The Forma-Stanzol On a BULK Experience Log


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The Forma-Stanzol On a BULK Experience Log

Forma Stanzol
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FORMA- STANZOL really is an amazing compound that should be a part of EVERY cycle - not only for muscle gains and fat loss, but for longevity and health. It's one of the world's most potent aromatase inhibitors that Started out a a prescription drug here in the U.S and is still a prescription drug in other countries under the brand name of Lentaron I.M. Depot®.

The amazing part is Lentaron I.M. Depot® use to be available in the USA, but the government removed it because it was "too anabolic" and it put on muscle. FORMA- STANZOL is the EXACT compound found in Lentaron I.M. Depot® and we've attained it due to the current legal loopholes in America. What else have we done? We have enhanced its effects by adding:

25mgs DIM
7,8 - Benzoflavone (99%) 25mg
Chrysin 4mg
Horse Chestnut seed extract 8mg

Because of the formestane and new added compounds Its anabolic/androgen effects are similar to that of the steroid Primobolan Depot. It also increases IGF-1 levels by an amazing 26%. It also increases HPTA activity and testicular activity similar to a combination of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Clomid!

All of this is backed up by " human" studies. Yes Real human studies done by well known Universities and agencies. Because for the longest time Lentaron I.M. Depot® was a prescription drug. This was not a drug that got scrapped because it did not work or because other drugs worked better. No this drug lost favor because many years ago the only way to use the drug was through injections.Do to the advancements in Trans dermal delivery formestane is back. With the help of its more powerful then ever.

Now you can understand why recommends this to be a part of any and every cycle from this day forward. Whether it's to keep your estrogen under control, prevent deca and tren libido problems or to simply create an environment that is more anabolic and beneficial for muscular gains and fat loss.

Its now a fact! The science and studies prove FORMA- STANZOL works better then current prescription aromatase inhibitors on the market (such as Arimidex, Femara, Aromasin, Cytadren, etc.) but at a FRACTION OF THE COST! If one wanted to prevent prolactin, estrogen, progesterone induced gyno and or cycle side effects they may need 2-3 and some times 4 different drugs. Of course each one of these drugs comes with its own set of negative side effects. Some Ai's raise SHBG, some lower IGF-1 and almost all of them leave you feeling weak and brittle.

FORMA- STANZOL decreases SHBG 34% thus increasing androgen activity, which basically makes androgens/steroids in your systems MORE effective WITHOUT any increase in dosage.

FORMA- STANZOL increases IGF-1 levels by a whopping 26%, doing so creates the perfect anabolic muscle building environment on cycle, off cycle and during post cycle therapy (pct).

FORMA- STANZOL Decreases the number of progesterone receptors (inhibits the trenbolone and ***8220;deca-dick***8221; type side effects and increases fat loss.

What is in FORMA- STANZOL ?

Per 10 pump serving (Click Here for pictures of a serving)
60 servings per container

100mgs Formestane
25mgs DIM
7,8 - Benzoflavone (99%) 25mg
chrysin 4mg
Horse Chestnut seed extract 8mg

Directions for use:

Forma stanzol is a subdermal lotion, it is applied by rubbing on your skin.

1. On cycle estrogen and progesterone control.

Apply 3-10 pumps twice daily for up to 10 weeks to upper back, shoulders, arms and abdomen.
Strength of effects are dose dependent. Start of with a lighter dose and work up as needed.

2. Stand alone Anabolic fat burning agent

Apply 7-10 pumps twice daily for 4-6 weeks to upper back, shoulders, arms and abdomen.
Strength of effects are dose dependent. Start of with a lighter dose and work up as needed.

3. For post cycle therapy

Apply 3-7 pumps twice daily for 4-6 weeks to upper back, shoulders, arms and upper abdomen.
Strength of effects are dose dependent. Start of with a lighter dose and work up as needed.

"These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."







Bodybuilding Stats
height :5'7'

Important Information
I have been back in the gym for about 2 months now,was born a preemie and did not recieve much of my fat cells and missed death during this time about 3 times. I've always been a rather small fellow.I use to workout as a teenage during high school but had to give it up my sop. year of high school due to running track.

Again picked up the iron bug at age 25 and got up to a fat unhealthly but very strong strength wise 160lbs after a few cycles and bulking from being about 119lbs in maybe a year and a halfs time. I will say I looked somewhat like how a mini powerlifter would look like no offense to powerlifters.

Then took a break till july of last year when I then decided to get healthy so I ran, did basic workouts and got lean dropping down to 125lbs.I then got the chance to try the new boldadrol by ibe.While in the middle of this log I fell back in love with this sport and decided to take it seriously.I am now at 135lbs and in pretty decent shape.

Starting Pic

Thinking out Loud
never been a fan of subdermal lotions so this will be my first experience with a compound such as this.I will give a honest and as detailed review as possible any details I miss please ask for them and I will try to give you the best description I can provide.I would like to take the time to thank all those envolved in making this log possible and am truly honored to have been picked for this.

5 somewhat lean pounds of weight

Dosing protocol
I will be using 25 pumps total a day on all areas as directed in the write up above once in the morning and again pre workout about 20 mins before.15 pumps in the morning and 10 prework.

tons of milk about 2 to 3 gallons a week,chicken,hamburger things of this nature.Calories will be in the range of 4,000 plus.

Workout Routine
Bulk Style Trainning 4 days on 3 days off
med to heavy weight staying around the 6 to 8 rep range making sure I am controlling the weight fully and am working the muscle as to get the most of every rep and motion
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how does this smell ? and is it tacky to touch ?

The Transdermal formula for forma-stanzol is the best I have ever experienced.

The smell is very faint and at the same time the dosing needed is very small. A full dose of the product is 1/4th a tsp bro. Thats Nothing!!! SO small and tiny yet so powerful.

Forma Stanzol dosing. With pics and made completely dummy prof!!!! - Need To Build Muscle

you can check this thread out to see a step by step "with pictures" on the dosing of the product.

The Formula goes on easy and dries "within second" not 20-30 mins like every other transdermal out there. It takes up very little skin Area so you can rub it on your chest wait 20-30 seconds and then put your shirt back on and go about your business.

The Transdermal system uses both pharmaceutical grade chemical Ingredients as well as a large amount of Natural transdermal ingredients. Because forma-stanzol uses mostly Natural ingredients like emu oil as its delivery system the product does not smell like crap, does not give people a rash or pimples ether. O and you can still go out in the sun well you have the product on!!! WOW !!! lol..

You can check out Research done by Dr. Robert Nicolosi, Director of the Center for Health and Disease Research at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell. And his work proving Emu oil not only works as a Transdermal delivery system but it far superior to drug like livery systems. Best you can get my man.


how does this smell ? and is it tacky to touch ?

the smell reminds me of the vaseline men body and face lotion it has a very man like smell to it.

and the feel of it is pretty much like the bath and body works lotion its very fine and easy to apply not oily at all I was very happy about this part.

In for it up man!


The Transdermal formula for forma-stanzol is the best I have ever experienced.

The smell is very faint and at the same time the dosing needed is very small. A full dose of the product is 1/4th a tsp bro. Thats Nothing!!! SO small and tiny yet so powerful.

Forma Stanzol dosing. With pics and made completely dummy prof!!!! - Need To Build Muscle

you can check this thread out to see a step by step "with pictures" on the dosing of the product.

The Formula goes on easy and dries "within second" not 20-30 mins like every other transdermal out there. It takes up very little skin Area so you can rub it on your chest wait 20-30 seconds and then put your shirt back on and go about your business.

The Transdermal system uses both pharmaceutical grade chemical Ingredients as well as a large amount of Natural transdermal ingredients. Because forma-stanzol uses mostly Natural ingredients like emu oil as its delivery system the product does not smell like crap, does not give people a rash or pimples ether. O and you can still go out in the sun well you have the product on!!! WOW !!! lol..

You can check out Research done by Dr. Robert Nicolosi, Director of the Center for Health and Disease Research at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell. And his work proving Emu oil not only works as a Transdermal delivery system but it far superior to drug like livery systems. Best you can get my man.

great stuff here thanks for the info

Do work son!

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Details on First Use of Forma-Stanzol

Has a very manly lotion type smell to it.Its not oily its more like your bath and body works lotion it goes on easy and drys very quickly so theres no mess on your shirt.


none yet ,I would think it will take about a week before I have anything to report on this subject so if I have effects I will note it in my update

Lifting Stats
(example 135lbs x 10 reps)

Close Grip Bench Press
135x 10
155x 8
155x 8

Incline db press
60x 8
60x 8
60x 8

Military Press
85x 6
85x 6
85x 6

Pec-deck lat contraction
85x 8
85x 8
85x 8

DB Curls
30x 10
35x 8

bodyweight x 8
bodyweight x 8
bodyweight x 8

Single DB close grip press
45 x 20

abs weight machine crunches( see notes below)
40 x 10
40 x 10
40 x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10
between random sets I will do these abs reps above
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Lifting Stats
(example 135lbs x 10 reps)

Deep Squats (see notes)
225x 10
225x 10
I squat barefoot almost to the ground focusing on form and making sure to work the muscles in order to get the most growth I can

Barbell Calve Raises(see note)
275x 15
275x 15
305x 15
305x 15
I do these as well barefoot focusing on form and making sure to work the muscles in order to get the most growth I can

Leg Extensions
100x 10
100x 10
100x 10

Seated Hamstring Curl
90x 10
90x 10
100x 10

abs weight machine crunches( see notes below)
60 x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10
between random sets I will do these abs reps above[/I][/QUOTE]
Hey bro - nice you got back into lifting. Should be an interesting log. What about diet? that seems key to gaining for you. I'm not convinced that milk is the best source of protein. You supplementing with whey or casein?

Nice weights too - with that effort and nutrition you should be able to add way more than 5lbs!
Im in on this log. Goodluck Mich. Also if your tryna do some good bulking I just bought muscle juice.. Put some good weight on me. tons of carbs around 250 per serving but i just do half the serving.
Hey bro - nice you got back into lifting. Should be an interesting log. What about diet? that seems key to gaining for you. I'm not convinced that milk is the best source of protein. You supplementing with whey or casein?

Nice weights too - with that effort and nutrition you should be able to add way more than 5lbs!

Yea been doing milk for awhile just ordered some muscle juice this morning so the pounds should be addding up quickly once I get a good 3 days in while on it.
Im in on this log. Goodluck Mich. Also if your tryna do some good bulking I just bought muscle juice.. Put some good weight on me. tons of carbs around 250 per serving but i just do half the serving.

yea I just picked some up myself yea I second doing half the servings very good idea.



Lifting Stats
(example 135lbs x 10 reps)

Very Close Grip Bench Press](see notes)
135x 10
145x 8
145x 8
To hit my chest more I have brought my hands closer together maybe 1 or 2 inches away from each other .

Incline db press
60x 8
60x 8
60x 8

Military Press
85x 6
85x 6
85x 6

Pec-deck lat contraction
85x 8
85x 8
85x 6

DB Curls
35x 10
35x 8
30 x 8
25 x8

bodyweight x 8
bodyweight x 8
bodyweight x 8
bodyweight x 8

Single DB close grip press
45 x 20

abs weight machine crunches( see notes below)
60 x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10

between random sets I will do these abs reps above[/QUOTE]


Lifting Stats
(example 135lbs x 10 reps)

Deep Squats (see notes)
225x 10
225x 10
I squat barefoot almost to the ground focusing on form and making sure to work the muscles in order to get the most growth I can

seated Calve Raises(see note)
10x 15
10x 15
20x 15
20x 15

I do these as well barefoot focusing on form and making sure to work the muscles in order to get the most growth I can.This was the first time I used this machine but the pump I got was unreal like what arnold was saying you feel like your cumming nuttin like not being able to walk right cuz your calfs are so pumped.

Leg Extensions
100x 10
130x 10
150x 10

Seated Hamstring Curl
100x 10
100x 10
100x 10

abs weight machine crunches

( see notes below)
60 x 10
60 x 10
60 x 10
between random sets I will do these abs reps above
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Mich how would you rate the stanozol so far? i was thinking about picking some up as and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during my cycle
Mich how would you rate the stanozol so far? i was thinking about picking some up as and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during my cycle

its hard to rate it this early in but I can def feel the change in test libdo is def up. the next few weeks should be more telling.

injury report

strained my left calf muscle on leg day I guess but hopefully this heals before my next leg day.
Weight Update!!!!!

Weight Update!!!!!

I wasn't goin to weigh myself till this up coming friday but was walking past the cpu room and decided to jump on the scale and see where I was at and it said 141lbs with just drawers on after takin a piss and a nice shit(thought about taking a pic do to the epicness but decided not to).

I will say I have put on a good amount of fat on my belly area however.I also added in the muscle juice today so I could hit around 7,000 calories from here on out unless I back off of the eatting which I don't plan on doing.


I would say the weight gain so far has been from the Forma-Stanzol because I haven't edited my diet and only made slight changes to my workout but not big enough ones to produce this type of gain.So far I'm happy with Forma-Stanzol the next weeks coming up should be interesting.
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