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Good read, however important note in that in regards to pct, clomiphene citrate is consisted of two isomers not just the one. One being an anti estrogen and one being an antagonist, so whilst clomid does help with restarting endogenous levels, it can also cause its own side effect to those prone to gyno etc. Rare I guess but still can so people should keep tabs on that

Did you mean agonist? Antagonist is usually synonymous with "blocker"
this is a kickass write up. I'm on my 3rd cycle now, 2nd one was with a doc and not super effective but i'm sure it was safe. I've read and read and read, and studied and asked and asked questions, have 2 pretty experienced guys I'm close to as good resources but this is by far the best and simplest to understand piece of info I've come across. Thanks!!!!!!
this is a kickass write up. I'm on my 3rd cycle now, 2nd one was with a doc and not super effective but i'm sure it was safe. I've read and read and read, and studied and asked and asked questions, have 2 pretty experienced guys I'm close to as good resources but this is by far the best and simplest to understand piece of info I've come across. Thanks!!!!!!

Welcome to ology shug. Great group of guys here and a wealth of knowledge. Looking forward to seeing you around. Not many new members start by reading the stikies. Very refreshing#
hi i have test 400 and deca 300 , i want to know how much and how many time a week should i inject and for how long , then what to take after the cycle thank you very much , have a good day :)
Great read. As a newbie I can tell you that the stickies are ultra helpful not just from an information standpoint but also help guys like myself not make a fool of ourselves by asking dumb questions that have already been answered. Still plowing thru the rest, but all full of great info. Again, THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO POST, INFORM AND HELP. MUCH APPRECIATED!
Anavar for females- begginer- please help

I am 35 year old female. I have been in the military for 15 years. However, with that said I was in a car accident and not able to exercise for 6months. I put on alot of weight. I am 5'7 and I weigh 180 pounds. I have never been in a position to have to lose weight....I have always maintained. I want to get in the best shape of my life. I am able to workout again with no restrictions. I am ready to make some big changes. I just don't know where to start. I have been told 10mg/day of anavar would do the trick. That is all I have been told. I don't want to be a body builder or put on size... I want obtain very little body fat and not look very masculine. I know I'm asking alot. Could anyone here give me starting points on anavar, diet, and exercise? I humbly ask for any help. Thank you so much in advance.
Good read for those just starting out.
You cant just use and expect to get great results, depending on your goals proper diet and cardio is essential
Ok so I'm 22, I have taken tren orally a few times since I was 18, however, this past summer a friend had a vial of test cypionate and a vial of tren enthanate, and a 30 ml bottle of anastrozole. I injected twice a week, one ml of the tren and one ml of the test twice a week for about 5-6 weeks, I showed the vials of what I had to one of the older guys at the gym and he said based on the labels and the look of it that what I was taking was totally fake and that I should discontinue use immediately. It has been nearly two weeks from my last injection and my body feels warm, my stomache hurts, and I came down with heat exhaustion while being outside running and have had flu like symptoms. I don't know if I'm going through withdrawals or if the stuff is just leaving my system. I also read that what I was taking May have just been grapeseed extract... Any opinions? I recently had a physical at a doctor and my blood pressure was a little high but not too high 136/86 and I'm 6'2 280 lbs and my heart was normal.
Ok so I'm 22, I have taken tren orally a few times since I was 18, however, this past summer a friend had a vial of test cypionate and a vial of tren enthanate, and a 30 ml bottle of anastrozole. I injected twice a week, one ml of the tren and one ml of the test twice a week for about 5-6 weeks, I showed the vials of what I had to one of the older guys at the gym and he said based on the labels and the look of it that what I was taking was totally fake and that I should discontinue use immediately. It has been nearly two weeks from my last injection and my body feels warm, my stomache hurts, and I came down with heat exhaustion while being outside running and have had flu like symptoms. I don't know if I'm going through withdrawals or if the stuff is just leaving my system. I also read that what I was taking May have just been grapeseed extract... Any opinions? I recently had a physical at a doctor and my blood pressure was a little high but not too high 136/86 and I'm 6'2 280 lbs and my heart was normal.

you should start your own thread my friend
Hi I can't find what I'm looking for on this so thought I would post here as you seem to know a lot about gear.
Damocfc said:
Hi there, I have been suffering from lower back pain for over 3yeras. I have been told there is only 2 possible ways to fix this an none are 100% sure to work. So #1 is go for an operation in England an it costs £35,000.
#2 some people have said deca works because the water retention stops the nerves from hitting my spine and also strengthens my back muscles.
Quick question is has any tried this for back pain. And what dosage would you recommend and would you take anything with deca. I live in Scotland no will need to get a friend to get me the stuff. I am only 5ft 9inch and 13stone. So I'm not doing this to get bigger but if that happens then so be it. I do light work out everyday with light weights to try help my back
Hi I can't find what I'm looking for on this so thought I would post here as you seem to know a lot about gear.
Damocfc said:
Hi there, I have been suffering from lower back pain for over 3yeras. I have been told there is only 2 possible ways to fix this an none are 100% sure to work. So #1 is go for an operation in England an it costs £35,000.
#2 some people have said deca works because the water retention stops the nerves from hitting my spine and also strengthens my back muscles.
Quick question is has any tried this for back pain. And what dosage would you recommend and would you take anything with deca. I live in Scotland no will need to get a friend to get me the stuff. I am only 5ft 9inch and 13stone. So I'm not doing this to get bigger but if that happens then so be it. I do light work out everyday with light weights to try help my back

deca is only going to cover the issue temporarily my friend..

why are you experiencing back pain?? what is the diagnosis?
Great post! I'm am completely new to this I will definetly have to read this post over again. I have heard that while on test You will need to take estrogen blocker so that you don't get man boobs how true is that? I have the test cycle I need to get the clomid for the post cycle therapy but I need to know the truth about wheatear or not I need the estrogen blocker. I didn't here you mention anything about it in your post. I appreciate any help thank!
Great post! I'm am completely new to this I will definetly have to read this post over again. I have heard that while on test You will need to take estrogen blocker so that you don't get man boobs how true is that? I have the test cycle I need to get the clomid for the post cycle therapy but I need to know the truth about wheatear or not I need the estrogen blocker. I didn't here you mention anything about it in your post. I appreciate any help thank!

yes you need AI start with 12mg aromasin if you feel tired and no libido you need to increase dose if you feel joint pain lower it. Or better after 5-6 weeks make E2 test to be sure all is ok. other option is arimidex but seems it is worse for cholesterol.
The beginners guide to steroids and proper nutrition

The most important part of your struggle in reaching the set goals you have in mind will be your diet. Diet is everything, and I do mean everything. Its the deciding factor in whether your body will change or not. Anyone can get into a gym and, with a little help, get some type of basic training routine going on. Over the years in multiple forums I have seen the same thing over and over again. People seem to focus too much on anabolics and their training routines.
Can someone please point me in the right direction. I know I'm inevitably going to get bitched out for posting this here but quite frankly I really just need advice. Long story short, my nipples are puffy, I have 'nipple rocks' aka pre gyno. My dad had it when he was younger but got them removed, my brother had them awhile ago but they went away, and now I have them. I have everything I need to start my cycle, but I do not want to start yet because of my nipple rocks. They are puffy as well which is such a bad look, I hate it. I've been taking adex, 1mg EOD. I started last Tuesday and today was the 4th day I've taken it. Should I keep taking it or am I going to literally kill my estrogen? Please someone help. The rocks have gone down but the puffiness is still prevalent.
Lmao I've accepted the fact that I will be bitched at
Can someone please point me in the right direction. I know I'm inevitably going to get bitched out for posting this here but quite frankly I really just need advice. Long story short, my nipples are puffy, I have 'nipple rocks' aka pre gyno. My dad had it when he was younger but got them removed, my brother had them awhile ago but they went away, and now I have them. I have everything I need to start my cycle, but I do not want to start yet because of my nipple rocks. They are puffy as well which is such a bad look, I hate it. I've been taking adex, 1mg EOD. I started last Tuesday and today was the 4th day I've taken it. Should I keep taking it or am I going to literally kill my estrogen? Please someone help. The rocks have gone down but the puffiness is still prevalent.
Lmao I've accepted the fact that I will be bitched at

Why would yoiunoost this in the Diet section? Start a new thread in the AAS section.
Hi, everyone)

I have some questiones about what is the best steroid? I never use it


Thank you.
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