The Difficult Road Ahead : 3J Client : I just need Possible

It's basically protein (Casein) some fruit (optional) a thickening agent (I use xanthan gum) which is usually already in the protein but makes it thicker. Finally, all the optional stuff like berries, cinnamon, stevia to sweeten. It's all thrown into a hand mixing bowl for about 10 to 15 minutes (With water/milk/diet soda or whatever fits your macros) and protein fluff is what comes out.

Google it and take a look at the images. Tasty stuff.
I weighed in Thursday and was 1.8 kg down. A good feeling. I think I may have been holding onto some water the previous week. My pants (The new ones I bought) are already getting small at the waist. Good...because it means progress. Bad, because I'm spending money on clothes I won't be using...well, not that bad.

Low/no carb weekend, not the best of times for me. It seems that when I can have carbs, I don't want them or crave them. When I CAN'T have them then I want them. Right now, I'm craving chocolate. I'll be making some chocolate protein fluff before bed.

I've got more veins showing in my hands and forearms, veins I never knew existed. Feels good!! I've got hip bones too. When I do my core exercises I can feel my abs (More my obliques) which is another first. Still have a long road ahead and I'm sure a few more hurdles but I'm getting there.
So it's been a long week, a 6 day national holiday, which means I WORK! I normally go into the gym in the morning but because of the holidays I had to go in the evening. I don't have the same energy, the same performance in the gym it seems. It's also WAY too busy. So, my workouts sucked. I had 2 lunch time meals with clients that were mostly veggie and lean meat. I doubt I hit my protein intake on those 2 meals but as long as I didn't go over the allotted calories for the meal I'm good (Especially the carbs).

Cardio was especially hard at the end of the day. I definitely sweat more than my morning cardio. BUT the upside to the evening training is that I get to bed sooner and sleep better. Silver lining.
I had a dream last night. I ordered 2 beers and nachos. When the nachos arrived, I ate. When the beers arrived I felt so guilty that I just stared at them. Then I left. And this was only a dream!!

In real life I've been craving donuts for some reason. The only real donuts in Japan are Krispy Donuts. I don't even know where the nearest shop is. Better not ask.

Today was/is a mix of good and maybe not so good. The good: workout was great, gym was almost empty, got through everything feeling awesome. Back home, prepped meals and out to work. The bad: I've got this feeling I might have cellulitis in my right shin. I've had it 3 times before. I always forget exactly how it starts but there's usually pain, heat, redness of sorts. I've got the pain, but no heat or redness just yet. I've got a whole 1 day worth of antibiotics from the last time I had it and I've taken 1 pill. Doctor ages ago told me that I should take it if I get the 'feeling' in order to cut it off earlier. If it's just me being a hypochondriac, then by the next day I can stop the antibiotics and not worry (So long as there's no redness, heat or fever).

I haven't been really sick for a while. I've had the bad cold every now and again, but since dropping the weight things have gotten so much better. I hope this is just me being a b#tch and I wake up tomorrow feeling normal. Otherwise, I've gotta get to the hospital and on IV antibiotics. I'd imagine the gym would be a no no as well. Here's hoping for the best.
I'm very high as far as bf% but I'm starting to feel my abs (Obliques) when I finished doing planks. I still have a layer of fat on it but I'm happy that I can just feel it. Awesome.

Today, I messed up my diet. I was suppose to eat, go to the gym, see my insurance guy, work. My insurance guy had me hanging for way too long and I had a major gap between my first meal and the gym (8 hours) and then I hit the gym and THEN I went home and ate. So, I missed a ton of my protein for the day. Unless I stay up until the early hours of the morning I'll be going to bed today minus some of my daily allowance. Better than overeating I suppose, but certainly not optimal. Should've been more prepared.
Crap happens, at least be proud that you did not decide a snickers bar is full of protein and snag one of those to fill in the gap. There was a time when you would have, so you have come a LONG way. You inspire me, keep up the work, brother!
man i cant wait to show you before and afters syn... you dont realize how much youve already changed
Last Thursday, while I weighed in a little heavier than normal, I wasn't too down about it. Other measurements dropped so perhaps it was the late training and late carbs the night before. Still, for some reason, I was feeling way way off mentally and physically. It was the first time in a long time I wanted to be out of the gym almost as soon as I got into the gym. Not sure why. Friday I was happy to be in the gym though. Not sure what was happening to me Thursday.

I always appreciate the support guys. Still a long way to go, but at least I'm getting there.
I just can't get my body to drop below 120kg. I get close, then BOOM, I bounce up 1 or 2. It's a battle right now.
Just got 5 minutes tagged onto the end of my cardio, which is not as bad as I thought it would be. Watching Youtube makes things go by so much faster.
Sodium may be an issue, as hard as I do to keep track of all the sodium added to the zero calorie foods I eat, I do keep track. Gonna go with just the sodium in my protein shakes this weekend and see if I drop any significant water weight. I'll add a scoop here and there of the zero calorie stuff for flavor but keep it mostly zero sodium spices.
Keep at it, you are just at the point where your body is fighting you again. You won the first battle, you will win this one.
Alright, so I haven't cracked the 120 mark yet but I'm just getting over being sick, which really sucked. It was the first time I have missed going into the gym in a long time. I hope next week will be my first peak into 110's.

The great news is that I may not need my CPAP anymore. While it's too early for the doc to say for certain, I recently did a test to see whether I could replace the CPAP with just a mouth piece. I'll get the results middle of November. I have noticed that when I fall asleep without the CPAP mask on, I don't wake up with massive headaches or any of that from the lack of breathing. The test was an overnight test done at home where my blood oxygen and breathing were monitored while sleep without the CPAP. I woke up a few times because I was nervous. Hopefully, the news turns out to be good.

I've had some major cravings for pizza. I don't know why. I'm glad pizza is like 50 bucks for a large in Japan. That puts it out of my price range. Other than that, no cravings. Not sure what to expect Halloween night as there are parties I have to attend with clients. Got my costume ready. It won't be a situation where I have to drink as most of the clients will be looking at hooking up with the pretty ladies dressed up in slutty outfits. Should be an interesting night.

I ordered pumpkin spice...I shouldn't have. It tastes like candle wax.
you were about 155kg when we started together...

35kg.. thats about 77lbs of weight loss since you and i started cracking at this

Holy crap, 77 pounds lost! Now think about it some more - think about how the scale only tells PART of the story (it does not lie, but it does not tell the entire truth). You have most certainly gained muscles along the way. Since muscle weighs more than fat, you have obviously lost more than 77 pounds of fat!!!

The most popular bowling ball weight for men is 12 pounds. That means you lost over 6 bowling balls worth of fat!!!