The creeper Tren cough.......


New member
As stated every once in awhile I get the embedded tren cough
And last for a few min
I can feel it coming on as well, as I never get it when I inject test
Also I only get it it seems when I inject into my delts
I do take my time and I do aspirate prior to injecting
The only thing I can think of its leaking into a vein I pierced on the way down?
All it takes is 1 drop! But i have heard you can taste it in the back of your throat when its on its way, any truth to that?
All it takes is 1 drop! But i have heard you can taste it in the back of your throat when its on its way, any truth to that?

Tasting a metallic substance before coughing is usually when you get any oil of a great enough concentration into the blood stream. I've had it happen with test and even deca before. This is fairly uncommon as the blood vessels need to not only be opened enough for it to travel within the circulatory system, but remain open long enough to "suck" it in. As this can happen on the way out, aspirating won't tell you anything.

Tren cough is still somewhat a mystery, but the leading theory is that the prostaglandins in the lungs react violently to trenbolone if enough is present in the blood. This would also assume that there must be a penetrated blood vessel in the vicinity of the injection site. From what I understand though, the volume needed for a tren reaction is far, far less.

I don't taste tren when the cough comes, but I do get a warning tickle that tells me to either finish up ASAP or take the needle out soon. Test coughs are more of an irritation, tren is an onslaught of coughing that you pray ends before you run out of breath. It's scary the first time or two, but becomes just another facet of the experience after awhile.

My .02c :)
Yeah kinda use to it but I can definitely tell when it's happening
I yank the needle out but lungs feel like there on fire and cannot stop coughing for about 2 min
The gf came into the room.and was like wtf u okay, but was sweating like a bastard and coughing non stop for 2 min, when it passes your like thank god but when it's happening u are like I am never injecting this fuckin shit again lol
Seems to only happen when pinning the right delt
Maybe built up scar.tissue causing leakage I dunno but it's. Strange when I pin the glutes I never get it
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I wish id get it more often ive only jad it maybe 3 times

Haven't had a cough since I switched to enanthate, knock on wood. :p

Yeah Matt, I'm glad that the wife has never been around when I get the cough. She freaks out enough when I get a squirter or pin my chest. I can only imagine the look on my face as I'm struggling to get a breath of air in between coughs lol.
I used to get a wicked Tren Cough on A, but only rarely on E....the cough was violent enough that I would be left in a cold sweat afterwards, sometimes!
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Agreed bro, happened to me a few days ago lol
But like I said it's like u can feel it coming on as u get that tickle on your throat then u know your in for a cough spree for the next few mind sweating like a hog, yes and pinning tren a at 50mg ed right now but I only got 300mg in me when it started to happen, after that injected the rest into the other delt lol
All I get is that nasty assssss taste in the back of my throat. My breathing gets hard... But the thing is I have to FORCE myself to cough just to breath. Seems like I have the easy side of Tren cough. I get in a shitty mood too lol
Yea you know your really fucked when your face starts to get tingly and itchy. It's pretty normal. I'm an expert at sticking myself and it still happens to me like 1 in 10 times.
My first tren cough was just like you said HW. An onslaught. And now I can tell when it is gonna come and I prepare sort of like when you KNOW u ate a bad oyster and the sooner you excise it the better. Cool rag-check. Mouthwash-check---

That first one though....scarey...thought I was either never gonna stop,was going to lose consciousness or TEAR my sphinxter ...that s one bad ass combo when you factor in WE DO IT ON PURPOSE.
My first tren cough was just like you said HW. An onslaught. And now I can tell when it is gonna come and I prepare sort of like when you KNOW u ate a bad oyster and the sooner you excise it the better. Cool rag-check. Mouthwash-check---

That first one though....scarey...thought I was either never gonna stop,was going to lose consciousness or TEAR my sphinxter ... that s one bad ass combo when you factor in WE DO IT ON PURPOSE.

Hahahahaha, so true. You do think twice for a second on that next pin though LOL.