The Difficult Road Ahead : 3J Client : I just need Possible

Well, it's back day and I didn't go to the gym. My recovery has been off. I wake up late and still feel sluggish. I kind of recovered over the weekend and felt good Monday but not today. Tomorrow is a bit of an easy day so I'll kill shoulders tomorrow, see how my energy is and maybe do some back. Diet is great. I can't believe I'm still eating the same food and not tired of it (4 months in). The butcher sent me email saying "Man, you eat a lot of chicken." I get the chicken delivered in 6kg, frozen packages. I do eat raw fish and when I'm feeling rich, camel burgers.

This Thursday will be my first real leg day since getting diagnosed with the meniscus tear. I'm allowed to do leg curls/extensions. No squats/deads. Wondering if seated calf raises puts the same kind of pressure on the meniscus that the doctor wanted me to avoid. I forgot to ask. Standing calf raises without weights should be fine...I think. I'll go based on how I feel. Won't push it. Gotta keep those leg muscles from atrophying.
What a crap week. I weighed in Monday after my weekend of low/no carbs and was sitting at 137.6 kgs, 1.6 kgs over a 4 day period. That's a big jump. In the past, it usually would stay or creep a little lower so I was happy. Then I did my regular Thursday weigh-in for 3J and was at 138.6 kgs and I felt like crap. Slow and steady, I know, but that's only .06 kgs. I don't know what happened. Diet was good, missed on day at the gym, had 2 slow work days where I didn't walk as much but diet was good.

Then, I hit shoulders and my right shoulder felt off. I'm hoping this isn't another injury creeping up on me. Went to the chiropractor and he said it felt like my pec minor was really stiff on the right side.

And the worst part of the week was finding out my aunt, who is more like a mother, has skin cancer. Not sure what the course is as far as treatment, won't know until this week sometime. Now that's on my mind constantly.

The only good part of the week was I finally got to eat some beef at home. It's expensive here but I got the lean roast beef and had that for dinner. It wasn't a lot of meat, or seasoned like I would normally season beef, but it was still good. The Valentine's chocolate is piling up on my desk and in the fridge. All the girls give guys chocolate in Japan. It's a one way deal. The guys return the favor March 14th. Lots of chocolate...but I don't think 3J is gonna let me indulge.
Save the chocolate for March14th and give them back - but to other girls. That way you not only do not eat the chocolate, but you save money! :D

I feel your pain (well, not literally). I have been slowly creeping up in weight due to being sick. Give yourself time to grieve over your Aunt's situation and then return to the gym with a vengeance. You know she would want you to keep at it, regardless of what is happening to her. :)
Well I weighed-in today to see how the weekend would affect my weight. I'm down to 136.6 kgs. That's the same big drop I saw last time.

Today my shoulder is feeling 100 percent, so that's a plus. But the gym is closed today, the once a month cleaning day. I'll take that extra day to sleep a little more, prep food, get some finances organized.
My weigh-in was good. Still dropping. Unfortunately, as far as the gym, it's been a shitty week.

Monday, gym was closed. Tuesday everything was good. Wednesday no cardio, no feeling it. Thursday did cardio and then some but Friday I skipped cardio. I felt sick, like a fever coming on. Decided to get home and to bed. Last thing I need is being sick over the weekend (My weekend job is my bread and butter).

Diet is solid, however I'm craving certain food. Some of it is because I just can't get it in Japan so I'm always craving it. Other stuff, I think because I haven't had it in my system for so long, I just want. So, I've been filling up on broccoli/cabbage minced together. Fills the stomach and keeps me clean.

Shoulder pain is gone. Added some rotator cuff stretch/exercises with the rubber bands at the beginning of shoulder day and at the end of every other day. Seems to do the trick. My posture sucks and I'm always trying to keep my chest high, shoulders back. But I need to get this tire off me for it to feel more natural, I think.
Keep up the hard work man! Sorry to hear about your aunt, hopefully she will be fine and caught it early. Hope your feeling better and getting quality sleep this weekend. Also hope your knee is getting better. I had knee surgery a few years back, so I know how you feel, its disheartening to know you may need surgery; stay positive, keep the blood flowing and muscles around the knee strong, and you might be able to delay it or not need it.

As far as your cravings.... soon you'll start to mentally equate them with fat loss which feels great. Sometimes during a cut I'll crave things like cake and instead of giving in I'll hit like a quick side chest and tricep pose and think... "damn gonna look at the end of this cut, screw the cake I want cuts!!"....sounds weird but you'll be there soon! Best of luck.
Weighin tomorrow. I think I've gained weight, I certainly don't feel healthy.

I hope to get in at least 1 session in the gym before the weekend, just for the mental aspect of getting out there.

Sleep has been horrible. I get 3 or 4 hours before I wake up and can't sleep again. I nap throughout the day but can't really fall asleep.

So many bumps in the road on this journey. Probably more bumps to come. Will keep on moving forward.

I've decided to add photos at the end of March, the before I started and the latest photos. Hopefully I'll be in the 120's. Regardless, that's when the photos will pop up.
My weighin was at 136.4 kgs. That's 2 kgs down. I was a little scared looking at the scale. Wasn't sure what it was going to looking like after being sick.

I've got a business lunch tomorrow at TGI Fridays. Lunch is a limited menu. Trying to get the right choice for the no carb Sunday.
This is the menu: ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`ƒ�ƒjƒ…�[�b�T‘Ö‚í‚èƒ�ƒjƒ…�[�bTGIƒtƒ‰ƒCƒf�[ƒY

There's week A, B and C. Not sure which week tomorrow is so I don't know what my choices will be. Looking to make the best choice while staying as strict to the diet as possible. Hopefully the Cobb salad will be available. That looks to be the most in line with what I'm allowed.
Alright, so lunch was not bad. I didn't get ANY of the choices that were offered on the homepage. It was tacos for everyone. I haven't had Mexican food in the longest time. It was more 'Japanese' tacos, but still good. But what a brutally long day. I went to bed feeling hungry. I got up early just so I could eat, and today is high carb day, 1 hour later I'm in the gym feeling great!!

My shoulder is still bothering me. I lowered the weight on all my lifts (Chest) and was just OK. When contracting at the top of the lift I feel a bit of a pinch in my pec minor on my left side. I'll go light on those exercises for a while and if it still bothers me in a couple of weeks I'll get an MRI. Had an x-ray, no bone spur and plenty of space between the bones. Doc said it could be inflammation in the bursa. I hope this isn't another surgery waiting to happen. Focusing hard on perfect form.
Weigh-in: 136 kgs (-0.6)

Diet was not on target. As I said, I had the dinner Sunday, and some bad habits crept back during some stressful office drama, me eating some MnM chocolates. My sleep has been way off, I'm not sure how to get back into a proper sleep cycle other than to spend 1 day just sleeping.

Low/no carb weekend so far is going well. I prepped the entire weekend just to be safe. I have a friend coming over tomorrow as I have to do some pre-wedding stuff for him (Video editing etc). I'm sure he'll want to drink. I don't think I'll have a problem saying no.

I ran out of whey protein. Been using casein. Waiting on my shipment to arrive, hopefully by Monday or Tuesday.
The weekend went by without issue. I'm sitting here eating my last meal. I thought for sure I'd be offered all sorts of no go food and drinks, but that wasn't the case. I'll say this, today I was hungry and tired ALL day. It was a hard day work wise. I know in about 8 to 10 hours I'll be getting in a good bowl of oats and I'm looking forward to it!!

The gym is closed tomorrow, which is fine. It gives me a bit more time to relax and rest my shoulder, which isn't bothering me much now.
This thread is inspiring and goes to show how much dedication it takes to diet like this. Keep up the good work, stay consistent.

I know from experience that an extended cut is a very difficult thing to do. My hat is off to synonymous for being able to keep it mostly intact while operating in a culture designed to ensure he fails at it. I had the support of many people all around me and it was hard - his will power is VERY strong, even if he does not see it himself it is obvious to the rest of us. I agree with you, he inspires me as well. :)
Thanks for the comments guys. It is hard, I knew it would be.

Well, I woke up to a cough/cold. The heater went out last night and I guess I slept shivering. Today the gym is closed so I don't need to worry about that. Still have to get to work. Got my food ready but I have a feeling I'll be breaking those meals up even more. The appetite is not good today. Funny how when it's low carb day I crave the carbs, and then it's high carb day and I'm without appetite.

Got one of my best friends into the spirit of lifting and possibly competing. We've been busy and haven't had the chance to meet up. Saw each other the other week and he was surprised at the weightloss. A good feeling to have someone like him say something positive. I'll be making a new post for him, just to get everyone's opinion.

Back day tomorrow. I'll get to bed early tonight and hopefully feel better tomorrow.
Well, I wasn't feeling any better today. Sick, cough/cold/fever. It sucks. Still went to the gym. My friend wanted to train in the morning so I got up early to train with him. We worked on proper form on some of the bigger lifts, so it was like a light back day with some light chest/legs/arms. He said he's never been pushed this far and will likely feel the pain tomorrow, but he's happy to have gotten it done. He might join my gym so when he's in town we can train together.

On training with a partner, when your routine is different do you simple go through one persons routine first then support the other person through his/hers?
Weigh-in 135.6 (-0.4) kgs

Because I was sick and the intensity was not there in the gym and I did no cardio, I actually expected to gain weight. So, the fact the scale dropped made me happy. I couldn't find my measuring tape so I couldn't measure myself. I thought I would do it today but I still can't find it. Gonna have to get a new one.

Diet was off too, not a great couple of weeks for me. I've got some sorta tendonitis in my right forearm. Anytime I grip something, it hurts a bit, especially hammer curls. I started doing stretches for it, something I found on Youtube and I guess they worked somewhat because I'm pain free today.

I've got a wedding event that will be all of Saturday. I'm sitting with the parents of the groom. The parents took care of me when I first came to Japan, I haven't seen them in years. I'm sure they will be trying to feed me and make sure my drinks are always full. Diet won't be perfect today but I'll do my best to adjust prolong each plate of food and drink so as not to over-consume.

Got asked by my boss to buy a new suit, or at least pants. I've got the belt strapped so tight to keep my pants up that the button often comes undone without me knowing it and it looks like my pants are open with just the belt holding things together. This is good and bad news. Good, because I can now really see how much I've lost (I'll need to get a picture) and bad because I've got to spend money on clothes I think I'll end up using for only a short while when I'd rather save the cash for when I've hit my target weight.

Monday I'm back in the gym full intensity. My cold is gone and I should be good to go. I wanted to be in the 120's before the end of March. It's not looking like that'll happen but I'll take what I can get.
Well, that weekend went worse than planned, fun, but not good in terms of diet and health.

I had to go into the venue the night before the wedding because of difficulties with their video system. So, it was gym, home, venue, then about 4am I got to crash on a sofa and 3 hours later the families arrived and I had breakfast with them. I would've rather slept but was invited, so couldn't say no.

I got about 2 hours more sleep, if you could call it that, as they got ready. About 10 o'clock guests started showing up. Lots of friends I hadn't seen in almost 15 or so years. My energy levels started to spike, lots of fun.

Not sure what I ate at the wedding, it was very Japanese, the only thing I know I ate was foie gras which was bite size, but quite good.

The second part of the event, which took place at a different venue, lasted until 3am. That's where my diet was just out the window. There was no escaping what the grooms father was giving me. I was more worried about getting home, to bed, because I had to work from 9am the next day. The parents' ended up putting me up in a hotel near my work, very nice of them. Again, only got 3 hours sleep before I checked out and headed to work. AND that was the LONGEST work day of my life. I was hungry, but I was tired, so tired I could just skip any meal for a nap. I couldn't 'look' tired because of the work I do. So I was all smiles. I tried an energy drink, it did nothing. Coffee, nothing. Food, nothing.

Got home 6pm, went to bed. Woke up at 12pm. That's the longest sleep I think I've ever had. I'm still tired. Got my meals prepped and ready for the gym. Got a pre-workout supp with caffeine in it that I never opened, might try it today.
Yeah, you cannot deny anything to the father of either the groom or bride...especially in that culture. It is better to slip on the diet some. Man, I feel for you over there.