The History of Trenbolone by Ryan Root

Gotta laugh it was so long ago I don't remember whether it was 1986' or 87' ... hell I don't remember if I am 65 or 66 or ... shit let me get my calculator out...hmmm 2017 minus 1951 wats that... oh wait July 1951 and now Oct 2017...

Got it 66yrs and 3 months. :smoker:
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see here's one:

View attachment 565565

Oh hey no picking on Uncle Mike

Shit I'm old!!,:scratchhe I was a surfer back in "86" I remember trying to look like George Michael with my long hair and hoops:afro: earrings just like in Wham album. "make it big", wake me up before you go go ."
wearing a "Life" T shirt & wham bam thank u ma'am:bikini:
White lion, Ac dc, Guns n roses and smoking regs:smokepoke lol and full of cum :Playboy::wackit:

roasting on Mike now,.. lol

but looking at your pics Mike we kinda look a like, so that said, you owe me a dna test, your my fatha, I was looking for you dirty pops for years, of course you owe me back child supports and that's going to pay for me 1 vial tren , don't be a cynical old man I'm not asking much, I can predict your a fresh Indecent old dirty man look at you exposing your body in tights lol..:D
I guess haters gonna hate!
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to make cattle more vulnerable? that must be why im such a bitch ass tough guy when im on tren. kind of an oxymoron but food for thought. tren gives me wild mood swings. i'm too old to be getting into fights (24 is old enough) but when i'm on tren.. EVERYONE around me is on thin ice at all times-- i will not physically hurt you if you break that ice but i will definitely envision breaking your face at least twice if you say something wrong to me.

but then when i come off tren and i reflect on what happened during that timeframe, i realize that the thing that pissed me off so much are actually so fucking meaningless and can so easily be resolved in a calm way not only for myself but for those around me.

and yes, roid rage is real. it is very real. dont let anyone tell you otherwise. the only question is how will you control it?

for those taking tren, you better work your way up to it, because i didnt when i was 19 years old and i lost myself. sure yeah i made the mistake of starting to use gear when i was 18, with a test cycle and at 19 test and tren. i ran it eventually at 100mg ED fucking 700mg a week.

in my opinion, when you run tren at anything over 500mg a week you are simply not in touch with reality. tren is a crazy drug. it is so crazy and strong that you will feel and see it working at even 175mg a week; 50mg EOD. anyone who wants to run tren [ace], start there for a week or two. then bump it to 50mg ED. you really really do not need any more than 350mg a week of tren.