The Difficult Road Ahead : 3J Client : I just need Possible

It's tough, but well worth it. There's always room for improvements though. Diet and training are 100 percent in check. It's my attitude that needs to be 100 percent but isn't always.
I am on a cut right now and if you told me to stay hungry I would rip off your arm and eat it in front of you - raw...I don't care that I would get more nutrition if I cooked it first! :)
So I bought more new clothes. Had to go back to the rack because the pants and shirts were too big. I must have been measuring wrong because what I have down on paper in numbers aren't matching to jeans and shirt sizes. I'm smaller. They didn't have my smaller sizes for some of the stuff I wanted (I was shopping in a big boy store). Nice knowing that I can walk into a store and stuff will be too big. My wallet hates me though. I know I'll be out of these clothes soon enough so I only bought 2 pairs of jeans and a couple of long sleeved shirts. Also had to hack off about 20 cm to my belt to get it to fit.

Let's keep that weight coming off.

I need to get another bodpod test done. My weight seems to be hovering around 120kgs but my waist seems to be getting smaller. The reason I know is because my boxers keep dropping inside my pants and I look constantly have to shuffle around to get them up without looking like a freak. Time for new boxers too I suppose.
Alright, the last couple of weeks have been tough. Work is getting to me, finances are becoming an issue (I'll get that sorted by years end) and I've hurt my arms doing stupid shit.

So, the only part that matters is that my diet and training have remained on point. However, I haven't weighed in or measured myself. I'll do that Thursday. Hope it's a big drop. I will be getting a bodpod test hopefully by the end of the month.

As for my arms, well, I got into an arm wrestling match with a friend I haven't seen in about 5 years. He's a big dude that does construction. We both held it at center for a minute before we both gave up. With the left arm I won but only after about 1 minute 30 seconds. I know how to pull, as far as the proper motion of arm wrestling, but I didn't think I would be suffering this much almost a week later. Painkillers and stretches are all that work.
Round 2 : FIGHT

I'm back with 3J for another year. I had a month to get things sorted and stuck to the diet and training but fell short due to it being the end of the year and company parties (Excuses).

I've still got a couple of weeks to go before I have my head out of the water with the parties. I'm doing my best to be prepared. Let the second round of this journey be fun!!
I am with you in a second year. Let us both kick ass this year. Make it a friendly contest - no prizes since I am lame and cheap - but see who can get the best change in the next year. What do you say? :)
I am with you in a second year. Let us both kick ass this year. Make it a friendly contest - no prizes since I am lame and cheap - but see who can get the best change in the next year. What do you say? :)

Nothing beats a little rivalry to get things going!! Game on!!

That said, this was not my best day in the gym or the best week as far as diet. I had back today but I really didn't feel the mind muscle connection. I can't say for sure why. I'm on a stim break and have been for a about 10 days. I didn't really notice much of a drop in energy or any kind of headaches that people talk about when they go off caffeine but maybe I had a delayed reaction as far as energy.

I'm in the festive season of end-of-year parties with Japanese companies constantly throwing parties mid-work day etc. I can't say no to everything otherwise I get in trouble. And when I do eat something crappy I go to bed feeling crappy. I haven't binged on anything but I haven't eaten my proper meals. Sometimes I get home and I'm too tired for meal 5 and 6 and I end up crashing. Then I wake up at 3am hungry and slowly drink some protein hoping to end the hunger so I can sleep.

Still, I'm moving forward and will keep hitting the gym. Shoulders tomorrow. I've also got a new contract tomorrow with a new customer. Hopefully, there won't be any need to celebrate the end of the year since this will be our first and last meeting of 2015.
I am on a rest period right now to allow my elbow to heal, so you have a headstart on me. I will not hold that against you unless you win, of course. ;)
Overeating, undereating, not doing well this week. I feel sick. I don't know what's happening with my body. I don't know if I have a cold or something else.

With the overeating it's all been oats and sweet potatoes with chicken or ground beef. On the undereating days it's veggies and shrimp/fish...not many carbs but more fats.

I've got the next 4 days off so I will get meals properly prepped and will get my ass to the gym. I just gotta get this feeling behind me.
I don't know what's going on with my stomach. It seems like I get hungry, then I gotta hit the toilet really quick...then hungry again. I'm not sure I'm digesting things properly.

Without 3J's consent I did a morning and evening workout. The gym will be closed tomorrow until the 3rd of January. I did shoulders in the morning, went home, sat on the toilet for a while, took a nap, went to the gym and did legs. On my way home I had to use the toilet and barely made it. Not sure what's happening with my stomach.

For me, tomorrow night is New Year's Eve. I know it's going to get absolutely crazy. I'll try crashing for most of the day and keeping carbs low (Will email 3J for better instructions). I have no idea what is happening except that it will be an all night thing. The trains will run all night so I will be home early morning. Then 2 days off before I have to get back to work (And to the gym).

Seriously, my gut is messed up.
What are good probiotics to take?

Well, I've got some GW to help start the new year. Won't be taking it just yet as I still have a few more days before I can actually get into the gym.

I did something the last day in the gym which was superset biceps and triceps. Man, was that an epic pump. I've never felt like my arms were so on fire and swole. Near the end, I could barely get my hands to touch my shoulders.

I did go in and do a blood donation. Hope to get the blood results in the next week or two. I'm pretty sure it will be the same as last time, all markers perfect.

Gut seems to be normal today. Didn't eat a whole bunch though, it was a lazy day. I hate not being in the gym or on a proper schedule. I know it's the holidays but damn, I need to get back on track.
Congratulations on your journey. I began at the first page and, after a couple more, skipped to the end. I expected it to end after 3 or 4 months with no update as so many here do. Great to see you did a year+ and are continuing another year. I'll go back and look for pictures. I've reached out to 3J about becoming a client so we'll see what happens.
Congratulations on your journey. I began at the first page and, after a couple more, skipped to the end. I expected it to end after 3 or 4 months with no update as so many here do. Great to see you did a year+ and are continuing another year. I'll go back and look for pictures. I've reached out to 3J about becoming a client so we'll see what happens.

The log is a way to keep myself accountable and to seek the advice of others when problems arise. Or to give some advice when necessary. Going with 3J is a great investment. Do it!! Then log it!! Then enjoy life as a healthier individual.
The log is a way to keep myself accountable and to seek the advice of others when problems arise. Or to give some advice when necessary. Going with 3J is a great investment. Do it!! Then log it!! Then enjoy life as a healthier individual.

Same here! If I did not log it, I would not be as motivated to make changes. The world is seeing me change, I have to succeed in a grand way. :)

No idea about probiotics, but I heard the best ones are the ones that are kept refrigerated. Other than that, all of them are about the same as the others. Though I like to look for the Kosher symbol on the probiotic package - I use it as a higher level of cleanliness and purity over the standard products.
Well, tomorrow I'm back in the gym. That's the longest I've been out of the gym for a year...5 days.

So it's 2016 and I'm gonna try to get below 100kg. That's the short term goal. Long term I'd like to be at a body fat percentage that is super healthy. By summer 2017 (More than a year) I'd like to be competition ready. That's a plan!

I updated my instagram. Family back home didn't know I was dieting down, didn't know (Don't know) I've got a coach. They had no idea how much I lost and I got a ton of support from them. Had some Christmas presents sent my way a little early in the form of underwear and socks. Needless to say, the socks were good...the underwear not so much as they were too big. Mom was happy to hear that and is sending some more care packages my way.

Now the question is, do I get some of that SR9009 in my regime. I've heard plenty, read I'm just wondering if it's worth my while. I've got the GW because of family and friends. Tomorrow will be my first time on it (Not expecting much first week). From there, who knows what can be accomplished.

I've got 2 days of must-go-to-business functions and then I'm done until the summer. I've got my chicken, brown rice and veggies for the week. I'm good to go for the beginning of 2016