE other guy who got a judo hip throw on me in the clinch. so in the end the score was something like 30 -2 , with me off my feet twice the entire time.. im in my fucking forties, and these are fighters... well satisfied with my performance

ended well enough.. thanks for having me lads, class dismissed.

then there it was, i already knew it was coming..

"you going to stay and grapple?"

-got my kid here, its getting late.. i think I'm going to hit the showers and bounce out-

"you aren't going to roll with us?"

- no. I'm just not attracted to any of you, sorry-

" you serious man? we could use some experience with a guy ilke you, a striker with a different style from outside of our gym"

and 30 guys are all standing around looking at me. a couple are murmuring to each other.

i look up and check on my kid, her headphones on and oblivious to everything..

" comme on zzen, roll weeef me just for one rownd before you go's , yes no? ok? "

and that comes from across the room, from the fucking grappling/jits instructor

renaldo roberto de la jesus domingo sanchez fuentes santigao navarro de león

or some fucking shit like that. a wiry looking 6'2 brown skinned dude with lots of cologne. i noticed he really seemed to be studying everything i was teaching the fighters, while conspicuously not training with us himself. so now I've been realllllyyy called out. in front of everyone. ok sure renaldjo

he actually has us starting out on our knees?

yeah.. he wants to just " wrassles ok? we no heeettting each others, theeez eezz for training ok ? yes no?"

so basically, we eliminate striking. we eliminate take downs. we eliminate clinching. you know all the things i do. and we will be doing the one thing i don't do, which consist mainly of two men laying down together in a warm embrace.

i spent the first minute just slapping his hands out of the air when he'd reach for me, trying to post my shoulders or grab my wrist, hook behind my neck... i guess thats poor etiquette or something when training wrestling, but I'm not a wrestler. so i dk any fucking better, sorry? i mean i don't care, but whatever.

so i stopped slapping his hands out of the air, this was going nowhere and really had the feeling they didn't know what to think of that shit, maybe I'm being an asshole (?) i let him latch on into some weird grapplers clinch on my neck, wasn't any strength in it and i just pushed him off again. by his forehead, pez candy dispenser style. he's smiling kinda sheepishly. i know I'm akward for him, i wonder if I'm doing well and making him look bad - or i just look like a dick. ( jits guys wanna comment here?)

so i let him latch on again, this time i feel him really lock it in.. my thai boxing clinching kicks in, i put my elbow and forearm in his throat. point of my elbow sinks in nicely , push him off again.. as he's falling away he grabs my wrists and leans back to pull me off balance and into his guard, the old push pull. i get it. whatever rejnaldo..

i grabbed his throat in a rangers choke hold with my thumb pushing his adams apple against my palm with one hand, and reach behind my back to break his feet apart where they are locked around me with my other hand.. i break his legs apart and gain my feet, as he tried to pull me into an arm bar..

I've never come against anyone i couldn't tear my arm away from in this ********** the smarter ones will let go of the arm bar attempt and go for my legs/ankles to pull me back in and keep me from standing back up and gaining my feet. rejnaldo isn't one of the smarter ones.. he tried to cling to the arm bar, I'm on my feet now - using my free hand i plant my palm onto his cup and push / pull my fuking arm out. I'm back on my feet. if its pride rules, i get to mug for the crowd and cameras and abuse this guy. yay bronson

I'm pretty sure from the hand slapping, to the elbow int he throat to break his clinch, to straight pez dispenser forehead pushing him off me - then the throat grab/ cup push to tear my arm away and gain my feet - I've managed to do tow things..

one, i made him look bad. two, i made myself look like a giant fucking dick.

I'm cool with both of those.

me: clock still going?


me: seriously? ok..

back on our knees in front of each other. I'm slapping his hands off me , fuck him and fuck a five minute round after i just ran a god damn seminar for two hours. he's frustrated and angry/focused/determined and stuff or whatever. i noticed on the break, i smell like his fucking cologne now

that pissed me off for some reason. I'm full blown fucking grumpy now, and I'm on halo k? i can see he's intimidated , he's under pressure with all his students there watching. I'm supposed to lose, so i don't give a fuck. i like being the underdog, always have. you're supposed to be too much for me - but now you have to do that shit.. so what you got? now he's sweating, fuck you rejnaldo - thought id be easy pickins? I'm old, but i know a lot of shit - when guys make an effort to mean mug to try to look stone cold- they're just trying to hide shit.. i can see th gears turning.

I'm still slapping his hands off me, he does this akward lunge from his knees - pushing with his feet all fucking monkey stye - and wraps his arms around me putting his shoulder into my chest. aggressive shit! ok !!!!

i catch him in my guard. I've seen this before, million and one times now. just use a thai hammer lock clinch, one arm behind his neck with my other arm locking it in at the wrist - pull his head down into my chest. i like to try to smother these fuckers between my pecs. mma is so gaaaay sometimes..

he's breathing heavy, motor boating another grown man in trying to catch his breath. fag. with great effort he turns his head sideways to clear his air passages of my glorius upper body.. that was a mistake , now i can roll my forearm where the blade of my radius digs into the side of his neck meat like the edge of a sheet of plywood is laying on his fucking neck. and i can squeeeeeze his neck like I'm trying to get juice out of it

this scenario plays out a lot for me when i grapple. it either results in a stale mate, or the guy has to work really really fucking hard to climb out of that and break the hammer lock to pop his head out of it. where i just grab their head and pull it back in again.. in a real fight they'll slap at you and/or try to hit your body.. but you do fucking thai boxing, that little sunburn feel from slaps and rabbit punches are just annoying. you can talk to the guy and tell him - nice slapping! your momma teach you that!! i have had referees smirk and - taaa daaa! - they eventually going to stand us the fuck back up!!

rejnaldo is fucking determined!!! he si going to fight his way out of a this hammerlock!!! go rejnaldo go!!!

im just locked in, resting and looking around - hes grunting and squirming trying to find a way through, clocks ticking.. i ask a student what time it is - he says there is two minutes left in the round. i explain no, I'm asking what time of night is it? my kids here and I'm hungry, i should have just gone home already.

"oh , oh... its quarter til 8"

i grinned. ' thanks bro'

the kids voice had trailed off. i can tell by all their faces, they are blown away at how I'm handling the 'master splinter' to their 'ninja turtles'

rejnaldo didn't appreciate that little conversation i just had, apparently he has put up with enough of my shit. with the strength of 1,000 of his incan/mayan (whatever they were) ancestors - he suddenly uses a great burst of energy to reel backward and push on my arms with both hands and pop his head up from under my hammer lock. nice job rejnaldo! but I'm well rested and relaxed.. yawn. and wow - i can see the veins in your eyelids bro - your blood pressure must be through the fucking roof!!

now one of th handlers in on his fucking knees and barking instruction to rjnaldo from inches away. i can't see this guy, but he's very excited and obviously trying to pump rejnaldo up while giving him advice and logistics on exactly what position he's in, what to do. he's barking like he is cornering a fight.

that made me fucking furious. beyond pissed off. and he's yammering away in his filthy fuckign banana eating bean picking language saying god knows what, he sounds angry. maybe i shouldn't have asked what time it was and said i was hungry?

nah fuck em. i am hungry.

rejnaldo is working one hand behind his back grabbing at my feet, he's trying t break my guard. he cracks my feet apart and somehow gets one leg out, I've been reduced to a half guard. rejnaldo can wrestle. kinda makes sense. he IS a fucking grappler..

at half guard, i do something that probably is considered bad manners/ poor etiquette.. i grab rejnldos head with both hands, and i push his head down to his own groin. i call it " the cocksucker" try it sometime - you can push somebodies head down , like trying to make them suck their own dick - and once you have them folded past a certain point - they don't have any strength to resist it. you can just mash them like your juicing an orange.. how far can you push them? how long can you hold them there?

depends.. how strong are you hahahha!!! I'm all haloed the fuck up, and boys... I'm fucking pissed off with his buddy alejandro shouting and yammering like he is cornering some fucking world title fight. its really really fucking rude to invite a stand up guy to come teach striking - then try to rough him up on the ground.. and when he surprises your instructor? you're going to ride it with shouting instructions like your pumping up your man while cornering an actual fight???

i was frustrated there was no ref to stand us up so i could bash his fucking head in. so instead.. i just used head pressure, brute force and rage to crush him into a little brown smelly ball form half guard. if his dick is longer than 3'' he could have at least blown the tip. i folded him up good.

used a lot of energy.. but the bell is coming. we both know it..

this guy does the unreal, with his buddy yelling at him in whatever language it was - while his head was buried into his own fucking crotch - he palms th thigh of th leg I'm holding half guard in and starts pulling out to get the mount. unreal. i am ow 100% positive rejnaldo blows himself on the nights he spends at home alone. it was some contortionist shit like id never seen anyone ddo..

his cornerman is so clue i think i can smell his breath over rejnaldos fucking cologne.. he's repeating the same word over and over again louder and louder while slapping the mat.. he's snaking his leg out - and i let go of his fucking head, i grab the inside of his thigh on the leg he has passed me guard with - and as he swings his other leg over from my half guard into the full mount - i scoop under that leg as hs head is popping up from me letting go of it..

and i go full fucking nordic pale orc berseker and let out a nice heavy growl as i tossed the motherfucker over my shoulder at 1 o'clock using both my rms and upper body with my hips.. he sails through the fucking air like a fucking brown smelly crumpled up paper airplane.

i hear his buddy still shouting instructions, then he goes form shouting encouragments and helpful tips at the top of his lungs to a loud " gruuh ummphhh!!" fucking noise that erupts at the same time i hear a sound like a roasted ham being bounced off a tile floor...

then.. music fills the room. sweet music.

i hear my daughter guffaw, a long loud deep belly laugh that resounded off the gym walls. it crescendos into a girly high pitched giggle smattered with laughter and sweet feminine chortles..

i had tossed rejnaldo though the fucking air.. and smack into and on top of his god damn life parter ass pirate butt buddy who had been shouting and yammering like he was cornering a pride fight..

and my sweet 15 yr old daughter, listening to musci with headphones on and NO idea of how loud she was being with her laughter..

she had seen it.

i swear to my god, she saw it all and had a nice laugh.

well done charley bronson. fine display of manhood, if i say so myself.

i was already thinking " holy fucking shit i can't wait to tell th boys "

bell rings while rejnaldo and alejandro were still tangled in a lovers embrace.

i climbed up off the mats, pulled my thai boxing shorts up straight and neat

"gentleman, its been a pleasure. good evening then"

followed into the locker room by a couple of the boys,
asked when i was fighting,
why i wasn't fighting,
i should really take a couple fights..
it was flattering, but whatever

came back out of the locker room to hear rejnaldo explaining - that hey!!!

"sometimes technique just isn't enough - many times the stronger man will win"

no matter how hard you train ? how good you are?

blah blah blah

he just got his ass handed to him.

this is the fuck off and farewell tour

I need a few days off, some light runs and maybe a couple days lifting weights..

I've hammered my CNS, this old man needs to rest

then lets go pick another fight.

chucky b
20 mg a day, 2 hours before training on an empty stomach

Cheers buddy, I was wondering whether it should be spread out due to it's short half life.

I'm more interested in it's muscle hardening qualities but extra workout energy is always greatly accepted!

I took 20mcg myself today but split it up over 4 periods.

I'll try loading the PW dose tomorrow as a comparison.

Great log buddy
Cheers buddy, I was wondering whether it should be spread out due to it's short half life.

I'm more interested in it's muscle hardening qualities but extra workout energy is always greatly accepted!

I took 20mcg myself today but split it up over 4 periods.

I'll try loading the PW dose tomorrow as a comparison.

Great log buddy

I'm being told to split it up... but i can't get over how much i enjoy the rush of 20 mg pre workout

just a total adrenaline buzz. some people don't feel comfortable with all that buzzing and popping, it is just total energy rush, for me personally..

and i fucking love it..

if i did a split, would be maybe 15 mg morning, 15 mg evening... then see how i feel..

and run the full 40 mg in a 20/20 am and pm split

i planned on doing 40 mg a day..

but honestly, 20 mg on an empty stomach sends me through the roof, i don't see the need to increase my dosage with the results I'm getting at 20 mg

the halo from PSL europharm is no fucking joke

id feel like i was wasting it to just sit on my ass all day running a AM/PM split, honestly.. that shit makes me feel pale orc hulked up juicy as fuck - i don't think running it without having something in front of me to DO would be a good idea..

my body has hardened up, i think it odd how halo doesn't have a crazy repp for making you lean

the training has been just so intense there is no way halo doesn't make you harder/ bigger/ leaner - whatever it is you're trying to do - because you just go so hard at whatever you are training to achieve with so much more intensity..

the strength its given me int he weight room , the raw power in the boxing gym

halo makes tren look like a sick old french whore, has done everything i had hoped tren would do - without just tearing my cardio down to zero..

my favorite AAS , by far

I am..

halo man!
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my body has hardened up, i think it odd how halo doesn't have a crazy repp for making you lean![/B]

Yeah, I'm actually taking it to get from 10% down to single figures before switching to Clen.

It actually does have a great rep for hardening up and drying out muscle mass mate - but most people just crow about the workout aggression, because the feeling of euphoria that a great gym session brings is equal to a high like no other.

Like I said, my main priority is conditioning, but while I deplete my carbs, I'll take all the help I can get in the gym too.
Your 15/15 split looks like a great middle ground buddy, I'll be trying this on my next leg day.

Keep smashing it!
Yeah, I'm actually taking it to get from 10% down to single figures before switching to Clen.

single digit, fucking beast..

i have been taking it to beat in peoples pumpkins. if you're feeling like shit from being carb depleted and crazy spartan dieting has you feeling weak and drained when you hit the gym- id think you'd actually be able to have better workouts and move up in strength taking halo, even while dieting down so intensely like that. drop 20 mg but on an empty stomach.. with good absorption taken in a single dosage like that - has been total jet fuel for pushing my training and performance through the roof. be careful you don't get too happy and over train. i discovered really quickly, you still need your rest days even though you feel like the damned hulk.

the shit is just unreal..

cheers my friend, Chuck B
Another great log CB, this "he's breathing heavy, motor boating another grown man in trying to catch his breath. fag. " had me fuckin rolling! I'm gonna ask a few of the mma/boxers at our gym if they have any experience with that sort of thing just cause I know it'll torque the shit out of them. I love breaking the mma guy's balls! Nothing against them, many of them are my friends but damn they're sensitive when you bring up the whole rolling around the mat with grown men thing!

Anyways keep up the great logs, it's great motivation for us old guys!!
Another great log CB, this "he's breathing heavy, motor boating another grown man in trying to catch his breath. fag. " had me fuckin rolling! I'm gonna ask a few of the mma/boxers at our gym if they have any experience with that sort of thing just cause I know it'll torque the shit out of them. I love breaking the mma guy's balls! Nothing against them, many of them are my friends but damn they're sensitive when you bring up the whole rolling around the mat with grown men thing!

Anyways keep up the great logs, it's great motivation for us old guys!!

homosexuals love watching mma. doing mma. " lol'z "

i just could never get into showing up to a gym 5 nights a week just to roll around on the ground with a dude. ish
homosexuals love watching mma. doing mma. " lol'z "

i just could never get into showing up to a gym 5 nights a week just to roll around on the ground with a dude. ish

Mauri and Charles you aren't the only one. I do Krav as well and I hate when we have a bjj night. Yeah i am wearing a cup and all but i can't stand rolling around on the ground with a man for an hour. I also think it has no practical application in the real world. If you want to learn a leverage "art" Judo seems way more applicable. I just can't envision being in a streetfight and all the masses huddle around us and give us 3-5 minutes to do our best ground work. That's not to say that i don't respect it, but it's just not for me. No disrespect 3J
no disrespect to jits guys, not at all..

an i do think jits has some vey credible street fighting apps. i learned pretty quickly as a bouncer - if i had to rely solely on striking to keep a man from being aggressive - some guys you have to beat half to fucking death before they'll stop coming at you.

have a good brother thats still doing time on 25 years for beating a guy into being a full blown reatard when things got heavy and just went too far. really a shame for everyone involved..

so having finishing holds, being able to maneuver people into submissions can save you from really having to hurt someone.. plus, its kinda fun to choke people out, let them wake up and tell them to calm down (they rarely do) then make them black out again.. have to be careful with that too. i know of a guy who was choked out, stayed out - and when brought back with water sloshed on his ass, got up and bolted out the door. guy was reported missing a few days later, made all of us real fucking nervous.. then he was located - had been picked u by the cops and baker acted. this guy had walked th streets for 6 hours without knowing where he was, what his name was or what fucking year it was - nothing. i guess he came to his senses in the looney bin, but didn't remember being in an altercation at all.. so , that was a plus..

i like jits, it is just the training with random dudes.. if i could wrestle technique with girls all week long then roll once or twice a week with the guys.. and this is a 100% serious statement. i like training with women.

thing is I'm claustrophobic and I'm real fucking funny about being touched.. i shave my head, have slapped the piss out of people for rubbing my head like I'm in a petting zoo. i don't mind so much the sweat, blood even when boxing... but that skin on skin /sweat soaked gear on my fucking body, and day in day out in training , get the fuck off me dog!!!!

in other news.. got in a fight fourth of july, cops called and had me in the back of the car

ill post it up tomorrow, I'm fucking beat and woke up from a god damn nightmare juiced up on adrenaline..

still kind of foggy , gonna try to pass out again here in a few
this happened to me 7/4/15


told everybody i needed a few days off , i because i over the fuck trained. I've been swimming, stretching, and banging mrs bronson dizzy. so i have just been resting and enjoying time with my family.

yesterday afternoon i met with my son, took my son and my 9 yr old daughter fishing. there is a big lake behind my house, and the water level is down quite a bit during the summertime.. so with the water line being a good 40 yards down from where it normally is, there is a wide sandy shoreline right now between any woods or houses that you can walk on to hit all the nice spots for large mouth bass..

we are catching some fish, my little girl is happy, son telling me about work, its a beautiful moment. then i hear,

"this is private property!"

i turn and look, this guy is on th edge of his lawn, looking down into the basin.. i just ignored him, wasn't going to shout and scare fish, wasn't going to be drawn into some conversation from 60 yards away with someone obviously trying to be an asshole.

a minute later, i hear him again.. this time closer " what do you think you're doing!!!!"

i look up and he's walking down the hill into the basin approaching us. he has a fucking beer in his hand with a lit cigarette dangling off his lip.

i yelled back " I'm exercising, what does it look like"

i get this from him " don't you be a smart ass with me SON!"

son? ok..

my boy is already reeling in his line, ' dad just don't fight with this guy, lets move down the bank to the canal" ok..

then he is addressing me again , ''you're on private property BOYS!''

I have a ball cap on to keep the sun from baking my bald ass head, an old baggy xxl t-shirt with clam digger shorts and black chuck taylors. i probably look like I'm a kid to this prick from where he's at. my son is 21 and looks 16, little 9 yr old girl with us. he thinks he has a bunch of kids fishing on th lake behind his house. he's decided to be a big burly drunk asshole and scare these kids..

he's less than 20 yards away and uphill, looking down on me . at 5'10 and down to 185 lbs right now, I'm not a big man. i sized him up pretty quickly.. he looks maybe 6'4'' and every bit of 250 lbs or more and stocky, has the gut of a beer drinker. he looks maybe 40, he's my age. old bouncer trick i can tell by his thick neck and wrist, those heavy forearms.. he's a physically powerful man. i can also tell he's a drinker, and has been drinking

so i retort..

"this isn't private property. you only own to the high water line, we are standing in the basin. this is public land under the management of the county's district water management. I'm not a fucking boy, haven't been a boy in a very long time, this is my son, this is my daughter - I'm fishing with my child on the fourth of july. leave me alone, I'm out here with my kids"

my son is reeling in my line, his sisters line, packing uo the gear as fast as he can.. " we are going to go fish the canal now anyway, just let it go dad.. don't fight with this guy"

my daughter chimes in " can we please just go daddy? "

she's getting scared. that makes me fucking grumpy.

this guys drinking, and now i can see he has a bunch of his friends in his backyard all with beers in their hands watching him try to run us off.

I'm really trying to let this go, " were going to move on anyway, no need for.."

he cuts me off " yea i know you're moving!"

ok im not grumpy anymore. I'm having intrusive thoughts of me brutalizing this fucking guy flashing in my head now. I'm pissed, my son knows it..

" dad, lets just go! we are going anyway!"

and the big man chimes in " you better listen to your son!"

then i feel a tug at my arm, my daughter is choked up trying not to cry now " please can we just go daddy please"

i look down to tell her its ok, and my peripheral vision picks up him stepping in towards me.. he thinks i would take my eyes off him, he's not very bright. I'm watching that asshole from th side of my head try to close in with me , while i have my head turned, while I'm talking to my daughter..

"mr i don't know you, but you need to get the fuck away from me and my kids. I've had enough of listening to your drunk horse shit..."

he cuts me off again with " ill kick your little punk ass "

i was completely gone at that, beyond pissed

he says something, and steps in his body language is telling me he's jlined up to try and pop me with his right hand. standing straight , still has his beer in his hand, cigarette in his mouth, he's going to try to sucker punch me. can tell he is used to scaring people with his physical size and big fucking mouth. I'm watching him like a hawk.

he points his finger at me while whatever diarrhea was still rolling out of his mouth about the wrath he was ready to lay down on me- and this fucking idiot pokes me in the chest with his finger.

I'm really funny about two things - don't try to rub pat stroke pet my fucking shaved head. don't do that. and two, don't point your finger at me - and for fucks sake, really man.. don't poke at me with that fucking finger.

and he did..

i saw his mouth moving, but i couldnt hear a fucking thing. time just stopped. everything felt like it was happening all at once.. i know this feeling pretty fucking well.

i blasted the dog shit out of this guy, i hit him just under his eye with a right hand, it knocked him off his feet and onto his ass. it didn't knock him out, but i knocked the piss out of dude. he sat up , all cross eyed. didn't look at me, he didn't look at anything. 1,000 yard stare. he's seeing stars..

the dedicated alcoholic that he apparently is, he never let go of his beer never even spilled any i don't think. he didn't know his name or what year it is right now - but that fucking can of bud light is still firmly in his paw.

i hear oohs and ahhs from on top of the hill, then grumbling and murmurs.. his buddys and their wives all still watching.. looks like one guy is gingerly making his way down the side into the basin toward us now. he has a beer in his hand too.

big man is on hands and knees now, trying to gain his feet.. i hear " thats it!!!" come out of his mouth,

and i decided that was a brilliant idea.. yes, this is it.

i kicked him across his forehead with my shin, laid him out. the guy coming down the hill is still picking his way towards us, i can see that he's barefoot and keeps looking down to see where to step. mmk..

then i hear my little girl screaming.. the big man i kicked in the head had sat up, he's got a gash across the top of his brow blood running down his face like he got hit in the mug with a machete. my daughter screams again and takes off running toward the house, i told my son - get her home

it was her being afraid that set me off, the sound of her screaming and watching her run away like that.. i think it just fucking put me into another place entirely. i remember yelling something like " you proud of yourself asshole? you like scaring little girls?"

and don't remember making any conscious decision about it, but i kicked him in the face again, laying my shin into the side of his nugget probably about as hard as i have ever hit anybody. he's laid out on his back now, he's gone. i hear my son yell at me..


if i had a dollar for everytime I've heard that come out of his mouth.

yea, id have a dollar.

this guys buddy comes up now, and i see his mouth moving. he's pretty excited and walking up on me. another big hairy biker type dude, bandanna and shit.. fucking neck beard. looking at him breathing all that air was enough for me to decide i hated him. he's yelling now but i really can't hear him, i just see his mouth moving around on his angry stupid fucking face. he is still walking towards me and yelling... i step in and he drops his beer, he puts his hands up and backs away form me like someone just tried to hit him with a shitty mop... he's scared. he isn't going to engage, he's afraid.

i start to be able to see and hear and think normally again.. I'm breathing like a race horse, feels like i have lightening running through my body into my hands and feet . i told bandana buddy he needs to stay the fuck away from me and my kids, he puts his hands up again this time palms out to show he is ready to demure to my request.. big man is sitting up talking to his bandana buddy

i look around and my son is standing ten feet behind me holding part of a tree limb like a baseball bat. good boy. get the gear , we are going home. can see my daughter is still running , and almost to our backyard now.. I'm still furious.

bandana buddy and big man are back on his lawn, and from the top of the hill i hear "don't you go anywhere you little motherfucker!!"

we are loaded down with gear, the little wagon my daughter was pulling ( yep, little red wagon) leaving a clear trail right back to our house in the sugar sand.. now I'm arguing with my son, he has to go home and call the cops while i watch to make sure this doesn't follow us home. i don't know what this guy will do. he's a fucking scumbag and it could follow us home and escalate, just go call the cops so i don't have to shoot this asshole

i see bandanna buddy and big man outside again, big man has something in his hand and his buddy is trying to restrain him form coming back down the hill. he shoves his bandanna buddy off him, and comes stomping down the hill.. I'm watching him, trying to see what he has in his hand.

he walks up to me, I'm thinking this isn't good.. and he puts a PHONE up to his ear!!!!
" I'm calling the cops! yure going to jail you little punk!"

" you have to be the biggest pussy I've ever met. you pick a fight with some guy fishing with his kids, get your ass beat - now you're going to tell on me! you're a giant fucking twat!"

bandana buddy is coming now too. i want to beat the shit out of these guys, really do. big man gets a little too close, i start to pop him again - notice my right hand is swollen up the size of a grapefruit.. that made me angry, so i fucking pimp slapped him with my left hand ' get the fuck away from me before i fuck you up again'

i smacked the shit out of this guy so hard, it knocked him over onto one leg.. he did a jig to keep from falling down and get both feet back under him.

bandana buddy yells " leave him alone john!!!"


this guy is keeping his distance now. i slapped him and he doesn't do anything. he didn't come back out with a gun or knife - he's telling on me!!!! i think its safe to go home . i look at bandana buddy , back over to john..

" you came down that hill thinking you would scare a bunch of kids being an asshole - instead you got your ass beat, and now you're calling the cops. you're a fucking joke, if you and your little suck boy had any balls you'd throw that phone into the god damn lake and try to hand me an assbeating. no? nothing? thats what i thought. you're lucky i don't beat the shit out of both of you right fucking now'

I'm half way home and i hear " you just got a lucky punch!!!"

a lucky punch.. really? didn't anybody notice i kicked a field goal with douchebags head. twice???

walked to the house.. wife and kids asking me if I'm ok, yeah I'm fine. grabbed the phone and called the sherffs office..

" i was just assaulted while fishing on a lake behind my house with my children"

"ok please hold on.."

there was silence for a moment , then a new operator comes back on " is this the man who was fishing? or the man with the fractured skull?"

wait, what???? fuck.

20 mnutes later two cruisers pull up to my house. i know what it means when they send two deputies to " talk to you". these were young guys, actually were very polite and very considerate.. they didn't cuff me in front of my kids, daughter was crying - please don't hurt my daddy please don't take my daddy away!!! it was emotional for my family. i hated it.

we went outside, i thanked them for not wrestling me down ir cuffing me in front of my children and wife.. stuck my wrist out, cuffed and stuffed into the back of the car.. I'm quiet. i have a good attorney, I've never ben convicted of anything. ever

pretty sure i can beat this too..

then i noticed.. they aren't taking me towards the jail. they're driving around th block. I'm cuffed int he back of the car, and now were parked in front of the house where this guy john lives. he comes out front, there is john himself - whoa!!!! hahhaha! yeaaaa!!!!

he ha a horizontal cut just above his eyes brows, all the way across his forehead. it looks like a cunt. how fitting, i put a permanent twat on this fucktards face. ~golf clap~ well done charley bronson. no matter what happens now - he gets to wear that shit and remember this day - remember me - for the rest of his miserable fucking life. looks like his nose is mashed in too. being bronson has its ups and down. but even locked up in the back of a cruiser.. i felt like a fucking king - because FUCK THAT GUY!!!! ha!!!!

im noticing more cruisers.. there has been 4 or 5 in the last half an hour. these deputies all walk by the car I'm in, looking at me when they pass by.. then they go inside the house, come back out a few minutes later.. walk by the car again looking at me like I'm a saquatch. in 45 minutes, theres been like 6 deputies do this shit. where is the ambulance? fractured skull!!!!

my deputy comes out to the car, climbs in behind the wheel..

" sir, I'm not supposed to tell you these things, but can i share something with you in confidence?"

" are you taking me to jail young man?"

" well sir, thats what i want to discuss with you, but i can only do that if this stays between us"

he goes on to tell me.. the guy i fucked up is a a local tough guy. he has been arrested and sent down for beating people up, his entire adult life. apparently starting shit with people he thinks he can manhandle is this assholes fucking hobby. the deputy continues with a story about a domestic violence call, how the deputies who responded tried to deescalate things - and this guy apparently beat up a couple deputies and it took several men to wrap him up in a straight jacket and carry him in. he's done hard time, he used to be a patch holder in the local biker club.. just a total dirt bag.

the he asks, "between you and me - what really happened ?"

i knew i was fucking golden then, i told him the truth.. he was poking me in the chest telling me he was going to kick my ass in front of my kids.. scared my son and my 9 yr old little girl. so... i beat his ass.

this kid tells me , john is well fucking hated by the sherifs dept. when word got out he had taken a beating, all the deputies wanted to see how bad he got fucked up.. apparently i didn't disappoint anyone. that explained why they looked at me the way they did on the back to their cars after inspecting the cunt i spilt into big johns fucking face. like i was a yeti

this deputy wrapped it up with.. I'm not supposed to tell you this - but if you file a counter complaint about being assaulted in front of your children - the two complaints usually cancel each other out in the DA's office. just don't put anything in there that dent sound like whatever happened wasn't in self defense..

i was released from custody , wife made me and the deputy coffee while he waited for me to fill out my incident report..

game over.

i havent gotten that out of control in year.. i know now, it was my little girls reaction.. her being scared, then her crying and screaming. i lost my shit, and thats something I'm aware of and going to watch out for in the future if there is any strife.. I'm almost glad dickhead didn't get a fractured skull. that scar is going to be nasty though.. thats the first street fight I've had in like 2 years or something

so anyway, that was my fourth of july weekend excitement. Bronson