The amount of muscle gained in 1 year/Let's be real

Last year I did a calorie bulk and went from 208lbs 14%bf to 235lbs 17% bf. It took 3 months. Prior to that I had weight trained for about 3 years.

I just started my first cycle last week. If I can gain 10lbs and maintain a low bodyfat, I'll be satisfied.
I broke my jaw about 2 years ago, unfortunately i had to have my mouth wired shut! i couldnt eat any solid food for 2 months. I lost about 35 pounds of pure muscle. After i recovered and started lifting/supplementing again naturally i gained about 30 pure lbm in about 14 weeks. Which is incredible
mvmaxx said:
I think too many people measure water weight as actual LBM gained.
Also bodyfat,I love when I read posts where people say they started a cycle 5 weeks ago,have been eating 10,000 calories a day and gained 30lbs.They claim it's all muscle.LOL
ROAD DOG said:
Also bodyfat,I love when I read posts where people say they started a cycle 5 weeks ago,have been eating 10,000 calories a day and gained 30lbs.They claim it's all muscle.LOL
10,000 calories a day for me is a diet:D